Monday, April 26, 2021

A general explanation for contemporary violence


What is the most general explanation for all this VIOLENCE in the USA? The capitalist system naturally creates a war of each against all. At best the legal system can only moderate it. Everywhere property right prevails over human right. It makes a real national healthcare plan impossible. It makes jobs for all impossible. It makes homes for all the homeless impossible. It makes marriage and family impossible for most working class people. It makes equal educational opportunities for all impossible. It makes simple happiness this side of paradise, for most of humanity, impossible. But what excuse does the ruling class put forth for their system? That the world in which they are on top is the best of all possible worlds! Their wonderful economic system is based on the exploitation and oppression of the world's millions. All it has to offer us is more economic depression, more stupid wars, and more poisoning of The Good Earth.

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