Friday, October 4, 2024

‘Very likely’ Iran’s nuclear program ‘could be a target’ of Israel: Amb.... AN OPEN MESSAGE TO THE CONGRESSIONAL " SQUAD " on Zionist Jew censorship of American public opinion

For years now the mostly WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , ZIONIST Jew censorship has been censoring not so much " hate speech " but American public opinion , our collective " Ideas & Opinions " . There should be a Congressional investigation of this deplorable assault on " OUR democracy ". Perhaps members of " The Squad " can initiate such an investigation BEFORE another World War breaks out ? I will send them this message ! Karl Marx said long ago that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ".Colossal , PRIVATE PROPERTY , means of communication in capitalist America simply do not exist to " inform the public ". What little TRUTH we get is only by way of indifferent accident. The BUSINESS of NEWS is primarily for PROFIT. Any events in the world that embarrass the ruling class plutocracy are not likely to get anything resembling objective coverage , to display " professional journalism ". Also ,I note how my local Channel 10 news ( Cranston, Rhode Island ) is frequently interrupted by vacuous , false, or even pernicious advertising ( especially prescription drug advertising that should be banned ) How can any really HONEST news program in " OUR democracy " slobber over sponsors every five minutes and then pretend to report with integrity " THE NEWS " ? Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )

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