A mass American Labor Party would be just the right cure for all these sick cults on the left. Karl Marx had great insight into the nature of capitalist exploitation and oppression. Of the inner contradictions of the economic system. Which will ultimately destroy it. And yet in the 20th century moving well into the 21th century so-called Marxist Vanguard parties have failed miserably. Nowhere have they put down any roots in the masses. In the very masses that they would lead. One big reason for their failure, I think ,is their obtuse --lacking in emotional intelligence-- contempt for the world' s great religions. And in recent decades the LEFT in general has been showing contempt for the free speech, freethought tradition of Western Civilization. As if they were planning to offer the world STALINISM REDUX . British writer George Orwell understood very well these totalitarian tendencies on the LEFT. Just read or re-read his 1984. Left-wing fascism versus right-wing fascism is no choice at all for decent human beings.

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