Monday, October 25, 1999

$200 -a big deal for a bureaucracy!

Bob, I just read your column. Of course,it makes great sense to help poor people help themselves. Who will hire you for a job if you just look like you need one ?

A paltry $200 would help the job seeker to at least look presentable. The desperate look is decidedly unattractive in the job market.

It would be wiser to spend that $200 -if granted - in the numerous second hand clothes shops - than buy 4 items at Ann & Hope or the K-Mart - CHEAP places !

An enormous bureaucratic expense is the assumption that most poor people are dishonest. Hence the mountains of paper work and the humiliating interrogation -the long delay - before the so called welfare state will give the poor guy or gal a nickel !

It would be saner to just loan ANY job seeker a paltry sum of money - which can be paid back in the near future. A valid ID - even an expired drivers license - should suffice for the necessary paper work.

Perhaps we need less supercilious bureaucrats and more COMMON SENSE in government.

POVERTY -more than RACE or SEX or SEXUAL ORIENTATION - will make you a second class citizen.

POVERTY is equal opportunity humiliation ! It says that black, white , yellow , gay or straight - you are mierda !

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