" [ And if our democracy is fake, and that's a point worth making, shouldn't you stop insisting that Trump was "legitimately elected?" I don't see how an fake democracy could result in a truly legitimate election.] "
Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Monday, October 30, 2017
MY LEFT rejects " liberal " Democrats as enemies of the working class
" [ And if our democracy is fake, and that's a point worth making, shouldn't you stop insisting that Trump was "legitimately elected?" I don't see how an fake democracy could result in a truly legitimate election.] "
Coming American revolution - more like Old Testament wrath than " mindless rage "
The American plutocracy - and their two party system - has sabotaged " Democracy in America ". Don't imagine that Vladimir Putin - himself a capitalist- has undermined our PERFECT political system. The American working class in no way benefits from the New McCarthyism - psychological preparation for nuclear World War III . Who speaks for the American working class in the halls of power in Washington, D.C ?
" [ Amazon has a special on tin foil hats right now, Ivan. If you get a good quality one I am sure that you can work that mindless rage into something coherent.] "
The coming working class revolution in the USA will be more like Old Testament wrath than " mindless rage ". Check out the World Socialist Web Site or my daily blog.
Has not Edward Snowden showed us how Orwellian fascist the USA is becoming ?
What was the Bernie Sanders " political revolution " all about ? In fact , how do you explain working class voter enthusiasm - loud in the streets - for Donald Trump ?
To be sure , " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", the Queen of the Status Quo,
was clueless and out of touch with average Americans - who have been CHEATED by the two party system for years .
The Democrat and Republican leaders were not working for another country ; they were and still are working for another CLASS - the ONE PERCENT , the American plutocracy.
To be sure , plutocrat Trump was not the solution to their misery. But he at least had an ear to it.
Vladimir Putin had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's defeat.
Has not Edward Snowden - despised by Hilary - showed us how Orwellian FASCIST the USA was becoming -even while Obama was president ?
To be sure , " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", the Queen of the Status Quo,
was clueless and out of touch with average Americans - who have been CHEATED by the two party system for years .
The Democrat and Republican leaders were not working for another country ; they were and still are working for another CLASS - the ONE PERCENT , the American plutocracy.
To be sure , plutocrat Trump was not the solution to their misery. But he at least had an ear to it.
Vladimir Putin had nothing to do with Hillary Clinton's defeat.
Has not Edward Snowden - despised by Hilary - showed us how Orwellian FASCIST the USA was becoming -even while Obama was president ?
The " liberal " Democrats hate and fear real socialism
Trump again calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as possible 1st indictment looms
Nonsense ! No " shadow government " plot against President Donald Trump will do any favors for " democracy " in America. Only the false friends of organized labor and the working class in the Democratic Party think anything goes in getting rid of a LEGITIMATE president that they don't like.
To be sure, Trump was not the right guy to promote their vicious and stupid " identity politics ".
The whole purpose of this " identity politics " is to fragment working class consciousness.
The " liberal " Democrats hate and fear any real " socialism "- including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
More fake news ?
To be sure, Trump was not the right guy to promote their vicious and stupid " identity politics ".
The whole purpose of this " identity politics " is to fragment working class consciousness.
The " liberal " Democrats hate and fear any real " socialism "- including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
More fake news ?
Shameless mainstream news media and the New McCarthyism : Have you no decency ?
Grand Jury Approves First Charges In Mueller's Russia Investigation
Can any thinking working class American voter figure out why having business contacts with Russians is any more sinister than having business contacts with the Israel lobby ?
What has Russia done- to US ordinary people- to justify a new cold war ? It does seem that the New McCarthyism will soon have bipartisan support- but can you start nuclear World War III without working class consent ?
The mainstream news media is as disgraceful and shameless as in the days of Joe McCarthy. Have you no decency ?
What has Russia done- to US ordinary people- to justify a new cold war ? It does seem that the New McCarthyism will soon have bipartisan support- but can you start nuclear World War III without working class consent ?
The mainstream news media is as disgraceful and shameless as in the days of Joe McCarthy. Have you no decency ?
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Who speaks for the American working class in the halls of power in Washington , D.C. ?
