Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Saturday, July 31, 2021
" GO FUND ME " and the black heart of American capitalism
"Ann Mary said they’re thankful for the support they’ve received from the community since the crash. A GoFundMe page has been set up to curb the cost of Eliza’s medical bills."
Did not the Democratic Party claim to finally have established health care as basic human right in the United States ? To be sure , Obamacare was a stinking compromise.
So a seriously injured young woman in his capitalist wealthy country might not recover from her horrible injuries just because MONEY was not forthcoming ?
Should not a real NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN obviate any good hearted GO FUND ME drive ? It is a disgrace that there is GO FUND ME cry even for family funerals . What about the Christian obligation to bury the dead ? Only if the dead can afford it ?
‘It’s just a bad nightmare’: Scituate woman critically injured in suspected drunk driving crash
Fwd: The OPPRESSED are rarely meek for very long
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 11:07
Subject: The OPPRESSED are rarely meek for very long
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 11:07
Subject: The OPPRESSED are rarely meek for very long
To: Letters <>
Working people must live within a CLASS society. Way back in the middle of the 19th century Karl Marx in DAS KAPITAL explained the nature of capitalist exploitation and oppression. After slavery and feudalism working people in all advanced countries were " free " to sell their labor power ( physical and mental ) to the capitalist owners of the means of production. Not owning land, they are also " free " to pay rent to equally exploiting-ever greedy- landlords . Naturally the ruling class views a social order in which they are on top as the best of all possible worlds.
If you don't have a job under capitalism and can't afford rent , you are free to beg in the streets and be permanently homeless. Soon that homeless mob in Los Angeles will turn quite ANGRY.
The oppressed are rarely meek for very long . Just think how they started the Great French Revolution of 1789 . The Russian Revolution of 1917 . The Chinese Revolution of 1949 . The Cuban Revolution of 1959.
Picture the Coming American Revolution. The capitalists and landlords are already losing their minds way before they risk ( if uncompromising ) losing their heads.
The fall of 2021 in the USA will look a lot like Cairo , Egypt in 2011. A lot of pent up ANGER.
So " Let them eat cake " , you say ?
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St., Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Friday, July 30, 2021
One adjusts to this insane capitalist society by becoming at least slightly insane
Why is WHITE PRIVILEGE now so suicidal ? American capitalist society was always poisoned by the quest for social mobility among the not -so-privileged white working class and the quest for higher social status among the insecure " educated " middle class. The very nature of capitalism atomizes the human race . The miserable profit system , everything a commodity , everything and everybody FOR SALE , every human problem - even loneliness- solved by a purchase. Marriage & Family made hell through isolation and economic stress and sexual misery . That word ALIENATION carries a lot of baggage : one adjusts to this insane society by becoming at least slightly insane . But for some SUICIDE is a way out of NO EXIT capitalist hell .]
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism — America’s dying dream
Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism — America’s dying dream
Some good ex-cops write excellent books that show an exquisite SENSE OF EVIL in human nature .
The so called " FAR LEFT " of the Democratic Party is not so innocently foolish in thinking that THE POLICE can be tamed and made to behave as gentle soul pacifists while still assigned the role of defending capitalist PRIVATE PROPERTY.
In general, police work in any capitalist country attracts not a few sadists , sociopaths, and psychotics . Not a few cheap , dime-store , opportunist crooks.
For many cops it is THE JOB that tends to corrupt their souls. The latent good hero in them resists this spiritual " fall " . Of course , early retirement is a way out . Some ex-cops have written books about their careers and show an exquisite SENSE OF EVIL in human nature.
I always remember a weird Twilight Zone episode that concludes : " PEOPLE ARE ALIKE EVERYWHERE ! ". Leave it to God to decide who is really EVIL . We often KNOW who is really good .]
Washington police reform law forces deputies to call off K9 search for murder suspect
The " community " of fighting Providence Mayor Elorza . What " community " is furious over teacher union contract ?
