Friday, November 5, 2021

No honest talk about SOCIALISM among Democrats or Republicans


[The American people are telling the Big Government Socialists, "No, this is not the future we want." ]
Hardly anybody connected with the mainstream news media in the United States or with the Democratic or Republican parties shows any intellectual honesty on the meaning and the "threat " of socialism. The Republicans IMAGINE the Democratic Party is dominated by crypto-socialists which they usually call the FAR LEFT . What a joke !
The core issue for REAL socialists since the publication of the Communist Manifesto in 1848 has been the fundamental injustice and irrationality of an economy based on PRIVATE PROPERTY in the means of production, on the FOR PROFIT capitalist system . Chants like " TAXING THE RICH ", making them pay their " fair share " can only obscure -at most moderate- the daily exploitation and oppression of the masses under capitalism.
Decades ago both Black Muslim leader Malcolm X and the black Civil Rights Movement leader Dr. Martin Luther King could see a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism. Not for nothing recently you have BLACK LIVES MATTER groups waving the Palestinian flag in street demonstrations - peaceful or violent . But ironically black people in the USA have many false friends among " progressive ", even WOKE ,Zionist Jews in the Democratic Party who think " NO PROBLEM HERE " when they voice passionate support for APARTHEID ISRAEL. And when they scorn SOCIALIST ideas in favor of predatory capitalist ideas.

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