Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Robert Kennedy Jr. on his father's assassination
"I now have Robert Kennedy's book " The Real Anthony Fauci " on my kindle . His father RFK would be proud of his " Profile in Courage " son , fighting for whatever is left of " OUR democracy ". In the 21st century the American plutocracy has succeeded in creating the most docile , subservient intellectual class in human history . "
ADD : Yes , under Fauci the health of the American people has deteriorated. FOR PROFIT medicine is a world wide moral catastrophe .
50 years after Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, his son tells Tucker
Joel Engel's biography of Rod Serling
Could the driving force behind the WEIRD IMAGINATION - such as that of " Twilight Zone " legend Rod Serling - be the existential nightmare : fear of DEATH combined with fear of FAILURE ? Anyway, with Serling chain smoking did not help. Was not the Providence , Rhode Island horror writer H.P. Lovecraft also driven to create weird fiction by real " cosmic horror " ? And both Rod Serling and H.P. Lovecraft were also horrified by the irrational -often idiotic - capitalist social order .

Image: Rod Serling : The Dreams and Nightmares of Life in the Twilight ...
Found on Google from
Does the sectarian Marxist Left prefer not to see that secular , anti-religious Zionist Jews are the pillars of WOKE politics and DNC based " identity politics " ?
[The #Disrupt Texts website, aimed principally at high school teachers, is one of the most pernicious advocates of displacing Shakespeare and other significant figures and works, including F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird and Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. It claims its mission is “to challenge the traditional canon in order to create a more inclusive, representative, and equitable language arts curriculum that our students deserve.” ]
Does the sectarian Marxist Left prefer not to see that secular , anti-religious Zionist Jews are the pillars of WOKE politics and DNC based " identity politics " ? And none of these Zionist Jews will apply CRITICAL RACE THEORY to APARTHEID Israel.
And none of these Zionist Jews will apply CRITICAL RACE THEORY to APARTHEID Israel.
tstS fungoowl1n4coed · YouTube ·
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Does the sectarian Marxist Left prefer not to see that secular , anti-religious Zionist Jews are the pillars of WOKE politics and DNC based " identity politics " ? And none of these Zionist Jews will apply CRITICAL RACE THEORY to APARTHEID Israel.
Monday, November 29, 2021
An obscure " secret of Fatima " ?
What guarantees that the WOKE sectarian " progressive " and Marxist Left will never spark or lead a mass movement for socialism is their contempt for the religious instincts and feeling of the human race. The 1917 Russian Revolution was a long , long time ago , more than a century. Very soon its inspiration went dead after its leaders were perceived to be God Hating anti-religious fanatics. They hated God and Christianity , especially the Catholic Church , more than they loved the proletariat and the ideals of socialism. The biggest mistake of the Russian Revolution was to declare the new Soviet state OFFICIALLY ATHEIST . I wonder if that was one of the " secrets of Fatima ".
When the Cathedral of Notre Dame was burning down a few years ago one pseudo- Trotskyist was giddy with joy : " Burn baby burn ! " he exclaimed . That is not the stuff of a mass socialist movement. Perhaps STALINISM REDUX ?
Arrogant , secular, anti-religious Zionist Jews do have a lot in common with the NAZI master race mentality !
Arrogant , secular, anti-religious Zionist Jews do have a lot in common with the NAZI master race mentality !
How many Jewish girls did Ghislaine Maxwell set up as sex toys for Epstein ? To receive HIS DNA ?
How many Jewish girls did Ghislaine Maxwell set up as sex toys for Epstein ? To receive HIS DNA ?
Not DEFUND THE POLICE - REPLACE THE POLICE with a force loyal to the working class
As an INDEPENDENT democratic socialist I think the slogan DEFUND THE POLICE misses the point . The most rational explanation of the capitalist state and its police force was given by one Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia : Lenin said in " State and Revolution " that the police -above all -serve to protect and defend PRIVATE PROPERTY rights. In fact, THE STATE is essentially an ARMED FORCE against the common people.
A serious socialist revolution will not DEFUND the police . It will REPLACE the police force of the capitalist state with the police force -loyal to working class - of a triumphant SOCIALIST revolution.
ANARCHY -the absence of any police force- will only create chaos and undermine CIVILIZATION itself. Without CIVILIZATION and rational ORDER the cause of justice for the oppressed masses is hopeless.
Just as the police at present serve the capitalist ruling class so does their TWO PARTY SYSTEM . So does their mainstream news media. So does their PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE . Also , public schools and institutions of higher education make themselves intellectually subservient to the ideology of the ruling class. The lackeys of academia can hardly wait to shout out " THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! " the moment they spot a male or female in a military uniform. The American ruling class in the 21st century has fostered the most subservient intellectual class in human history.
Can any honest democratic socialist say " THANK YOU ! " for anything to U.S. imperialism ? Democratic socialism is simply incompatible with brainless patriotism - which is really a secular religion in the USA ( always on display in televised football games which bring out in the cheering or booing mob a primal, tribal viciousness) .
For working class Americans of all races and ethnic groups nuclear World War III with Russia or China -or just another endless stupid war in the Middle East-is nothing to cheer for .
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