Wednesday, October 9, 2024

This is an astonishing reactionary article in the one time Trotskyist newspaper " The Militant " still published by the American Socialist Workers Party

This is an astonishingly reactionary article in a one time Trotskyism oriented left-wing newspaper that decades ago was fiercely anti-Zionist. So now in the year 2024 American imperialism and Israeli Zionism, together forever in crimes against humanity, play a " progressive " in ridding the world of " anti-Semitic terrorists " ? Perhaps nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia and " communist " China and " communist " North Korea and Islamic Iran will advance the now reactionary " socialist " program of the Jack Barnes' degenerate Socialist Workers Party " and " The Militant " newspaper ? I wonder : Are there any MARXIST parties and newspapers that have not gone completely wacky during an extraordinary " Dark Age " of political reaction that had its beginnings with the election of American president Ronald Reagan in 1980 ? Not without reason, I have remained during this long political " dark night of the soul " an independent- and not " godless " - democratic socialist . Like the fictional character Winston Smith in George Orwell's " 1984 " I still think : " If there is hope it lies in the proles " . EXCERPT from the article in " The Militant " : [Over the last few weeks Israeli forces have decimated the leadership of Tehran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon, killing its longtime leader Hassan Nasrallah; destroying thousands of its rocket launchers; disrupting much of its communication systems; and began pushing it out of the southern part of the country. These blows advance the fight to defend Israel’s right to exist as a refuge for Jews and the fight against Jew-hatred worldwide. It has also deepened demoralization of supporters of Tehran, Hamas and their “axis of resistance.” In retaliation the Iranian rulers fired 180 ballistic missiles at Israel Oct. 1, but the reactionary regime in Tehran is responding from a position of weakness. It faces widespread opposition by workers and oppressed nationalities at home to its military adventures abroad. Israeli air defenses shot down most of the projectiles — with some help from the U.S. military. Some of the missiles made it through. A Palestinian in the West Bank was killed by shrapnel. A school and more than 100 houses were damaged, along with minor damage to a few military bases. ] Back people of Israel in a war against Jew-hatred – The Militant Back people of Israel in a war against Jew-hatred – The Militant By Seth Galinsky Vol. 88/No. 38 October 14, 2024 Syria News AgencyResidents of Azaz, northern Syria, celebrate Sept. 28 after learning of death of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah. The Tehran-backed group is hated by millions for helping the Assad dictatorship, along with Tehran and Moscow, crush popular...

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