Friday, June 30, 2017

" Mental Illness " as an old Stalinist smear

By the way, the constant vicious innuendo that a political non-conformist is " mentally ill " had its origins in Stalin's Russia.

He's A Rebel - The Crystals

Democratic socialists respect the common humanity of ALL political enemies and do not question- as a political tactic- the mental health of " reactionary " opponents.

Any REBEL - on the left or on the right - in American society can only laugh at " The Psychology of Personal Adjustment ".

I recall a book by psychiatrist Robert Lindner : " Must You Conform " . His " Rebel Without A Cause " was the inspiration for the 1954 James Dean movie.

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The 11the Commandment - CONFORMITY ?

Just WHO represents PROGRESS in America ? Not the phony liberal Democrat opponents of President Donald Trump

'Morning Joe' Hosts Say 'Donald Trump Is Not Well'

President Trump is the PERFECT representative of the American plutocracy - which the mainstream news media- and the Democratic Party and the Republican Party serve.

For me Trump's contempt for bourgeois manners is honest and refreshing - unlike effete political correctness and vicious DNC backed " identity politics. ".

As a democratic socialist myself I suspect that Trump has the number of Hollywood pseudo-liberal decadence and phony neo liberals completely out of touch with the working class.

To be sure, bourgeois feminism - now greedy and meretricious- has nothing to offer the vast majority of working class women in America.

Is the BOTTOM LINE of female CEOs any different than the bottom line of male CEOs ? Does capitalist GREED have a gender ?

An outraged feminism that hates Donald Trump but supports parasite capitalism and the New Colonialism in the Middle East - and even World War III with nuclear power Russia ? Hawk Hillary feminism ?

A spoiled black bourgeoisie that hates Donald Trump ? Al Sharpton's campaign against the nth dimension of " white privilege " ?

Pro-Hillary Zionists that hate Donald Trump ? And they have much influence in the mainstream news media.

Mere phony-and adolescent level- indignation but no really " progressive " ideas is going to cut short the Trump presidency ?

Just WHO represents PROGRESS in America ?

My young friend Ronnie M and I perused " Masters of Deceit " by that master of deceit , J. Edgar Hoover

I listened to a brief speech by Lenin ( You Tube ) on the rottenness of bourgeois inspired anti-Semitism. I am familiar enough with Trotsky's writing to assert that nowhere did he suggest a hint of anti-Semitism in Vladimir Lenin or in the Bolshevik party.

A tired old lie - Lenin as a German agent. When did I first hear it ? In the 1950s TV lectures of Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen against " godless communism " ? For a good laugh my young working class friend Ronnie M and I perused " Masters of Deceit " by that master of deceit J. Edgar Hoover. Way back in 1970.

Way back then Ronnie and I observed that anti-communism was very profitable to venal authors.

Keep up the good work, all the writers at the World Socialist Web Site.
Image result for J. Edgar Hoover on Communism
And Lenin was a German agent ?

FOLLOW THE NAMES : how many media big shots are militant Zionists ?

President Trump Tweets Insults At 'Morning Joe' Host Mika Brzezinski

They say FOLLOW THE MONEY . It is also instructive to FOLLOW THE NAMES . How many pillars of political correctness at NPR and in the mainstream news media are militant Zionists ? But what is so politically correct about Zionist Apartheid Israel ?

But pay no attention to us . We are the voice of WHITE PRIVILEGE.

On the Left myself I am not impressed by the FAKE NEWS media desperately clinging to rigid standards of " political correctness " while itself practicing vicious and hateful " identity politics ".

So rotten is the capitalist news media - a pillar of war and the ONE PERCENT and the corrupt DNC - that I find Trump's daily sins against bourgeois manners rather refreshing.

Also, did traditional feminism - inspired by the SOCIALIST movement - approve of grotesque make up and horrid face lifts for " ambitious " females ?

The mainstream news media should get back to daily lying about the Russian threat.

Image result for President Trump Tweets Insults At 'Morning Joe' Host Mika Brzezinski
Now soul mates Joe and Mika

What the world will find relevant about President Donald Trump is that HE presently represents the American ruling class. And far better than any other Washington politician.

You could say that he is the Winston Churchill of the American plutocracy . A bull dog , you say ?

