Saturday, September 2, 2023

Searing anger of a gold star parent directed at creepy Commander -In-Chief Joe Biden

Searing anger of a gold star parent who lost a son to the Moloch god of Imperialist War . As creepy and corrupt as Commander -in-Chief & Son Joe Biden is , hatred directed at one man is still misplaced. What about EVIL of the war itself - a " war against terrorism " in Afghanistan and in Iraq where a dictator hid his " weapons of mass destruction " ( so said the EMBEDDED mainstream news media ). The Biden administration is packed with ardent " friends of Israel " who are determined to get us into another stupid war - a war to SAVE " sovereign " Ukraine led by puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger , embezzler of US taxpayer money V. Zelensky . Is Zelensky and his dubious cause worth nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia ? How many gold star father awards will handed out by high officials of American imperialism on " The Day After " ? If a patriotic ceremony can get that ridiculous ,how about a million of them outside an incinerated White House and an incinerated Congress building ? Rational anger must be directed at THE SYSTEM that starts these stupid and endless wars -which have nothing to do with defending " OUR democracy ". But Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has smothered the voice of the antiwar movement in this country . They would have you hate the peace movement !

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