Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Why Humanity Must Overcome Religion | Carl Sagan

To be sure " New Atheism " evangelism - unworthy of the late Carl Sagan - will not save humanity and civilization in the 21st century. What must be " overcome " is not the ingrained religious instincts of the masses ( FAITH is very much alive in the " scientific " world today ) but the EVIL system of global capitalism, American imperialism, and Israeli Zionism. I got a sardonic laugh way back in 2003 when the celebrity voices of the New Atheism were openly supporting the criminal war of American imperialism in Iraq , embracing Israeli Zionism more in the spirit of the atheist Zionist Jew right wing philosopher Ayn Rand than in the spirit of completely jackass CHRISTIAN Zionism. A leading voice of this obnoxious New Atheism was the drunken ex-Trotskyist intellectual author Christopher Hitchens, who wrote the New Atheism classic for those days : " God Is Not Great - how religion poisons everything ". For me that yellow book cover almost had a sinister sulfurous smell . I read it , then put into the trash bin. As a longtime independent democratic socialist myself I think the biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was not SOCIALISM . It was the STATE declaring itself to be " officially atheist". With healthy instincts the masses of religious people in the world today , Catholic, Protestant , Muslim , Orthodox Jewish, Buddhist are most likely to reject any political movement inspired by militant atheism. I hope MARXIST vanguard parties learn this lesson ! Whatever " Afterlife " might be there for us today , I hope that decent , humane , so SCIENTIFIC, now so ghostly , guy Carl Sagan can think thoughts less vacuous than " what hydrogen atoms can do after 13 billion years of cosmic evolution ". Carried to extreme even philosophical MATERIALISM is a spiritual DEAD END .

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