Trump again calls Russia probe 'witch hunt' as possible 1st indictment looms
The American plutocracy - and their two party system - has sabotaged " Democracy in America ". Don't imagine that Vladimir Putin - himself a capitalist- has undermined our PERFECT political system.
The American working class in no way benefits from the New McCarthyism - psychological preparation for nuclear World War III .
Who speaks for the American working class in the halls of power in Washington, D.C ?
So what if " Corrupt Hillary " had closer ties to Russian hustler liars than Donald Trump ?
How Russian Propaganda Spreads On Social Media
I suspect that Republicans are about to snatch the New McCarthyism from discredited and dishonored- not too credible - Democrats. So the two party system in the USA - backed by the mainstream news media , by the CIA , the FBI , the Pentagon, the ubiquitous Israel lobby- is no match for those fiendishly clever Russian Internet rogues ?
Were it not for Satan Putin those working class voters in the Rust Belt states would never have fallen out of love with the Clintons ? What more can you want than " Hawk Hillary ", " Wall St. Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary ", " Queen of the Status Quo " Hillary ?
And so what if " Corrupt Hillary " had closer ties to Russian con artist, hustler liars than " The Donald " ?
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Sexual McCarthyism gone berserk in the Democratic Party ?
Sexual Harassment Claims Made Against Prominent BU Scientist
Is it not only principled morality not to make claims of sexual harassment against a known gentleman without being prepared to let him defend himself in the court ?
The ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democratic Party is a case of " identity politics " gone berserk. Call it sexual McCarthyism . Will this unify a Democratic Party as moribund as the Republican Party ?
The ILLIBERAL LIBERAL Democratic Party is a case of " identity politics " gone berserk. Call it sexual McCarthyism . Will this unify a Democratic Party as moribund as the Republican Party ?
[ As numerous reports swirl that Fox News is preparing to cut ties with Bill O’Reilly before he returns from his “vacation,” his attorney signaled that cable news’ top-rated host won’t go down before he scorches the earth behind him.
In a statement released Tuesday evening, Marc E. Kasowitz wrote that his client “has been subjected to a brutal campaign of character assassination that is unprecedented in post-McCarthyist America.” ]
Was that famous picture of Lee Harvey Oswald with " The Militant " a CIA fake ?
Discussion on World Socialist Web Site 12 comments
Newly released documents point to state cover-up and complicity in assassination of John F. Kennedy
There is a famous picture of Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald holding a copy of " The Militant ". The name of the SWP's publication seems to be whitened out in the printed edition of yesterday's Providence Journal - not the way I remember it vividly back in 1963.
Was it paranoia for me to suspect a CIA frame up ? To be sure, , Oswald was a strange and sinister character, possibly a mental case. He would never fit in to the Trotskyist party that back then put out this first rate newspaper.
Like Trotsky himself , the SWP always condemned acts of individual terrorism . And indeed they condemned the Kennedy assassination.
Could that picture of Lee Harvey Oswald with " The Militant " be FAKE NEWS ?
Honest socialists would today also condemn any plots against the life of President Trump as profoundly undemocratic and reactionary.
In recent decades I understand that the Socialist Workers Party has strayed from its revolutionary past.
" [Some serious problems exist with these photos (Warren Exhibits 133 A, 133 B, and 133 C), as clarified in Fake. In 133 A, the famous Life Magazine photo, no one has ever been able to duplicate the hand gripping of the rifle, as Lee did. Also, the right shoulder slumps, as you can clearly see. These are signs of sloppy touch up work. Most troublesome, is the fact that there are no fingernails on the right hand, the hand holding the leftist newspaper The Militant. Puzzling also, is the fact that shadows fall in different positions, even though the snapshots were taken very close together in time.]
Oswald holding " The Militant " |
Good luck to talk radio personality John DePetro with his entertaining sarcasm
John DePetro says he's left talk show at Newport radio station
I guess talk radio personality John DePetro was consigned to talk radio Siberia. I lost track of him recently. He could be crude and " offensive " . For example, he could not mention " liberal " Providence Journalist columnist Bob Kerr - an excellent writer- without the clowning " Comrade Kerr ". But often enough he did speak truth to power- with Donald Trump finesse.
