Monday, July 8, 2024

Watch again: Biden joins Philly church after saying only 'Lord Almighty'...

It does not surprise me that WOKE WARRIOR Democrat , Joe Biden, remains in good standing with today's post VATICAN II , New World Order Catholic Church where ABSOLUTE SACRED TRUTH varies with the zeitgeist. Once unshakeable moral authority now cries : " Who am I to judge ? " I suspect that all that " fresh air " of Vatican II encouraged not a few sexual degenerates to enter the priesthood , to make themselves " another Christ ". Did stretching the meaning of Catholic liberal " involve actually blessing abortion clinics and creating the impression that gloomy abortion is just one more celebration of FREEDOM for women ? I suspect most Catholic liberals really think that abortion is often enough just a necessary evil - nothing to dance in the streets about . Leave that to WOKE WARRIOR Democrats ! Make the capitalist world less of a hell for working class women and PRO-LIFE will have a deeper meaning .

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