Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Solve the U.S. government debt crisis by junking the military along with its genocidal nuclear arsenal ?
When DEEP STATE sends THE WORD to American nuclear sub crew ?
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano on the " International Movement of Russophiles ( MIR ) ". Radical Ron at least finds it INTERESTING and HONEST !
Fwd: Working class Americans owe ZIONIST Jew Senator Diane Feinstein NOTHING !
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sept 2023 at 13:25
Subject: Working class Americans owe ZIONIST Jew Senator Diane Feinstein NOTHING !
To: Letters, NYT <>
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party of the United States -led by corrupt, senile, creepy , " Sleepy Joe " Biden - is dominated by ZIONIST Jew zealots. And a while back " Sleepy Joe " said that if he were a Jew , of course , he would be a ZIONIST Jew. And no surprise his administration is packed with warmongering ZIONIST Jews. Today they slobber over the puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger embezzler , president of not so " sovereign " Ukraine, V. Zelensky. They think it is worth the risk , nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia , to protect president for life Zelensky's " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda. For years now the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism. With stale Wilsonian blather - false more than a century ago- the ZIONIST Jew controlled mainstream news media thinks they can spread THEIR war fever for " sovereign " Ukraine to working class CHRISTIAN " deplorables " in " OUR democracy ." 24 hours a day ZIONIST Jew censors or their lackeys REMOVE ANTI-WAR public opinion even from social media like Facebook and You Tube. THEIR newspapers-like the New York Times - rarely publish DISSENT on the proxy war in Ukraine. Find any " liberal " Democrat with a critical attitude toward Zionist APARTHEID Israel? Thank God the military has a big problem recruiting its necessary cannon fodder among the CHRISTIAN working class youth. Despite horrible public school education they are not lacking in common sense and common decency. Of course, the 90 year old departed Senator Diane Feinstein is honored by the country's ruling class. And very warmly praised by the powerful minority of incurable " friends of Israel " ZIONIST Jews. The American working class and a middle class in MEGA-INFLATION free fall owe her nothing ! This post is shared on my Facebook page ( 5000 maximum friends ) and on " Radical Ron's Blog Spot ( half a MILLION + views ) .
The American working class- and a middle class in MEGA-INFLATION free fall -owe Senator Diane Feinstein nothing !
Join THEIR crusade to once again " make the world safe for democracy " ?
Fwd: Great quote on ZIONISM by Professor Howard Zinn
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sept 2023 at 12:08
Subject: Fwd: Great quote on ZIONISM by Professor Howard Zinn
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sept 2023 at 12:08
Subject: Great quote on ZIONISM by Professor Howard Zinn
To: <>
[ "I think the Jewish State was a mistake, yes. Obviously, it's too late to go back. It was a mistake to drive the Indians off the American continent, but it's too late to give it back. At the time, I thought creating Israel was a good thing, but in retrospect, it was probably the worst thing that the Jews could have done. What they did was join the nationalistic frenzy, they became privy to all of the evils that nationalism creates and became very much like the United States—very aggressive, violent and bigoted. When Jews were without a state they were internationalists and they contributed to whatever culture they were part of and produced great things. Jews were known as kindly, talented people. Now, I think, Israel is contributing to anti-Semitism. So I think it was a big mistake." ]
Once again the JEWISH popular science writer Isaac Asimov on ZIONIST Israel
EQUAL PAY DAYS for ALL super-exploited capitalist wage slaves in a given industry ? The goal of WOKE " progressive " Democrats ?
Fwd: NOTE the scratched over lines in my You Tube . Continued ZIONIST Jew censorship of antiwar views
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sept 2023 at 07:36
Subject: NOTE the scratched over lines in my You Tube . Continued ZIONIST Jew censorship of antiwar views
To: Letters <>
" Karl Marx said a long time ago " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class.'" American imperialism and Israeli Zionism together forever - determine that YOUR ideas about " communism " , " socialism " , American imperialism and Israeli Zionism, are poisoned by their toxic propaganda machine. Today in the USA ZIONIST Jews slobbering over the warmonger embezzler Ukraine president Zelensky - are 24 hour CENSORS of antiwar public opinion in the United States. They know that we ordinary working class CHRISTIANS are not persuaded by stale Wilsonian propaganda - FALSE more than a century ago - that " OUR democracy " should risk nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia. Like war criminal Henry Kissinger the present American Secretary of State is a militant ZIONIST Jew. In fact , corrupt , senile , creepy " Sleepy Joe " Biden's administration is backed with war mongering ZIONIST Jews. Biden said a while back , " If I were a Jew , of course, I would be a ZIONIST ! " This is the government of " OUR democracy " . WOKE WARRIOR Democrats even talk as if THEY own it. And THEY do ! But who represents us working class -mostly CHRISTIAN - " deplorables" in the USA Today !