It does seem that the DEMOCRATIC PARTY is quite divided even here in Rhode Island . The political heat is all a matter of a dispute over funding priorities within the local ruling class. Elorza talks about responsibility to the " community ". Here he is sincere . But you can be sure no MAN -IN-THE-STREET loses any sleep over teacher union contracts. Elorza's " community " is no doubt the very East Side wealthy people who elected him. As a rule they look with the malevolent eye over ALL organized labor groups . They would prefer teachers be un-organized -and powerless " professionals " instead of copying the manners of Teamster Union ON STRIKE .
We DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS everywhere support working class militancy . Yes, Teacher is WORKER too !
Not too many decades ago TEACHER was a starvation " profession " .]
VIDEO NOW: Reporters ask Mayor Elorza about confrontation with Gov. McKee
VIDEO NOW: Reporters ask Mayor Elorza about confrontation with Gov. McKee
Fwd: Any REAL socialists in the Democratic Party ?
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 12:03
Subject: Any REAL socialists in the Democratic Party ?
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 12:03
Subject: Any REAL socialists in the Democratic Party ?
To: Letters <>
As a lifelong DEMOCRATIC socialist I have clear ideas where the IDEA, the IDEAL of Socialism can find a home . It is NOT in the Democratic Party which is hardly representative of honest liberalism anymore. Actually I agree with a number of conservative Republicans who have recognized the ILLIBERAL liberalism prevailing in the Democratic Party . There is nothing very liberal about a growing contempt in this one time " friends of labor " party for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE tradition of Western Civilization. Nothing liberal about bullying public school teachers to propagate CRITICAL RACE THEORY . Nothing liberal about promoting the HATE RUSSIA ( and now HATE CHINA ! ) New McCarthyism . Nothing liberal about abusing SCIENCE to bludgeon a whole population to get any vaccine and as often the STALINIST Health Dept. orders it . Nothing liberal about a pretense of " socialist " inclination while the hard core of the Democratic Party led by Establishment hack Joe Biden thinks SOCIALISM as horrendous ( for the capitalist ruling class ) as the Trump mob.
What reputed " socialists " in the Democratic Party are there to mislead any growing socialist movement , to quarantine it in the so called " Far-Left " of the Democrat Party , to effectively neutralize it . As if the next best thing to a SOCIALIST candidate were Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden -or even that " guardian angel of Israel " , of ZIONIST APARTHEID Israel , Senator Chuck Schumer.
All these imagined " socialists " in the Democratic Party can not even stop once middle class Americans from being evicted from their homes beginning TODAY. Any REAL socialists in the USA would break from the Democratic Party and organize an independent ( of the ruling class ) mass party , an American Labor Party - somewhat like the British Labor Party , sane, sober , civilized, and peaceful but with a more militant CLASS CONSCIOUS political agenda.
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St. , Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Fwd: BIG BROTHER will summon us annually for " SHOTS " ? DAN YORK 630WPRO
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 at 17:01
Subject: BIG BROTHER will summon us annually for " SHOTS " ? DAN YORK 630WPRO
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 at 17:01
Subject: BIG BROTHER will summon us annually for " SHOTS " ? DAN YORK 630WPRO
To: Letters <>
It seems that local talk radio star egotists -- like Dan York 630WPRO ( Rhode Island station )--getting their cue from BIG BROTHER Democratic Party, in collusion with DEEP STATE- are bullying all listeners into getting the COVID-19 vaccines. The New Democrats are acting and talking more and more like old Stalinists without the " communism " or even a " progressive " economic agenda. The old Soviet Union also used SCIENCE as a bludgeon to keep the people in line. But alas under a self-serving bureaucracy ( Trotsky called it a " new aristocracy " ) SCIENCE degenerated into godless superstition. Not wanting any competition in ABSOLUTE POWER the old Soviet Union declared itself "officially atheist ".
Do the " progressive " Democrats - in collusion with DEEP STATE - intend to annually summon the whole population to " SHOTS " with every variation and mutation of every alarming virus ? No faith in natural immunity anymore than faith in God ? No respect for human FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE ? But not all enlightened WOKE liberals just LOVE the human race -like the late Prince Philip . It seems that there are other less than benevolent emotions at work :
[" ..... in 1988 Prince Philip was quoted as saying, 'In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation.' The Prince said that with a memory still green.