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Due process for accused priests

Australian Police Bring Sexual Assault Charges Against Catholic Cardinal

Any Catholic priest who even has a " weakness " for fantasy sexual contact with children - male or female- should be told he is not beyond hope and forgiveness but he does not have a vocation in the Catholic Church.

These sex scandals-real and imagined- give Catholic Church haters a green light for endless ILLIBERAL abuse of ALL Catholic faithful in the mainstream news media - which itself is more and more associated with FAKE NEWS.

 Even in just proclaiming their ancient beliefs Catholics are branded as " haters " . And by whom ? The obnoxious New Atheists ? By Ayn Rand Zionists ? By ACLU lawyers who have no quarrel with non-secular Israel ?

  • How many Catholic clergy are victims of this FAKE NEWS Sexual McCarthyism ? Is it any different from the " witch hunting " President Trump has been complaining about ?

    On the Left I must agree that freedom of religion is being attacked in the USA. And not from RELIGIOUS individuals ?

    " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone ! " ( The New Testament )

    [The irony in all of this is that while SNAP has for years claimed in the media that Church officials have never been held "accountable" for their handling of abusive priests in the past, it has been SNAP itself which has never been held accountable for its reckless statements against innocent priests, destroying lives and reputations without consequence.
    We congratulate Fr. Jiang on his lawsuit, and we hope that a successful outcome will spur other falsely accused priests to fight back as well.]

Nursing Homes Worry Proposed Medicaid Cuts Will Force Cuts, Closures

Here in Rhode state Medicaid cuts are already hurting the elderly residents. My sister- in- law has worked in a " for profit " nursing home for 15 years. She says it is so sad always to have to work with LESS - and LESS state funding..

 Leading the attack on the elderly, the poor, the working class in Rhode Island is none other than Hillary pal and " liberal " Democrat Governor Gina Raimondo.

The last favor Gina did for the elderly is cancel their free RIPTA bus passes ( I think the other " liberal " Democrats in Rhode Island are having second thoughts on this ) ,

[Video: In rally, home health-care workers slam Raimondo’s Medicaid initiative as harmful ]


Image result for Raimondo hurting Rhode Island elderly


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

New Atheism in action - car plows into Ten Commandments monument on state property

Ten Commandments monument destroyed

Leave it to the obnoxious disciples of the New Atheism to be offended by a Ten Commandments monument on public or state property.
 Separation of church and state simply means to this Christian democratic socialist no OFFICIAL CHURCH , not a permanent cold war with the religious majority, not sneering at FAITH - Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islamic- as respectable " identity politics " for neurotic atheists.

 So Count Dracula is the inspiration for the New Atheist agenda ?  If I were  a Christian business investor, I would be interested in fine silver crucifixes : " The power of Christ commands you ! "
       The end of the world is coming . HE who has risen is coming ! But the Enlightenment promised an Age of Reason? 

 So Count Dracula is the inspiration for the New Atheist agenda ?  If I were  a Christian business investor, I would be interested in fine silver crucifixes : " The power of Christ commands you ! "
       The end of the world is coming . HE who has risen is coming ! But the Enlightenment promised an Age of Reason?

Image result for Ten Commandments monument destroyed
New Atheism in action

" Caesarism " and the cheering working class mob

 " Caesarism " has an application to modern day politics. Witness Juan Peron -and even Eva Peron- of Argentia. A successful and charismatic military general - such was the amazing Julius Caesar - can appeal to the " mob "- the vast working class- and triumph over an entrenched aristocracy. Bread and circuses help. 

For rare moments in human history the THE DICTATOR wins the affection of THE MOB by checking the greedy and jealous aristocrats. 

I can imagine myself back in ancient Rome cheering Caesar - the MAN OF THE PEOPLE - and not sullen Cato or plotting Brutus. 

As for Eva Peron , she is as much worthy of Catholic sainthood as Bishop Fulton J. Sheen- who waged TV war in 50s against " godless communism ".

Jun 2, 2016 - The current spectrum of 'charismatic' leaders is different from those populist politicians in the post-WWII Latin America such as Juan Peron in ...]

Image result for Julius Caesar assassination
Caesar - a GOOD tyrant ?

Providence Journal columnist Mark Patinkin right about Democratic Party hate campaign

Ann Anesta: Caesar made to look like other presidents, too

 I am surprised to read that the Providence Journal columnist Mark Patinkin- an often good but more often FLUFF STUFF writer - has an edge on some controversial issues. Here observing the hate mongering of " liberal " ILLIBERAL Democrats Mark Patinkin gets it right.

