Friday, September 24, 1999

How Russia can be saved

Does it take a profound historian to see the similarities between the chaotic, desperate Russia today and the nightmarish Germany of the 1920s ?

The great Russian spirit will not sink into pitiful, abject nothingness. Great world powers do not just fade away. They will first unleash all the powers of hell, of the damned.

Clearly the vast majority of Russian people will not accept any more misery for the sake of a very undemocratic - and lawless-capitalism.

Horror of horrors, Russia - in order to save itself - will have to repete the 1917 experience. All the country's wealth and means of production must be ceased from the present robber barons by a ruthless, unapologetic " totalitarian " government.

All this, not in the spirit of the now ludicrous " Communist Manifesto " - but simply for national salvation.

Gradually - year by year - the new system, a benign fascism, can transform itself into a meritocracy. The talented but honest managers will be permitted to become fettered capitalists; the skilled workers will get more pay than the unskilled; the industrious will be better off than the lazy ( as they are everywhere !) .

Almost every rich thug in present day Russia must have been connected to old corrupt Stalinist bureaucracy. In other words they were once - irony of ironies - GOOD COMMUNISTS !

Let the old gang tremble !

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