I speak not as a Trump fan. I speak as a life-long Democratic Socialist .
Ron Ruggieri , 75 Mathewson St, Cranston , Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Can the public still visit the URI Library ? Or is it still off limits due to Covid-19 ?
I have been using the Providence Public Library for years . I do appreciate the re-construction. What makes me nervous is when public libraries start discarding ( for sale ! ) old books that some few individuals might find precious . I still want to locate books on the more obscure shelves of the Providence Public Library that entertained and instructed me say way back in 1957 when the Russian Sputnik in orbit shocked the country. Or just dusty old novels - great reading - but neglected for decades. I also appreciate all microfilm archives and the printed editions of newspapers and magazines that might go back a century. The archives of a library are a virtual TIME MACHINE . At the University of Rhode Library I enjoyed scanning and browsing old LIFE magazines, old READERS DIGEST , old copies of SCIENCE DIGEST , or SCIENCE NEWS LETTER. New discoveries are best explained when they were young and fresh by still young and fresh popular science writers. The reader senses the EXCITEMENT of the discovery .Who gets really excited about " quarks " or the Big Bang or DNA or Quasars or Transistors in 2021 ? Or even " YOUR FUTURE IN
SPACE " ? NOTE : Can the public still visit the URI library ? Or has Covid-19 made it still off limits to non-student scholars ?
Providence Public Library embarks on new chapter with major renovations
Joe Biden's loyalty to the Catholic faith should be a matter of private conscience not public judgment
Joe Biden's loyalty to the Catholic faith should be a matter of private conscience not public judgment . But based I what I understand about Catholic social philosophy it should have no great quarrel with democratic mostly HUMANIST socialism. Not even " socialist " Bernie Sanders has excoriated the evils of capitalism as have any number of Catholic encyclicals. If the social philosophy of Catholicism were taken seriously by Catholic politicians , this would embarrass many Marxist " vanguard " parties. These parties often degenerate into STALINIIZED personality cults. Even the better Marxist socialist political organizations alienate themselves from the masses by being openly hostile to religion , especially Catholicism .
Perhaps the biggest mistake of the collapsed Soviet Union was to declare itself officially ATHEIST from the very beginning of the world shaking Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 . The last thing democratic socialism wants is a tyranny over the human soul , over the human intellect.
Joe Biden Defends Pope Francis On Economics "As A Practicing Catholic"
Medical Science and Faith ( Louis Pasteur was a devout Catholic ) work miracles
I have the greatest respect for medical science and medical researchers and very many commendably competent, courageous and compassionate physicians . The progress of the WAR ON GERMS can be appreciated by reading in your youth Paul DeKruif's classic " Microbe Hunters ". But it is not possible - for many decades we were deluded - that the WAR ON GERMS and VIRUSES could be won. Just a thought question : Was EVERYBODY vaccinated against smallpox, the plague , polio, syphilis , measles, mumps , whooping cough, malaria, ( lately Hepatitis C and shingles ) ? Might this Corona virus also finally just go way ? One big reason world population is today 7 billion -: Louis Pasteur- a very religious Catholic scientist. FAITH also works miracles.]
CSU to require COVID-19 vaccinations for students, faculty, staff on campus this fall
CSU to require COVID-19 vaccinations for students, faculty, staff on campus this fall
Monday, July 26, 2021
Find a Harvard University professor of biology who will dare talk about TWO sexes
I wonder how " ME TOO " New Puritans remember 60s-70s " Sexual Revolution " ? They come close to the type found in George Orwell's " 1984 " ANTI-SEX-LEAGUE . The biological sex- MALE & FEMALE that made 7 billion people on the Good Earth is not all about male dominance and eternal patriarchy. Darwin wrote with scientific authority about the role of SEXUAL SELECTION in the evolution of the species. And even the Catholic Church view of " Genesis " presupposes the objective reality of TWO sexes , MALE & FEMALE .
But WOKE ideology- that now possesses the Democratic Party - despises both science and religion. Find a Harvard University professor of biology who will dare talk about TWO sexes . Imagine years of specialized study in order to arrive at MENTAL INCOMPETENCE !]