I was completely opposed to the campaign to fire him . Here ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM triumphed over the FREE SPEECH tradition in America.
Democratic Party second vice chairman Joseph DeLorenzo has been treated very viciously by this neo-con, war mongering party now in the vanguard of vicious " identity politics " and sexual McCarthyism, and HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Being super politically correct does not hide their CLASS snobbery so obvious to working class Rhode Island voters. In general the ruling class - male and female- use their authority and economic power to command all kinds of abject servility from the working class majority.
The hard core of the Democratic Party now consists of nasty privileged feminists, the always " offended " black bourgeoisie, the pro-Hillary Israel lobby, and rather self-absorbed gay rights zealots. No wonder the working class Left in Rhode Island favored " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in April 2016 state primary. By the way , irate feminists loathed Bernie Sanders' " political revolution ". "
I was completely opposed to the campaign to fire him . Here ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM triumphed over the FREE SPEECH tradition in America.
Democratic Party second vice chairman Joseph DeLorenzo has been treated very viciously by this neo-con, war mongering party now in the vanguard of vicious " identity politics " and sexual McCarthyism, and HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism.
Being super politically correct does not hide their CLASS snobbery so obvious to working class Rhode Island voters. In general the ruling class - male and female- use their authority and economic power to command all kinds of abject servility from the working class majority.
The hard core of the Democratic Party now consists of nasty privileged feminists, the always " offended " black bourgeoisie, the pro-Hillary Israel lobby, and rather self-absorbed gay rights zealots. No wonder the working class Left in Rhode Island favored " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders in April 2016 state primary. By the way , irate feminists loathed Bernie Sanders' " political revolution ". "
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Bertrand Russell was very skeptical of Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President Kennedy
If the US " shadow government " played a role in the assassination of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X , it is hardly incredible that it plotted the assassination of President Kennedy . I thought the Warren Commission Report was credible enough until reading " Bertrand Russell's America " . The old British philosopher was very skeptical .
[ Is socialism in the United States having a moment? | PBS NewsHour
Mar 27, 2017 - But on the other end of the political spectrum, socialist organizations across the ... as a socialist normalized it,” Xu said in a phone interview. ]Animal Shelters should recognize " freedom of information " rights AFTER a beloved pet is adopted
October Is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month: Gov. Raimondo
Weeks before she passed away from liver center cancer last April at the Providence Hope Hospice Center my beloved woman companion, Dorene Rousseau, had to give up our beloved pets ( " our girls " ) " Dottie " and " Mindy " at the wonderful animal shelter on Elbow St. in Providence. It broke our hearts but we could not continue to care for them at Randal Manor in Cranston.
Dorene was pleased -if tearful - that " Dottie " and " Mindy " were adopted together, having lived together for five years. I told Dorene that she had given " our girls " the gift of life.
However , the beloved pets had many friends here. We would like to know how dear " Dottie " and " Mindy " are doing now. The Elbow St. animal shelter does not give much thought to this sentimental need to " stay in touch " .
Radical Ron with " our girls " Dottie and Mindy
No war of the sexes at the top of the plutocracy
George H.W. Bush Responds To Groping Allegations
Again and again the news is about " powerful men " rudely and stupidly groping any attractive female within touching distance. Rarely would any working class male lewdly approach a higher economic status female. But in general the ruling class - males and females- routinely commands servile and humiliating behavior from their working class " inferiors ".
I just heard that rich people-male and female- in France are openly offering to their YOUNG & PRETTY social inferiors -male and female - MONEY for SEX.
What we are dealing with here is general CLASS oppression - not the general oppression of the female sex.
In all countries ruling class males and ruling class females are partners in crime: exploiting the working class and instigating wars everywhere.
To be sure , Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger - both war criminals - understand and respect each other. No war of the sexes at the TOP of the plutocracy.
[ I Had Sex With A Sugar Daddy to Help Pay My Tuition, And Here's ...
Jul 8, 2015 - These sites connect young women with mostly older, rich men who will ... thirst for money and was averse to the idea of having sex with a sugar daddy figure. ... He had a beautiful apartment here, worked at an investment ...]
