Thursday, October 28, 1999


That super-rich phony Donald Trump wants to be president of the U.S. so he can better protect the interests -now supra-national- of the super rich who -like good old fashioned communists - dismiss all varities of PATRIOTISM as hopelessly parochial.

No wonder Pat - whom I cannot quite support but do admire- now recognizes the need for a third part which will at least give a voice to blue collar America- which has as much right to be angry and rebellious as our politically correct victims.

Trump lies about Populist Pat: " He's a Hitler lover, I guess he's an anti-Semite. He doesn't like the blacks, he doesn't like the gays."( Projo, page A7- Oct. 26 )

Trump has no more right to GUESS that Buchanan is a Nazi than I have to GUESS that Trump is a wife beater or a child molester. Just the facts please !

It is a FACT that Hitler gained power by understanding the soul of Germany in the hellish 1920s. Does Pat Buchanan have a profound insight into the American soul at the millennium ?

Only moralizing charlatans profess to like everybody. Do we like people just because they are Jews or blacks or latinos or gay ? No, we like INDIVIDUALS for our own idiosyncratic reasons. It helps, of course,if THEY like US !

A greedy international capitalist never saw a race or human type that he did not like to exploit or bamboozle.


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