Saturday, July 3, 2021

Yes, a FASCIST solution to the homeless epidemic in the USA

[In one sense there can only be an immediate FASCIST solution to end the homeless epidemic in the USA . By " fascist " I don't mean lurid visions of Mussolini or Hitler. I mean the existing state must rise above the plutocracy and tell it that THEY no longer have anything resembling absolute PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT . The homeless will be told that they have no absurd civil right to be a homeless - a health risk to themselves and a HEALTH HAZARD for the public. The homeless must be rescued by the BIG BAD GOVERNMENT . If the government can not shelter them, then PRIVATE REAL ESTATE will -and THE RENT STAYS THE SAME for homeless Americans : NOTHING ! A STATE that is not " communist " or " socialist " but above the plutocracy will be an interesting PRAGMATIC experiment .] #FoxNews Venice Beach violence reaches boiling point in L.A. as new viral video emerges FOXNEWS.COM Venice Beach violence reaches boiling point in L.A. as new viral video emerges

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