Friday, October 1, 1999

" Hate Crime" nonsense

This pseudo-liberal concept of " hate crime " will certainly create as many embarrassing problems as affirmative action. It is against the law to assault ANYBODY. A torture death is no less heinous a crime if it was done for perverse amusement ( " Sorry, nothing personal " )

Let criminals be tried for their deeds -not their thoughts. Recall the idea of " thought crime " in George Orwell's nightmare novel "1984 ".

I think the legal system should leave the human soul alone. It should be free to hate if that is its nature. Imagine finding yourself -if you are branded " homophobic " or " racist " - in a politically correct " Ministry of Love " where your sick brain will be re-conditioned to love all gay people or all minorities or just Bill and Hillary Clinton.

For any lover of FREEDOM -left wing or right wing - this violation of the human soul would be judged an abominable and detestable crime against nature.

And how many murders are NOT hate crimes ? It is invidious to give even vulnerable groups the special protection of the law.

I recall witnessing a cranky old man almost daring some young punk to strike him... because he was a " senior citizen ", you see.

Picture an obnoxious " in your face " gay person behaving the same way. Would that not make him even more loathsome to his would be attacker ?

When a hot blooded gay man molests a little boy - with whom he is always " affectionate " - is that a " love crime " ? Yet, he will still have to be protected against a " hate crime " - the dumb mob's revenge .

Let us just insist that the legal system ENFORCE THE LAW - and forget about this "hate crime" nonsense. A hateful crime cannot be made more hateful by calling it a "hate crime".

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