Friday, November 5, 2021

Wake Not The Dead - Decayed Roger Williams Park Mausoleum


I grew up in the nearby once respectable Washington Park neighborhood ( 1954 - 1970 ) . The Roger Williams Park Mausoleum is right near what was once Saint Steven's Chapel and before that the Palace Theater where my 10 year old self was frightened by " The Curse of Frankenstein " - a warning horror story about disturbing the dead and seeking out forbidden knowledge. Let delinquent youth be warned : there is a terrible curse on that decaying House of the Dead for all who enter there with EVIL intentions . There is a tale that three young men who perished in the flames of a fatal car crash on Halloween Night recently had spent the night there performing a Satanic ritual . Their souls are now captive at the Mausoleum. And only a Catholic exorcist can release them from a hellish afterlife. " WAKE NOT THE DEAD " was a horror story I read on my Kindle on a sleepless night -one of many sleepless nights in a world where Satan is making a dramatic END OFTHE WORLD comeback .

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