Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Friday, June 30, 2017
FOLLOW THE NAMES : how many media big shots are militant Zionists ?
They say FOLLOW THE MONEY . It is also instructive to FOLLOW THE
NAMES . How many pillars of political correctness at NPR and in the
mainstream news media are militant Zionists ? But what is so politically
correct about Zionist Apartheid Israel ?
But pay no attention to us . We are the voice of WHITE PRIVILEGE.
the Left myself I am not impressed by the FAKE NEWS media desperately
clinging to rigid standards of " political correctness " while itself
practicing vicious and hateful " identity politics ".
rotten is the capitalist news media - a pillar of war and the ONE
PERCENT and the corrupt DNC - that I find Trump's daily sins against
bourgeois manners rather refreshing.
Also, did
traditional feminism - inspired by the SOCIALIST movement - approve of
grotesque make up and horrid face lifts for " ambitious " females ?
The mainstream news media should get back to daily lying about the Russian threat.
Now soul mates Joe and Mika
the world will find relevant about President Donald Trump is that HE
presently represents the American ruling class. And far better than any
other Washington politician. You could say that he is the Winston Churchill of the American plutocracy . A bull dog , you say ?
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