Saturday, June 5, 2021

For black people in the USA : UP FROM SLAVERY TO WAGE SLAVERY

After the freed black slave left the plantation for the big city WHITE NORTHERN CAPITALIST welcomed him to the glittering PROMISED LAND of WAGE SLAVERY. How many " liberal" Democrats turn a blind eye to capitalist exploitation and oppression--equal opportunity --of all races and ethnic groups? Since its horrible begining in the Industrial Revolution WAGE SLAVERY was the daily reality for ALL working class people until death or starvation.No talk of REPARATIONS for millions of wretched lives?And WAGE SLAVERY is still a reality in capitalist America.Check out AMAZON or DUNKIN DONUTS. White assistant dean, who hates whiteness, tells white people to 'shut up,' says 'all white people are racist' THEBLAZE.COM White assistant dean, who hates whiteness, tells white people to 'shut up,' says 'all white people are racist'

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