Wednesday, September 8, 1999

Canine " ethnic cleansing " - OK

Downtown West Warwick -like the Providence " inner city " - is a dreary enough place without having to worry about vicious pit-bull attacks. I can only approve the West Warwick Town Council's new ordinance : Pit bull owners -often as vicious and ugly as their dear pets - will have to purchase $100,000 in liability insurance.

Here is one example where " class privilege " might be a good thing. Despite the stupid remarks of Dr. Gary Block of the Warwick Animal Hospital ( pitbulls are not violent by nature- they are just " bred to be that way " - Projo , Sept 8 , page C3 ) , the common pitbull - like the ocean dwelling " Jaws " - is a killing machine.

True many dogs are vicious and bite. But they don't possess the pit bull's made in hell jaw - designed by the benevolent Creator to rip your beautiful kid's face off and leave you with a million dollar medical bill.

Let's hope The New Providence passes a similar law on pit bulls. When I see a pit bull owner in Providence with a cellular phone -hanging around a front porch all day - I can make a reasonable guess about the idiot's " profession ".

Save the children - gas the pitbulls !

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