ZIONIST Jews continue to censor anti-war public opinion in the United States
WOKE WARRIOR Democrats have the winning strategy for 2024 Election?
The heart of WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party : rich ZIONIST Jews teaming up with social climbing , petty bourgeois Black sycophant Democrats
Friday, September 29, 2023
Behind the arrogance of rising black politicians like Gabe Amo in Rhode Island - ZIONIST Jew elite mentors and patrons
Fwd: Behind the arrogance of Democrat for Congress Gabe Amp
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 16:01
Subject: Behind the arrogance of Democrat for Congress Gabe Amp
To: <>, <>, <>, Tara Granahan <>, Gregg, Katherine <>
Diane Feinstein just passed away -a pillar of the now ZIONIST Jew dominated WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party
Fwd: A profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the capitalist USA
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 06:36
Subject: A profound crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in the capitalist USA
To: <>
Democrats impeaching a Republican president of the United States. Republicans impeaching a Democrat president of the United States. What is really happening here ? A profound crisis of capitalist TWO PARTY SYSTEM. As a long time independent democratic socialist I think the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party - obviously dominated by militant ZIONIST Jews- is the greater threat of bringing " It Can't Happen Here " fascism to whatever remains of " OUR democracy ". Trump promises to abolish whatever reeks of SOCIALISM from the USA. He mistakenly imagines that it lurks menacingly to OUR WAY OF LIFE in the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has promoted the HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism for years. They slobber over the puffed up NATO " hero " warmonger, embezzler ZIONIST Jew Zelensky. And over his " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda. Corrupt , senile, creepy " Sleepy Joe " Biden a while back said that if HE were a Jew , he would naturally be a ZIONIST. Working class CHRISTIANS in the USA are not giddy-toxic patriotism excited over nuclear World War III with POST COMMUNIST Russia over a very dubiously " sovereign " Ukraine. The Democratic Party for decades now has supervised the GREAT CENSORS of real American public opinion in the mainstream news media and in much social media like You Tube and Facebook.They now scorn the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. They are the vanguard force in attacking once highly respected freedom of religion. What WORKING CLASS America really needs is their own independent ( of the ruling class ) American Labor Party.
The crisis of the TWO PARTY SYSTEM in capitalist USA
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Excellent video tour of my beloved Knightsville , Cranston neighborhood on You Tube
Is old Rhode Island radio station WRIB also now abandoned ? And haunted by THE GHOST OF RADIO PERSONALITIES PAST ?
A " Mother Teresa Moment "
Exuberant Halloween House in my Knightsville, Cranston neighborhood
Capitalist banks ALWAYS discriminate against individuals on the basis of INCOME . WHITE SUPREMACY has nothing to do with it !
We We will cancel all lottery winnings
Corrupt Senator Menendez fully supported war monger, embezzler, ZIONIST Jew Zelensky's " Greater Israel " Ukraine agenda
Fwd: Former scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson is now a public speaking apologist for secular ZIONIST Jew " science "
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sept 2023 at 04:54
Subject: Fwd: Former scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson is now a public speaking apologist for secular ZIONIST Jew " science "
To: Letters, NYT <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 28 Sept 2023 at 04:51
Subject: Former scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson is now a public speaking apologist for secular ZIONIST Jew " science "
To: Letters <>
Former scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson now a public speaking apologist for secular ZIONIST Jew " science "
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Dream Time for Ruggieri family members Michael , Steven, Adrienne, and Ronnie
" Dream Time " with my brothers Michael and Steven and sister Adrienne at Roger William Park in Providence
Along with their JUST JUDGES the ONE PERCENT looks down on the rest of us " little people " in " OUR democracy ".
Astrophysicist Neil De Grasse Tyson the charlatan voice of secular ZIONIST Jew " science "
Italo -American socialist honors Christopher Columbus on Columbus Day
Is the management of 630 WPRO tone deaf on FALSE ADVERTISING ?
Fwd: Is the Management of 630 WPRO tone deaf on FALSE ADVERTISING ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sept 2023 at 05:16
Subject: Is the Management of 630 WPRO tone deaf on FALSE ADVERTISING ?
To: <>, <>, Tara Granahan <>, <>, <>, Gregg, Katherine <>
Mob looting is morally wrong and self-defeating .... but ?
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
How an American Lenin would solve the mounting debt crisis ?
Seeing the case against Trump from the perspective of an independent democratic socialist
Is James Carville fully aware that pillars of WOKE in his party are mostly ZIONIST Jews ?
