Thursday, October 28, 1999

Buchanan on the two party system

Your editorial this morning ( Oct.27) " Buchanan leaves the fold" at least refrained from that silly Nazi smear. Buchanan's opinion that the two party system is a " snare and a delusion and a fraud on the nation " is nothing new: This was the sacred dogma of the Old Left - and even the New Left in the rebellious 60s.

Where is it written in the Constitution that we must have a two party system ? And it is quite true from a LEFT perspective that both the Democrat and Republican parties support capitalist " free enterprise " .

The horrible failure of EVERY society that boldly proclaimed itself to be Communist -and the horrific collapse of the Soviet Union - now make us take world capitalism for granted. Would the American people even think about voting for Capitalism ?

Third parties - pro or anti- capitalist - have a right to exist. And the cards should not be stacked against them. They must be allowed to succeed or fail on the basis of the political reality check - a fair election.

Who says that money must win every important election ? Often enough the right ideas will win !

My grandfather, a Providence cop in the Depression years, thought that FDR and the New Deal made all the difference in the world to the working class. He had a family of five to support in those dreadful years.

Of course there is still a difference between the Republican and the Democratic party. But neither party has a monopoly on political wisdom. And there is room for a viable third party.

To make a third party possible is Pat Buchanan's real crime - not any flirtation with Nazism .

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