Thursday, September 28, 2023

Capitalist banks ALWAYS discriminate against individuals on the basis of INCOME . WHITE SUPREMACY has nothing to do with it !

Capitalist banks ALWAYS discriminate against individuals on the ECONOMIC basis of INCOME. The WOKE WARRIOR mainstream news media does this even with Health Care News. If some statistical Black community has a higher heart disease rate or high blood pressure rate than some statistical ( was economic CLASS taken into consideration? ) white community , the insinuation is that WHITE SUPREMACY - not every day CAPITALIST economics - is the root cause of the problem. The ballyhooed Obama Care never achieved health care as a BASIC HUMAN RIGHT. To the generic CAPITALIST - bless his or her soul - all money is GREEN . If you have enough of it , a proverbial heart of stone will melt. As a long time independent democratic socialist I must defend even nasty capitalists and loan sharks against FALSE claims. The fatuous IDENTITY POLITICS of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party will soon end in political bankruptcy . [ Why would anybody in the banking industry loan money to obvious dead beats of any race or ethnic group ? ] For example ,presently I would not loan $20 to myself ! ]

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