Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Beat Generation knew that CONFORMITY will kill us

US defence secretary calls on military to be ready for war against North Korea

[ "But if you desire to defend it... you must do this on the ground the way the Roman legions did: by putting your young men in the mud.”]

But will they order American young men to wallow in radioactive mud -which will do for their health what agent orange did for the health of the young men who fought in Vietnam - the war there being one long crime against humanity ?

        I am reminded of the famous Ginsberg protest poem " Howl " . The Beat Generation knew that conformity to the " American Way of Life " can kill you. Back then they were declared " the only rebellion in town ".

               Famous Marlon Brando line in " The Wild Ones "

[ Somebody asks Johnny, "What are you rebelling against?" His total rejection of society is revealed when he responds, "What've you got?"  ]

            "  What 've you got ?  " No BAN THE BOMB movement in 2017 ? The young men can look forward to a golden future of corporate job and happy consumerism - and comfortable servitude to the American ruling class ? Like 1955 all over again -even with radioactive one eyed purple people eaters . And " The Day After " ?

[ I have recently been in Vietnam and in the war museum there is a picture of a US soldier next to a bomb with "purple people eater" written on it. agent orange was a chemical sprayed on the forests to kill the leaves on the trees and agent orange was almost exactly the same as "agent purple..."
the chemical caused numerous health problems in the Vietnamese and still does today. ]

Image result for purple people eater, agent orange
Agent orange used in Vietnam

Image result for purple people eater
 The " Giant Purple People Eater "

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