Tuesday, June 25, 2019

" I hear you're a conspiracy theorist , anti-Semite loon " ... And Radical Ron " hears " that you are a child molester !

 "The only crackpot Ruggieri is you. I've seen you spam literally everywhere on the WSWS social media because of the fact you were denied from commenting which is not something that is done flippantly I may add. David North doesn't control what the moderators do on the wsws. But from what I hear you're a conspiracy theorist, antisemite loon. If you believed that it rivals the church of Scientology then why did you read their material every day and why do the wsws allow dissenting views in the comments (except from when there is clear racism or fascism present) ?. Democratic socialists love to sugarcoat their secret love for reformism and bourgeois democracy. Antithetical to Socialist revolution and the vanguard party of the working class.     "               
How does  a sober Marxist define " conspiracy theorist " ?   Any reader of the World Socialist Web Site was presumably free to  correct any of my numerous comments there.  There was no negative FEEDBACK .   I had more than the usual UP VOTES.                Why the SUDDEN shut off ?
Produce ONE comment I made that could designate me as a " fascist " or " anti-Semite " or even " resident  Catholic " . Does Catholic = fascist in the minds of sectarian " socialist " fanatics who will NEVER establish any roots in the real working class ?
The WORKING CLASS  Trotskyist sectarians imagine is a pure ideological construct disconnected from reality .  Real working class people are not languishing with a longing for the DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT or for dreary lectures from  any  " Society of the Godless " .
Real working class people are not rioting cut-throats .  Real working class people will not grovel before any BIG BROTHER  " Great Leader " or intellectually and spiritually constipated Central Committee.     OK here  is one of my conspiracy theories : A group of FBI  agents and  internal SEP crypto-Zionists-planted in the World Socialist Web Site- were policing it for  evidence of anti-Semitism as determined by the editorial board of the New York Times. 
 Although he said nothing on Zionist Israel that any SEP writer might have said, Ron Ruggieri was singled out for suspicious ( and FALSE ) anti-Semitism.   
        Could you not let readers judge who is a " conspiracy theorist " ?   Who an " anti-Semite " ?  Who a " fascist "  ?  Who the " resident Catholic ". [ By the way , I prefer the pre-Vatican II Catholic Church which at least preserved the mystique of THE FAITH .]

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