Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
It would be foolish to over-vilify President Trump here. ALL the
nation state governments at least concerned with catastrophic climate
change are essentially puppets of the capitalist ruling classes. They
will not in any fundamental way challenge PROFIT economy.
freedom of CAPITAL to rule- more or less UNCHECKED- is the root of the
problem. We must begin to think UTOPIAN just in order to survive as a
biological species on threatened Good Earth. We need a WORLD GOVERNMENT
that over-rules private property interests.
The Fabian socialist
H.G. Wells was calling for this a century ago. After 1945 he was
thinking ; " Mind at the end of its tether " . I wonder why .
I was first made aware of this intimidating, frightening little tome on man's difficult place in the universe by Colin Wilson's famous "Outsider". HG Wells, a man ..
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