 Not as a Republican but as a democratic socialist I have been saying for months that this personal hatred for President Trump - LEGITIMATE President Trump - is the opposite of " progressive ". And where did this BIG LIE come from :

 Trump is not only a KKK type racist, but BOTH an Islamophobe and an anti-Semite ? A reckless main stream news media sets itself up as the final judge of hateful bigotry- while fanning the flames of hatred toward Russia and all those working class " deplorables " who made the shocking Trump election victory in 2016 possible ? 
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Mr.Fluff had enough ?

Trump’s Syrian chemical weapons claims: A house of cards

Just yesterday I viewed a one hour you tube video of the American working class legend Farrell Dobbs lecturing an audience some years later on the 1934 Teamster strike. His voice alone suggested a commanding general - of a democratic working class army.

Farrell Dobbs did make this striking point relevant to the case against the pseudo-Left today: many radical intellectuals - masters of textbook Marxism - were complete flops as LEADERS in the class struggle.

And why ? According to Dobbs : they were daily out of touch with ordinary working class fighters.

Tens of millions of people in the streets of the USA will speak TRUTH to POWER !

  • Yet again Trump is at least right about the FAKE NEWS media - not INVESTIGATING the credibility of a news story. Like " weapons of mass destruction in Iraq " this FAKE NEWS is mainstream news media helping to prepare the nation for war escalation in the Middle East.


    This morning the World Socialist Web Site has a headline story exposing the BIG LIE.

    Ten of millions of working class people in the streets of the USA will speak TRUTH to POWER.

    White House Suspects Syria Is Preparing For Another Chemical Attack 


    I recommend the World Socialist Web Site.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Working class leader of 1934 Teamster strike Farrell Dobbs will never be forgotten

Yes, indeed, Farrell Dobbs will never be forgotten.
 In this year 2017 there is a revival of class consciousness in America with the plutocracy in control of both the Democratic and Republican parties.
 Dobbs was a student of the Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky - along with Vladimir Lenin an inspired leader of the Russian Revolution in 1917.

Image result for Farrell Dobbs, Teamsters
Farrell Dobbs- class war legend in 1930s

 This year marks the 100th anniversary of " Ten Days That Shook the World ". History has not ended. Capitalism is not eternal.
 Once again the fate of humanity will be decided by millions of working class people introduced to the " democracy of the streets " . 
They will reject a future of imperialist wars and endless economic misery. The real experienced " terrorism " is everyday life in this capitalist hell.
 A war on THAT " terrorism " makes sense !

  1. Farrell Dobbs Speaks! Teamster Battles of the 1930s: Part 1

    Farrell Dobbs Speaks! Teamster Battles of the 1930s: Part 1. Farrell Dobbs recounts the struggles of the 1930s, the founding of the ...

Arrogant Zionists accuse Radical Ron of anti-Semitism ?

The mainstream news media - controlled by these Zionist Jews- want the American public to confuse anti-Zionism with anti- Semitism. We democratic socialists say nothing about Zionists and Zionism that has not been said by Marxist Jews for years.

 Or radical leftists like the late Professor Howard Zinn of Harvard who had a very negative opinion of Zionist Apartheid Israel.

Let the anti-Zionist Jews speak for themselves . Find at least ONE for NPR columns !

The American working class has no warm feelings for 99% of our " dear allies ". Most of rotten regimes that surround Russia, for example, are already quasi - fascist. Do working class Americans think we should have " a special relationship " with barbaric Saudi Arabia or Zionist Apartheid Israel, or rotten Turkey ?

Is it so wrong to isolate ourselves from global CREEPS ?

 [ Howard Zinn: Israel was a "Mistake." — Jewish Journal
Mar 11, 2010 - Howard Zinn, an American Jewish historian who wrote the “People's History of the United States,” .... Do you think that Zionism was a mistake? ]

Do the war mongering DNC Zionists represent America better than plutocrat Donald Trump ?

President Donald Trump well represents the " personality " of the American plutocracy as a whole - ARROGANT and DANGEROUS - just like the inner circle of the DNC , just like " liberal " Democrats who are completely out of touch with the American working class.