Ben Affleck is 'icing on a delicious cake' for Jennifer Lopez as couple gets handsy during her birthday trip
Ben Affleck is 'icing on a delicious cake' for Jennifer Lopez as couple gets handsy during her birthday trip
How will CRITICAL RACE THEORY end racism in the USA ?
Do these disturbed WOKE Democrats have any practical PLAN for ending RACISM forever in " OUR democracy " ? Apart from endlessly " unmasking " racists on the basis of mere WORDS in the manner that McCarthyism carried on witch hunts for " communists " - often just IMAGINED " communists " in the 1950s ?
I suspect that the only thing that will satisfy this witch hunt for racists in a country that has made great progress fighting INSTITUTIONALIZED racism IS : AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ON STEROIDS !
So if we have another GREAT DEPRESSION white working class Americans will be assigned the back of the bus ? THAT will promote racial harmony in the USA ?
Do CRITICAL RACE THEORY zealots ever propose teaching public school kids CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY - advanced way back in 1848 by Marx and Engels . Indeed " DAS KAPITAL " has a lot to say about modern WAGE SLAVERY - which is the fate of ALL races and ethnic groups under capitalism .]
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Declares Racism A Public Health Crisis
How to restore government in this pandemic
One way to restore TRUST in government in this pandemic crisis is to completely nationalize the pharmaceutical industry and abolish FOR PROFIT hospitals and nursing homes. And make it illegal for licensed health care professionals-medical doctors and dentists - to refuse Medicare and Medicaid patients. We need a REAL NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN .]
Covid19: How governments keep public trust in a crisis - BBC Newsnight
Covid19: How governments keep public trust in a crisis - BBC Newsnight
Saturday, July 24, 2021
North Providence eviction attorney no hero but wrong target
[This is NOT the way to fight homelessness in America. Nevertheless, the capitalist ruling class must not think for a moment that the American working class will tolerate millions of homeless people as the ' will of God ". The root cause of homelessness in the USA is sacrosanct LANDLORD PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT . And every democratic socialist knows it. The bolder ones declare this truth .]
North Providence eviction attorney claims he was targeted by arsonists
North Providence eviction attorney claims he was targeted by arsonists
" The discovery of surplus value " . From Engel's speech at the graveside of Karl Marx
[Just as Darwin discovered the law of development or organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that therefore the production of the immediate material means, and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people or during a given epoch, form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.
But that is not all. Marx also discovered the special law of motion governing the present-day capitalist mode of production, and the bourgeois society that this mode of production has created. The discovery of surplus value suddenly threw light on the problem, in trying to solve which all previous investigations, of both bourgeois economists and socialist critics, had been groping in the dark.
Two such discoveries would be enough for one lifetime. Happy the man to whom it is granted to make even one such discovery. But in every single field which Marx investigated -- and he investigated very many fields, none of them superficially -- in every field, even in that of mathematics, he made independent discoveries.]
" I was lonesome ". So I am ... " Scene from Midnight Cowboy movie
I am reminded of a scene in " Midnight Cowboy " . The would be stud character Joe Buck listens to this cracked soul saver :
There are SOCIAL ROOTS to mental depression in this " Pursuit of Loneliness " capitalist society . It mass produces so many LOST SOULS who also commit slow suicide through drugs and alcohol.
Lyrics of Beatles song : " Eleanor Rigby ".
