Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Most American politicians are lawyers . In law school they learn the fine art of sophistry and lying

All the ruling class American politicians - even if they are ignorant of many significant events in American - invariably resort to the language and stock phrases of official American mythology as taught in public school " American History " textbooks. Don't expect quotes from any Marxist historian or from Professor Howard Zinn's " People's History of the United States " ALL our wars were glorious and ultimately triumphant ? Always a battle for FREEEDOM and DEMOCRACY and a defense of SOVEREIGN nations on all continents. It even goes beyond the Boy Scout Code of Benevolence. Our ruling class just cannot stand to see people deprived of FREEDOM anywhere . It cannot stand to see any nation governed by dictators or losing its SOVEREIGN independence. Almost any little country in Latin America , in South America, Mexico and Cuba can testify to America's eternal " Good Neighbor Policy " ! That nation named Chile is especially grateful for U.S. regard for SOVEREIGN countries ! It seems that higher " liberal " education in the United States is all about absorbing ruling class inspired sophistry and hypocrisy. Famous American author Mark Twain understood this way back at the turn of the last century when the Yellow Press was applauding the War with Spain and President William McKinley . No accident that most American politicians are lawyers. In law school they learn the fine art of sophistry and lying .

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