Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Can " Seven Days in May " happen before 2024 in the USA ?

There are no doubt ruling class elements in BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties who are frustrated with OUR more and more dysfunctional BOURGEOIS democracy .The Democratic Party daily panders to the concerns of upper middle class and still SOCIAL climbing black Americans and affluent " liberal" Zionist Jews.The Republican Party seems more devoted to the military industrial complex and the more arrogant Zionist Jews .Either party can be swayed by DEEP STATE for nuclear World War III type military adventures Both parties are stalwarts of capitalism and American imperialist " exceptionalism " .It is a good bet that the majority of voters are fed up with WOKE CULTURE and vicious identity politics and daffy political correctness This would favor in the 2022 elections the Trump wing of the Republican Party.But recalling the old movie SEVEN DAYS IN MAY the pure souled American fascists are always waiting in the wings. Michael Flynn suggested at a QAnon-affiliated event that a coup should happen in the U.S. NYTIMES.COM Michael Flynn suggested at a QAnon-affiliated event that a coup should happen in the U.S.

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