Saturday, July 10, 2021

IGNORANCE-IN-ACTION to attack historic monuments no matter how individually obnoxious

Karl Marx observed way back in 1848 the patterns in History : since the beginning of civilization HISTORY has been made by ruling classes. They supervised the art and culture in ancient Egypt and in the Golden Age of Greece , in Imperial Rome . Then you have centuries of the Holy Roman Empire when Popes were virtual emperors, more centuries of British, French, Spanish imperialism. You have had an American Century dominated by an American -mostly WASP - plutocracy. Nowhere did ordinary slaves or working class people get to decide what art forms would prevail, what statues and monuments would be erected , and to WHOM ". All these monuments and statues still standing today reflect the culture of ruling classes past and present . It is IGNORANCE -IN -ACTION to attack these relics of history . This will not correct the evil of plantation slavery or modern wage slavery .] Statues of Confederate generals come down in Charlottesville, Virginia BREAKING · 1 HR NBCNEWS.COM Statues of Confederate generals come down in Charlottesville, Virginia

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