Friday, July 23, 2021

Even more than wonderful electricity the VITAL FORCE of civilization is LIVING LABOR

Interesting comment . Usually the capitalists attribute wealth accumulation for grandiose projects as MY MONEY AT WORK. With all due respect to Karl Marx and DAS KAPITAL somet imes they hint that the working class plays some role ( uncritical ? ) in creating capitalist surplus value . Does MONEY in any form hidden in a bank vault ever mysteriously multiply itself -as if ALIVE ? No, only LIVING labor can multiply wealth. STOPPING LIVING LABOR is like taking the tick out of the tick-tock clock. Soon even great cities will have a haunted, abandoned, lifeless look. The VITAL FORCE of civilization -even more than wonderful electricity - is LIVING LABOR . Picture going from thriving, energetic, restless people crowded Ancient Rome to eerie ruined DEAD CITY Pompeii !] After space flight, “Moneybags” Bezos acknowledges workers “paid for all this” WSWS.ORG After space flight, “Moneybags” Bezos acknowledges workers “paid for all this” The claims that the Amazon founder’s space flight was historic, and that he is obsessed with climate change and “saving the world” need to be seen in the proper context. Nonetheless, something revealing did emerge out of the sordid excursion July 20.

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