Sunday, September 5, 1999

This is how wars begin !

I am amazed how we humans make the most minimal efforts to understand a different or unpopular point of view. Today in a letter to the editor( Sept 5 ) The REVEREND Thomas Ahlburn is defended against Mark Mckaig 's charge that he is an "ignorant man ( " Censor Mr. Ahlburn " -Aug.31 ) .

I agree philosophically with Ahlburn's views on the traditional idea of God. And I know for a fact that a moral life is possible without mindless religious conformity.

But is it not ludicrous to keep the REVEREND title if you publicly question the reality of God ? Would we not resent a Christian Scientist - with no medical knowledge - calling himself DOCTOR or just another " scientist " ?

Does not the English language make demands on our honesty? Is atheism a religion ? The REVEREND really belongs -UNCENSORED - on the Lifebeat page. And I have the greatest respect for the man's intellect. Title his column " Ahlburn in Hell ".

I cannot agree with the traditionally religious -like Mark McKaig. But I know that they too are neither ignorant nor stupid.

Willfully misunderstanding people - that is how wars begin !

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