Tuesday, September 26, 2023

How an American Lenin would solve the mounting debt crisis ?

The whole FEAR of government debt is essentially a fear of flesh and blood CAPITALIST creditors . Ordinary peasants like me cannot loan the majestic government of the United States a nickel . Or not any significant amount for its mounting bills. But an American Lenin -in the White House - would simple decree that We the SOCIALIST PEOPLE of the United States are now the owners of all that is measurable in money, called WEALTH , and all human and natural resources. In other words the now so intimidating LORDS of the Economy will be STIFFED ! Not being a millionaire or billionaire anymore is only the mildest form of SOCIALIST " oppression ". But the government owes us TRILLIONS ? No, no , now the government owes you NOTHING ! The debt crisis is solved ! But WE all are richer !

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