Does a cabal of arrogant , neo-con, war mongering Zionists represent the American working class better than President Donald Trump ? Or just a different ruling class agenda ?

Senator Schumer - the present face of the Democratic Party - is much less arrogant and dangerous ?

We need an American Labor Party.
Image result for Zionist Jew Schumer

Majority Of Global Poll Respondents Find Trump Arrogant, Dangerous

Those working class " deplorables " in the Rust Belt states -betrayed again and again by the " liberal " Democrats - would have been so much wiser voting for " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary ", " Corrupt Hillary " , the queen of the status quo ?

Monday, June 26, 2017

Pass House Bill 6023 to prevent farm animal abuse

I just was handed a card from an animal rights activist I presume outside the Cranston Public Library. I told her I am certainly one of " 68 % of Rhode Island residents [who ] agree this must end "

" Here in Rhode Island thousands of chickens are locked in metal cages so small they can't even spread their wings "..... " I 'm hoping you'll support House Bill 6023 to prevent farm animal abuse ".

Later I hope the good politicians turn their attention to inhumane conditions at the Adult Correctional Institution ( ACI ).

Pet farms breeding " cute " dogs also need to be regulated. I am thinking of my " Mindy " and my " Dottie " ( My now passed away Dorene's precious canine " girls " ).

Image result for Cruelty to farm animals , Bill 6023

The Democratic Party is a most treacherous " friend of labor "

    Working class socialists make no unprincipled alliances with class enemies. Wiki Leaks exposed Hillary Clinton as a dear friend of Wall St. - not working class Americans.

    We believe in MASS ACTION independent of treacherous " liberal " or " progressive " Democrats.

    Read any honest history of the labor movement written by a distinguished socialist author.Read any of the speeches of Eugene V. Debs . Begin with his famous " Canton Speech ".

    Do friends of working people want to get us into a war with nuclear power Russia ? Do friends of working people support imperialist wars in the Middle East ? Do friends of working people slobber over the FBI - involved in the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X ?

    Do friends of working people routinely socialize with ruling class snobs ? Accept their money ?

    Do friends of working people routinely betray working people  ?

    Image result for Eugene V. Debs on  Democratic Party

Zionist Jews and " The Arrogance of Power "

Would not a worship of MONEY warp the minds of individuals in ANY ethnic group ? The " sin " of too many Jewish intellectuals today is that they no longer believe in socialist internationalism; they don't believe in God but do believe in the divinity of Israel .
 The leaders of Israel , I suspect , are Ayn Rand atheists with open contempt for the Palestinians. It is all too obvious the influence of the Israel lobby in the United States, especially in the main stream news media and in Hollywood Babylon.
 No, they don't believe in God but they do think that they are HIS Chosen People. I do think that the Zionist Jews are the force behind the obnoxious God hating New Atheism. But still many Jews have been sincere socialist humanists. 
 The Jews who can only identify with the ONE PERCENT will suffer the fate of ALL privileged classes in the coming WORKING CLASS social revolutions.
 I think Zionist Israel as " Jew Heaven " corrupted many otherwise decent Jews. The old story of " The Arrogance of Power ".
 The nuclear arsenal of Israel is a crime against humanity waiting to happen. But NOBODY will " win " a nuclear war- the greatest of all holocausts.

                      A Moscow " charity " for Zionist Israel  ( Reminds me of Poe's " Masque of the Red Death )

[   Dressed in their finest, men in tuxedos and women in formal dresses, Moscow’s rich and famous [ Jews ]climbed the red carpeted steps, past a giant and ornately decorated Christmas tree, into the luxurious hall. With Jewish music playing in the background, Mashkevich personally greeted all the arrivals as president of the EAJC and the evening’s benefactor.

Upon being seated at tables laden with bountiful kosher food and quality Israeli wines, the 600 guests were asked to address their attention to the stage for three hours of speeches, award ceremonies and entertainment .  ]

Image result for poe masque of the red death pdf
" But outside was the Red Death "

Don't expect any DNC based real " political revolution "

The Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Tries To Rebuild After Stinging Georgia Loss

In capitalist USA the essence of rigged elections is ruling class control of BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties .

 To think that " gerrymandering " can make any big difference to WORKING CLASS interests is naive. Changing voting district boundaries is usually based on " identity politics " nonsense.