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
In the USA we have both the Orwellian Anti Sex League and the most available SMART PHONE pornography
Why Are American Women Only Half-Liberated?
Why not take the next logical step and protest the institution of bourgeois marriage -based on capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY - often murderously quarreled over in the divorce courts ?
In a democratic socialist society women will not get rich by an upwardly mobile marriage . But also men will not be enslaved by a socially isolated family - condemned to a wretched individual struggle for existence.
In a socialist society men and women can have " marriage " as monogamous as they can stand, but THE LAW will be out of it. A women can have one lover or one hundred lovers . Who cares ? Economic " seduction " will be all but impossible. There will be no puritanical condemnation of natural sexuality - which has its own natural rhythms.
How do you explain an Orwellian " Anti-Sex League " hysteria in the USA along with the most vulgar -and SMART PHONE AVAILABLE - pornography ( in which the prurient can witness MALE & FEMALE shockingly and blissfully uninhibited ?
We do need a socialist SANE SOCIETY .

In a democratic socialist society women will not get rich by an upwardly mobile marriage . But also men will not be enslaved by a socially isolated family - condemned to a wretched individual struggle for existence.
In a socialist society men and women can have " marriage " as monogamous as they can stand, but THE LAW will be out of it. A women can have one lover or one hundred lovers . Who cares ? Economic " seduction " will be all but impossible. There will be no puritanical condemnation of natural sexuality - which has its own natural rhythms.
How do you explain an Orwellian " Anti-Sex League " hysteria in the USA along with the most vulgar -and SMART PHONE AVAILABLE - pornography ( in which the prurient can witness MALE & FEMALE shockingly and blissfully uninhibited ?
We do need a socialist SANE SOCIETY .

Is capitalist wage slavery consistent with women's liberation ?
Why Are American Women Only Half-Liberated?
It is absurd to pose this question : why are American women only half liberated ? without any reference to the sociology of CLASS in America .
Are working class MALES - employed or unemployed - fully liberated in this land of the free and home of the brave ?
The intellectual servants of the ruling class have a near pathological neurosis about avoiding the CLASS issue. What have socialist women feminists said about female liberation for more than 100 years ? Check out Evelyn Reed , for example : " Women's Evolution " . Reed was a long time member of the Socialist Workers Party in the USA.
Is capitalist wage slavery consistent with women's liberation ?
Are working class MALES - employed or unemployed - fully liberated in this land of the free and home of the brave ?
The intellectual servants of the ruling class have a near pathological neurosis about avoiding the CLASS issue. What have socialist women feminists said about female liberation for more than 100 years ? Check out Evelyn Reed , for example : " Women's Evolution " . Reed was a long time member of the Socialist Workers Party in the USA.
Is capitalist wage slavery consistent with women's liberation ?
" Uncle Tom's Cabin " would be BANNED IN BOSTON today
Mississippi school district removes To Kill a Mockingbird from curriculum
Just a week ago I came across an old edition of " Uncle Tom's Cabin " and browsing it in the quaint antique store I could guess that this classic anti-slavery novel would be BANNED IN BOSTON schools today.
From a book review of " Uncle Tom's Cabin "
" [ Such considerations did not occur to Harriet Beecher Stowe. Not only does she use language (for example, negro — and sometimes negress — with a small n) that was polite in her time but is not in ours, and not only do her characters, even some of the sympathetic ones, say nigger all too frequently, but Stowe in her role as narrator often takes time out to tell her readers what black people are like: They are home-loving rather than adventurous, for example; they have admirable but highly exotic taste in clothing and décor; and, of course, they generally have simple, childish hearts.. ] "
From a book review of " Uncle Tom's Cabin "
" [ Such considerations did not occur to Harriet Beecher Stowe. Not only does she use language (for example, negro — and sometimes negress — with a small n) that was polite in her time but is not in ours, and not only do her characters, even some of the sympathetic ones, say nigger all too frequently, but Stowe in her role as narrator often takes time out to tell her readers what black people are like: They are home-loving rather than adventurous, for example; they have admirable but highly exotic taste in clothing and décor; and, of course, they generally have simple, childish hearts.. ] "
In general, the " identity politics " WAR ON WORDS has been ludicrous for decades now. It is truly Orwellian: the idea that by eliminating words , you can erase thoughts .
