Friday, October 22, 2021

Imagine a CAPITALIST society where everybody loves everybody ?


Karl Marx had a very pithy comment that explains much in the culture of capitalist nations : " The ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ".
Why do you think the American ruling class - its hacks and flunkies in the public education system - are promoting CRITICAL RACE THEORY ? Because they want to correct EXISTING social and economic inequality ? They feel so GUILITY , you see ,about continued black poverty and social misery ? They can abolish racial " hate " just by shaming a few ignorant souls ? Can they CLASS promote all black working class people ? But why leave working class white people behind ? Recall Engel's horrible description of the mostly Irish working class in his book " The Condition of the Working Class in England "- THEY WERE NO BETTER THAN SLAVES IN THE OLD SOUTH ! Can hateful attitudes toward different race and ethnic groups be abolished without drastically changing the capitalist economic system ?
Imagine a society where EVERYBODY LOVES EVERYBODY but there is no change in the economic system based on exploitation and oppression ? Nope , nothing wrong here ! Who is trying to bamboozle us ? Not the mainstream news media and WOKE Democratic " progressive " politicians ? If they are " socialists " , it is only a result of a complete misunderstanding !

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