Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The average cop or soldier does not want to die to make the world safe for rich people

Attorney General's Selective Silence Deafens Senate Russia Inquiry

As a democratic socialist it would be unprincipled of me to " recommend " any executive action for President Donald Trump. I certainly do not recommend that he be replaced by a favorite of the " shadow government " - an unconstitutional coup against a still LEGITIMATE president.

A peaceful revolution is possible if an American Labor Party - similar to the British Labor Party ( but with more backbone )- can be organized quickly.

It is the dynamics of the class struggle in the USA that will put millions of angry citizens in the streets. Is that all we have left - the democracy of the street ?

A democratic mass movement - and only that - has a right to de-legitimize the entire capitalist political system. I believe it can do this with an absolute minimum of violence. Popular revolutions often quickly neutralize the police and the military.

The average cop or soldier -brave as he or she is - does not want to die to make the world safe for rich people.

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