Monday, January 9, 2023

Thoughts on world famous Italo-American " COMPASSION JUDGE " Frank Caprio -soon to be removed ?

Old judge Frank Caprio as Rhode Island judges go -is an easy judge to like . His empathy and compassion for these diverse -often troubled - people showing up mostly for minor violations of traffic laws - is real , not feigned. I listened to Judge Caprio now a famous world celebrity - being interviewed on 630WPRO's Gene Valicenti 's show this morning (January 9 , 2023 ) . His position is now threatened by a fresh Providence City Council. The home town adulation in the old country- or here in Rhode Island- cannot save his job. More like the Mafia is the Rhode Island Democratic Party which has kept us a one party state. At age 86 ( ? ) he thinks he still has a few productive years left. Human all too human VANITY ! The clock of life runs out for all of us . How many ordinary American are still employed at 70 ? After the Biblical three score and ten we just gamble on how much good time we still have left . Mental and physical health become visibly vulnerable . Check out " Sleepy Joe " Biden , the president of the United States. Too many quite old people in power in " OUR democracy " refuse to leave the stage. As a long time independent democratic socialist I wonder why all these often pathetic cases before him have not revised Judge Caprio's thinking about inherent social injustice of the capitalist system. In some cases even very human COMPASSION can be turned into a FOR PROFIT racket. Made for TV compassion scripts will do very little to prevent much preventable misery in " The Other America ". Perhaps " safe " retirement is best situation for pondering " dangerous " thoughts . Imagine, for example, Gene Valicenti one morning in 2024 wearing a VOTE SOCIALIST button to work. Now imagine the talented newsman being quickly escorted out of the WPRO studio building ! It has happened before in the notorious McCarthy Era.

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