Wednesday, June 14, 2017

" Uppity Miss Harris " is uppity indeed - a voice of the black bourgeoisie

Attorney General's Selective Silence Deafens Senate Russia Inquiry

" Uppity Miss Harris " represents the shocked and angry American black bourgeoisie and jaded middle class feminists who expected " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " to win the presidency in 2016.

Now other voices of the black bourgeoisie are promoting the New McCarthyism , HATE RUSSIA campaign-and in the manner of the Old Nixon. A long long way from Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - both of whom were very critical of American capitalism and militarism.

Image result for Senator Harris, Sessions
On right   " Uppity Miss Harris "
For these phony " voices " of the black community DNC based " identity politics " pays off in the spoils system of a corrupt political party. It was the DNC that sabotaged Bernie Sanders' " political revolution " based on CLASS inequality- not Russia's Vladimir Putin.

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