" Liberal " Democrats still think they own the black vote.And pro-Hillary Zionists still think they own the Democratic Party. But even Alan Dershowitz has his doubts .Better to play both sides of the fence !

  • This anti-Trump resistance would be wise to avoid the dead end to which " progressive " Democrats are leading it( " save the middle class " Elizabeth Warren or phony " socialist " Bernie Sanders ).

    Sanders should call those 23 million Americans who could lose Obamacare into the streets just to OPPOSE all attacks on working class people, to oppose all cut backs and all preparation for foolish- and endless- and imperialist - wars in the Middle East. And oppose this irrational hostility to nuclear powers Russia and China.

    But don't expect any real " political revolution " with a base in the DNC.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Physicist Lawrence Krauss -one more obnoxious New Atheist

The universe as something from nothing ?

Ron Ruggieri
I wondered why this " leftist " physicist Lawrence Krauss made himself available on a right wing talk show . Well,  I see he has a lot in common with reactionary Ayn Rand Thought - a militant hostility to the very idea of God. 
  Saint Thomas Aquinas would call it the sin of intellectual pride. It is hard for the self-adoring narcissist to acknowledge even the possible existence of a Supreme Being.
 Scratch a belligerent New Atheist and you find a neo-con enemy of the working class, a friend of American capitalism and the new imperialism. They were ALL on the side of George W. Bush when he plunged the Middle East into bloody chaos- sending waves of pitiful war refugees into Europe. 
 When was militant atheism ever KIND , even as much as plain socialist humanism ? The Arrogance of the New Atheism is reviving an interest in Satan and hell fire for lost and damned souls.
 Genesis explains THIS better : " Why is there something, rather than nothing ? " At least we will not worship MATTER IN MOTION -even if it is eternal.

Image result for lawrence krauss a universe from nothing
One more dime store village atheist

US auto layoffs take toll on workers and their communities

A long time ago ( circa 1965 ) I had my first adolescent experience of nightmare factory work- vampire- capitalism. It was even back then an old fashioned Providence jewelry industry " sweat shop " ( literally, no air conditioning, poor ventilation, toxic glue smells, floor boss spying on " suspicious " trips to the rest room, hellish noise and the constant sound of vulgar cursing ).

Even a dumb moral lesson : " You better finish High School ! "

A healthy young 18 year old working a minimum wage job on summer vacation : too exhausted after 10 hours in the factory even to read " Speeches for Socialism " , by James P. Cannon.

Image result for James P. Cannon , " " Speeches for Socialism "

   I never stopped loving THE COMING REVOLUTION !

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Radical Ron remembers the nightmare factory

Democratic socialists tell America : WE DON'T NEED RICH PEOPLE !

How The Senate Health Care Bill Could Disrupt The Insurance Market

What is being attacked here- indeed a BIPARTISAN attack - is health care as a fundamental human right. The last real " liberal " in the Senate Ted Kennedy understood national health care as a recognition of this HUMAN RIGHT.

Obamacare did not attack FOR PROFIT medical care in the USA. It was just a little better than nothing-just like some " progressive " Democrats.

Image result for ted kennedy, health care as a human rightDemocratic socialists simply tell America that we don't need rich people . We do need science and technology and a moral sense not dulled by competitive rat race capitalism.

Friday, June 23, 2017

The Islamic war refugees flooding Europe need their own PROMISED LAND , their own " Israel " for Islamism

Being homeless, jobless, stateless, hopeless and despised as desperate war refugees-refugees from a reckless imperialist New Colonialism war in the Middle East - this does not create stereotyped bourgeois NICE PEOPLE.
 I have the greatest respect for Western Civilization and its cultural values. The Catholic Church was always a pillar of Western Civilization. Despite the horror of the Crusades it still preaches universal love and recognizes our common humanity.
 Christian socialists will not look for fascist solutions to this terrible  mass migration crisis. The Marxist humanist tradition would certainly not encourage race or ethnic wars.
 All Poland remembers is Stalinist " communism " -not democratic socialism, not the early ( utopian ? ) promise of the 1917 revolution in Russia.
 A practical suggestion : make it possible for these displaced people to return en masse to their own land. As much as the Jews of the Holocaust they deserve their own PROMISED LAND- perhaps in Saudi Arabia.
  Without endorsing any tenet of Nazism , I do think there are limits to politically correct multi-culturalism. I guess still Catholic Poland gets that right.
Image result for Pope Francis on the migrants
What would Jesus say ?

