Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
The right wing hostility to Cuba goes back to the very beginning of
the Cuban revolution when a young, gallant , and heroic Fidel Castro
announced the " socialist " nature of this popular revolution.
The US ruling class would like to quarantine the very IDEA of socialism
in this hemisphere. Not for nothing the war criminal Henry Kissinger
was deeply involved in the assassination of the " Marxist " president of
Chile, Salvador Allende in the early 70s.
The neo-cons in
both the Democratic and Republican parties would never think of a travel
ban or an economic boycott for Zionist Apartheid Israel or for that
horrible US ally Saudi Arabia.
It is clear that the US plutocracy meddles maliciously in the
world far more frequently than Russia's Vladimir Putin ( It is Putin
who now deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for 2017 ! ).
The neo-cons only regret that the CIA did not succeed in assassinating Fidel Castro.
Oddly enough THEY did not like JFK . And THEY do not like President Donald Trump-not a gentleman of the Left.
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