All of us may use insensitive words now and then. If a blue collar worker loses his job over racist language, will that make him less racist ( if he is indeed racist ) - if he can no longer feed his family ?
Real racism is characterized by implacable malice not random crude language.
The same is true of anti-Semitism. The mainstream capitalist news media does seem to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. ( In his autobiography , " Uncle Tungsten " the famous scientist Oliver Sacks describes his family in the early days of World War II having unpleasant experiences with Zionist " bullies " ) .
And just WHO gets to decide the criteria for " hate speech " in oh-so- democratic America ? The " progressive " Hillary Democrats ?
Oliver Sacks : " I came to hate Zionism.... "
[ I never heard [my parents] talk between themselves about Palestine or Zionism, and I suspected they had no strong convictions on the subject, at least until after the war, when the horror of the Holocaust made them feel there should be a “National Home.” I felt they were bullied by the organizers of these meetings, and by the gangsterlike evangelists who would pound at the front door and demand large sums for yeshivas or “schools in Israel.” My parents, clearheaded and independent in most other ways, seemed to become soft and helpless in the face of these demands, perhaps driven by a sense of obligation or anxiety. My own feelings […] were passionately negative: I came to hate Zionism and evangelism and politicking of every sort, which I regarded as noisy and intrusive and bullying. ]
Coming to America - a " Rainbow Fascism "
Letter: Dee Nedder: Sexual harassment should be addressed and eliminated
Facism in America will be a "Rainbow Fascism " with " liberated " females dropping atomic bombs from planes and, as at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq , torturing enemies of the state with a little sexual humiliation just for the fun of it . A picture of " Hawk Hillary " on the prison wall.
Wendy England teaches American feminism to male Iraqi prisoner |
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
If anything Vladimir Putin is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize
Discussion on WBUR 5 comments
Protester Throws Russian Flags At Trump As He Arrives For Capitol Hill Tax Lunch
It is a deranged McCarthyism indeed - " liberal fascism " ? - that would throw Russian flags at President Donald Trump more than a quarter of a century after the collapse of the old Soviet Union.
So many " liberal " Democrats are condemning Trump in the right wing tone of the old McCarthyism. Are they " soft on socialism " ?
Our " democracy " was sabotaged by the two party system, by the FAKE NEWS media, by the Establishment USA , by pro-Hillary Democrats.
If anything Vladimir Putin is as worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize as President Obama.
So many " liberal " Democrats are condemning Trump in the right wing tone of the old McCarthyism. Are they " soft on socialism " ?
Our " democracy " was sabotaged by the two party system, by the FAKE NEWS media, by the Establishment USA , by pro-Hillary Democrats.
If anything Vladimir Putin is as worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize as President Obama.
![]() |
Deranged New McCarthyism ? |
A democratic socialist society would check wealthy sexual predators
The " liberal " Democrats invariably have no quarrel with the capitalist system. Note in these sex soap operas in the news there is an upper class male who imagines that he has a license to act boorish even with subordinate upper class -often ambitious- like Elizabeth Warren or Teresa Tanzi - females.
In general, the root of the evil of sexual harassment is economic inequality. In a democratic socialist society boorish males would not have the means to force themselves on women not attracted to them. They would be desperately in need of real charm.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Oh-So-Smart- Middle Aged Hot females take over Democratic Party
Elizabeth Warren Describes Sexual Harassment As A Young Law Professor
There are stories in magazines like " Self " that tell about the poignant problems of upwardly mobile females who are both SMART & BEAUTIFUL , SMART & IRRESISTIBLE.
We call it " The Culture of Narcissism ".
Could the Democratic Party - so very PROGRESSIVE - be in danger of being taken over by so many oh-so-smart- middle aged - hot- females ?
We call it " The Culture of Narcissism ".
Could the Democratic Party - so very PROGRESSIVE - be in danger of being taken over by so many oh-so-smart- middle aged - hot- females ?
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