Bernie Sanders is a very phony sort of " socialist "

A real democratic socialist government would not beg the millionaire/ billionaire class to pay their fair share of taxes. It would just ACT on the principle that a rational society no longer needs rich people. 
 Real democratic socialists challenge the very moral legitimacy of " legitimate " wealth . They do not slobber over capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. Bernie Sanders is a very phony sort of " socialist " .
 A socialist for capitalism, a socialist for militarism ? A socialist for apartheid Zionism ?

Image result for PRIVATE PROPERTY sign
An  Anti-People right !

The Democrats' Secret Weapon Against The GOP Health Care Bill — And Why We Must Force Them To Use It 

[ The Kids are Socialists Because Capitalism is Dickslapping the Planet
Capitalism doesn’t have a plan, you know. It only goes in one direction and it doesn’t care what you want. ]




The only " secret weapon " against these BIPARTISAN attacks on the perceived HUMAN RIGHT to health care in the United States is mass protest - millions of ordinary working class Americans in the streets making demands on the government of the plutocracy.

Let us find inspiration in the fact that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution. Working people are made of the same tough stuff today as they were in 1917 in Moscow and 1789 in Paris ( the Great French Revolution ).

Don't expect any " progressive " Democrats to support democracy in the street.

After Georgia debacle, Democrats prepare further shift to the right

Should not the famed " Bill of Rights " have included the right to be oblivious for those who have achieved capitalist economic bliss on this side of paradise ?

I just listened on the radio to Hillary pal Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island proclaim happy days are here again in this depressed and CORRUPT state that voted for " socialist " Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary last April.

We less affluent seniors had free RIPTA bus passes here-before Gina . Gina and the " liberal " Democrats cancelled that " entitlement ". Indeed Queen Gina is leading the attack on the poor and the working class, the homeless and the jobless, the elderly and the disabled in little Rhode Island.

We are represented in Washington , D.C by four gentlemen Democrats who are obsessed with promoting the HATE RUSSIA New McCarthyism. ( THEY deprived us of PRESIDENT Hillary ! )

Am I a provincial simpleton to ask : " What did Russia ever do to harm us ? " . Did that pernicious Putin cancel our other " entitlement " : like the right to vote for Gina Raimondo ? Hillary was considering her for vice president .

There is virtually no Republican opposition in Rhode Island to these " progressive " Democrats. Aren't we lucky ?
Image result for protests against Governor Gina Raimondo
Raimondo - no " friend of labor "

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Why democratic socialism rejects " identity politics "

  • The essence of working class socialism is raising CLASS consciousness. Petty bourgeois " identity politics " can only stupefy the working class , blunting class consciousness.

    Even Black Muslim Malcolm X way back in 1965 made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism. Even Martin Luther King had a negative of view of our capitalist " way of life ".

    A long time ago democratic socialists had a enlightened attitude toward homosexuality and gay rights. But the gay voices who get so much attention nowadays are clearly egocentric souls who want to be special, who crave endless media attention on gay people.

    Democratic socialism rejects the Culture of Narcissism.

    We reject the public circus of bourgeois feminism where jaded affluent feminists indulge in absurd man hating. A feminist who supports both capitalism and imperialism is no friend of working class women.

    My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I'll show you a blood sucker " .

    We also don't believe in character assassination: President Trump is not a KKK type racist or a stereotyped woman hater.

     Nor is Trump a stooge of Russia's Vladimir Putin. He is, however, what he is : an All American plutocrat - and for us that is bad enough.

    Image result for Gays and culture of narcissism


All Eyes On Georgia's Special Election

Democratic socialists reject Islamic religious fanaticism but also ALL forms of toxic nationalism and blood thirsty FALSE patriotism.

Unlike the neo-liberals - besotted with " identity politics "- we respect the cultural, intellectual, and moral achievements of Western Civilization.What might " work " to preserve Western values is a complete RETREAT from the Middle East - at least for a century.

The working class LEFT and the middle class RIGHT might agree on this.

[“Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin, more even than death. Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habits; thought is anarchic and lawless, indifferent to authority, careless of the well-tried wisdom of the ages. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid ... Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.”]

         Bertrand Russell , " Why  Men Fight "
Image result for Bertrand Russell, Wisdom of the West