Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Post-debate poll reveals strongest candidate to replace Biden

The hard core of today's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party consists of devoted ZIONIST Jews in a political holy alliance with the Black bourgeoisie and the Hollywood LGBTQ+ elite. It is completely out of touch with the mostly CHRISTIAN working class of all races and ethnic groups. A long way from the organized labor friendly party of FDR and JFK. For years now it has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, LOVE APARTHEID Israel , New McCarthyism. With all the social and economic misery of the American working class , we are encouraged by the mainstream news media to applaud nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia, and genocide in Gaza under the rule of the Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu . Also , endless BILLIONS for the warmonger , embezzler V. Zelensky in his " Greater Israel " Ukraine ( he did say he wants his country to resemble Israel ! ) .

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