Wednesday, January 4, 2023

What can prevent bloody civil violence in the United States ?

What is behind this " stalemate " in the Congress' vote for Speaker of the House is a virtual civil war within the American ruling class and a profound crisis of its TWO PARTY SYSTEM . Although both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are structured to serve the American plutocracy there can be sharp disagreements in foreign policy and domestic policy. It does seem that the WOKE Democratic Party has completely estranged itself from the Christian working class of all races and ethnic groups. And not one " progressive " Democratic was a passionate anti-war voice , a voice for world peace in the 2022 midterm elections. The MAGA Republicans do seem like they have a FASCIST streak in them with their near worship of the STRONG MAN . But the members of both parties mostly vote and talk in lock step conformity to some perceived " correct " party line. It is easy to see how Fuhrers and dictators came to power in the 20th century in the tumultuous decade of the Great Depression. What can prevent bloody civil violence in the United States ? We need a mass political party that can really speak for and represent the vast majority of working class American - and middle class Americans now in MEGA-INFLATION free fall . We need an American Labor somewhat like the British Labor Party but bolder and less compromised. If " socialist " Bernie Sanders had any radical integrity , he himself would call for such a party in the United States. That would honor Eugene V. Debs whom he once professed to admire.

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