Wednesday, June 2, 2021

My solution for the homeless problem in the USA - before THE REVOLUTION

It is not impossible for the mass homelessness problem to be at least ameliorated under capitalism. The federal and state governments must IMMEDIATELY take responsibility for every citizen homeless for more than a week. A LAW should be passed outlawing homelessness . The homeless person is obliged to report his or her homeless condition as soon as possible. The CITY , STATE , and FEDERAL government then have a legal OBLIGATION TO shelter this person in a CIVILIZED environment . If government owned property cannot accommodate the homeless person or family quickly , the government is free to seize any convenient PRIVATE PROPERTY for that purpose . Landlords and property owners who do not co-operate will be fined and jailed. The homeless person will not be treated as a criminal . He will just be told that being homeless has been judged both a personal mental and physical health hazard and a PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD . If the homeless person is stubborn about accepting help, he or she will be confined to some re-constructed and re-staffed mental institution. The abolition of mental institutions in the 1960s -the so called de-institutionalization of the mentally ill -was a calamitous human tragedy. We can indeed END THE HOMELESS PROBLEM in the USA -even before THE REVOLUTION. America’s Homelessness Problem Is About To Get Much Worse As The Eviction Moratorium Ends

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