Saturday, October 30, 2021

What Chutzpah Hypocrisy - " liberal " Democrats fighting the capitalist death penalty !


You will not find a single ambitious Democratic Party politician who will seriously oppose the capitalist death penalty . Any orthodox Marxist or socialist humanist will agree on the explanation:these " liberal " politicians are in the service of American capitalism as much as any FAR RIGHT Republican politician. As the great Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin explained in a book titled " State and Revolution " the very essence of THE STATE is a body of armed men ready to kill . harm, torture or imprison any out-of-line working class people. Always fearful of mass opposition ,of working class uprising ( as if they have to be unctuously convinced by pernicious socialists that they are exploited and oppressed by the " boss class " ! ) the capitalist ruling class USA dare not give up one ultimate weapon of intimidation and revenge : the DEATH PENALTY. The hypocritical " progressive " Democrats want you to favor them in the voting booth just for having their treacherous hearts in the right place.
You can be sure that any future WAR will be in the interests of this American plutocracy and will have nothing to do with the real interests of the American working class of all races and ethnic groups , men and women . The Democratic Party would have you believe that they are fighting the Alamo against all forms of HATE . What chutzpah hypocrisy ! Can LOVE - as traditional Christianity preaches it - ever prevail in this rotten , oppressive, irrational and cruel CAPITALIST HELL ?

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