Not only are Letters- to -the editor fading away ... they now must be considered a form of harassment of " respectable " mainstream newspaper editors by a malicious public
Real CHUTZPAH contempt for working class people in BLUE , BLUE Rhode Island by WOKE WARRIOR " liberal " Democrats
Democrat pariah RFK Jr. would do the country a favor by forming an independent American Labor Party
Donald Trump was pulling his punches when he frequently referred to FAKE news media
Castro was right to seize the bank accounts of rich oppressor Cuban " gusanos "
Compel landlords to accept draconian rent controls
ZIONIST Jews joined the ranks of FASCIST racists long ago
Monday, September 25, 2023
" Why Johnny Still Can't Read "? Book by author RudolphFlesch criminally ignored by American public school system for years !
So support for Trump and maverick Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. must be signs of malevolent anti-Semitism ?
" THE DONALD " at least tells the truth about " Sleepy Joe " Biden and his WOKE WARRIOR Democrats
Way back in 1965 Malcolm X warned the Harlem Black community that liberal Democrat Jews were false friends
THE LAW is not above the stench of " liberal " Democrat corruption
Joe Biden 's ZIONIST Jew ally , V. Zelensky , describes future Ukraine as " Greater Israel "
Criminals KNOW the police better than most oblivious law abiding citizens ?
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Biden's WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is a greater fascist threat than Trump and his followers
Beautiful music . The too obtrusive ads on You Tube are obnoxious.
The art of military recruiting in the United States gets frustrating
Fwd: IN " OUR democracy " only ZIONIST Jews applaud warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sept 2023 at 04:49
Subject: Fwd: IN " OUR democracy " only ZIONIST Jews applaud warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky
To: <>, Gregg, Katherine <>, <>, <>, Tara Granahan <>, <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sept 2023 at 08:40
Subject: IN " OUR democracy " only ZIONIST Jews applaud warmonger embezzler V. Zelensky
To: <>, Letters <>, Letters, NYT <>, letters <>, <>
ZIONIST Jews only are cheering for warmonger embezzler Zelensky and nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Saving " sovereign ' nations is what American History is all about ?
Top ZIONIST Jews in Biden administration plan nuclear World War III with no hatred in their hearts ?
Fwd: Are ZIONIST Jews in the Biden administration languishing with a longing for a more perfect HOLOCAUST ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 23 Sept 2023 at 21:53
Subject: Are ZIONIST Jews in the Biden administration languishing with a longing for a more perfect HOLOCAUST ?
To: Letters, NYT <>
Are ZIONIST Jews packed in the Biden administration languishing with a longing for a bigger and better HOLOCAUST ?
Less hubris in Big Bang astronomy will not hurt science
Proxy war with Russia in Ukraine brought to us by the ZIONIST Lobby !
Apes and dogs always strike me as dear old relatives !
ZIONIST Jews only are cheering for warmonger embezzler Zelensky and nuclear World War III with POST-COMMUNIST Russia
Soon working class CHRISTIANS in the United States will turn with a fury on these merchants of death.
Adam Schiff is in the vanguard of the WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party's HATE RUSSIA, New McCarthyism pro-war agenda
Friday, September 22, 2023
Working class Americans are not giddy with patriotic war fever over nuclear World War III
Do any respectable scholars care to notice that the pillars of Critical Race Theory are secular ZIONIST Jews ?
Snotty response to Radical Ron's post on You Tube
The only solid support for warmonger embezzler Zelensky comes ZIONIST Jews in the United States and in APARTHEID Israel
One way to stop combat veteran suicides
The WOKE WARRIOR Democratic Party is not above any exposed corruption
The only solid support for warmonger embezzler Zelensky comes from ZIONIST Jew politicians like Senator Schumer
Thursday, September 21, 2023
For millions of years living creatures have been migrating around the world
Fwd: Time Enough at Last: Wake Not The Dead - Decayed Roger Williams Park Mausoleum
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 12:03
Subject: Time Enough at Last: Wake Not The Dead - Decayed Roger Williams Park Mausoleum
To: <>
Ron Ruggieri has sent you a link to a blog:
A horror story
Blog: Time Enough at Last
Post: Wake Not The Dead - Decayed Roger Williams Park Mausoleum
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In TRUTH the proxy war with Russia in Ukraine has little public support
Zelensky a hero to many American Jews ?
Fwd: Just WHO in American society is slobbering over warmonger embezzler Zelensky ?
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sept 2023 at 11:34
Subject: Just WHO in American society is slobbering over warmonger embezzler Zelensky ?
To: Letters, NYT <>