" All the lonely people
Where do they all
come from .... "
Woman holding her dog leaps to death off luxury NYC building
When PRIVATE PROPERTY vanishes for millions in " OUR democracy "
The mainstream news media will never devote what passes for CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS to the now humanitarian crisis of homelessness in the USA ( or anywhere else in the capitalist world ) . THE PROBLEM can never be solved by mere " I feel your pain " good will . The major obstacle for homeless people finding a half-decent place to live is LAND LORD PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT. More and more FOR PROFIT capitalist enterprise violates basic HUMAN DIGNITY . If MILLIONS of once MIDDLE CLASS Americans become homeless in the midst of this cruel pandemic , what will that say about " OUR democracy " and social mobility under 21st century capitalism ? If PRIVATE PROPERTY vanishes for 80 per]
Toronto police clear homeless camps in series of paramilitary-style raids
Friday, July 23, 2021
Even more than wonderful electricity the VITAL FORCE of civilization is LIVING LABOR
Interesting comment . Usually the capitalists attribute wealth accumulation for grandiose projects as MY MONEY AT WORK. With all due respect to Karl Marx and DAS KAPITAL somet
imes they hint that the working class plays some role ( uncritical ? ) in creating capitalist surplus value . Does MONEY in any form hidden in a bank vault ever mysteriously multiply itself -as if ALIVE ? No, only LIVING labor can multiply wealth. STOPPING LIVING LABOR is like taking the tick out of the tick-tock clock. Soon even great cities will have a haunted, abandoned, lifeless look. The VITAL FORCE of civilization -even more than wonderful electricity - is LIVING LABOR . Picture going from thriving, energetic, restless people crowded Ancient Rome to eerie ruined DEAD CITY Pompeii !]
After space flight, “Moneybags” Bezos acknowledges workers “paid for all this”
After space flight, “Moneybags” Bezos acknowledges workers “paid for all this”
The claims that the Amazon founder’s space flight was historic, and that he is obsessed with climate change and “saving the world” need to be seen in the proper context. Nonetheless, something revealing did emerge out of the sordid excursion July 20.
Today what working class white people and working class blacks have in common is WAGE SLAVERY under capitalism
Karl Marx said long ago that " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". CRITICAL RACE THEORY is not a plebian grass roots phenomenon . It originates in Ivy League schools and ruling class " think tanks ". Only a very naive socialist would think that the exploiting , oppressive , super-greedy capitalist RULING CLASS is suddenly passionate about ending racism. Yes, how to end RACISM without harming the capitalist profit system ? Way back in 1965 Black Muslim firebrand Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism.
WORKING CLASS white people were never in a position to EXPLOIT and OPPRESS black people. " Racism " among them never rises( except among louts ) above a non-malevolent ATTITUDE or a passing drunken stupor mood.
What today working class white people and working class black people have in common is WAGE SLAVERY under capitalism . In his classic work " The Condition of the Working Class In England " ( 1844 ) Engels observed that misery of the Irish working class in Manchester was hardly a less wretched fate than Old South plantation slavery in the same period of history .]
Leo Terrell: Critical race theory is a racist theory
To end racism and bigotry ... But IS THAT ALL THERE IS ?
When all offensives names are changed and all offensive statues and monuments are removed then -as if by magic -racial and ethnic animosity will disappear from RAT RACE , WINNER TAKE ALL, mean spirited, hate generating CAPITALIST SYSTEM ?
Even though the generic American plutocracy owns nearly everything - possesses nearly all the wealth - the rest of us will begin to live lovingly with one another of all races and ethnic groups . And WE will also love THEM - our ruling class masters ?
Not to see anywhere a bronze statue of Southern General Robert E. Lee on a horse is for ordinary black Americans to experience bliss on this side of paradise . But IS THAT ALL THERE IS ?
The same for Native Americans who never again hear " white devils " call their football team The " Red Skins " . But IS THAT ALL THERE IS ?
Or perhaps racism and all sorts of bigotry will just retreat to the silent sub-conscious mind -where it slowly accumulates even more malevolence ?
Cleveland Indians have chosen new name after more than 100 years
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Homeless in Rhode Island
you think the root of this evil is serious character flaws in the many people who are homeless. Any educated democratic socialist will explain that the homeless problem in the wealthy USA can not be solved as long as corporate PRIVATE PROPERTY is sacrosanct in the bourgeois law courts. Try finding homes for all these pathetic homeless people without checking nasty LANDLORD property rights. I was told in high school years ago that the reason why there is no threatening SOCIALIST movement in the United States is : we have such a happy, contented, secure MIDDLE CLASS ! Social mobility was a big factor in " OUR Way of Life " . But our America is beginning to look like Germany's post war Weimar Republic .
#Homeless In Rhode Island
#Homeless In Rhode Island
From J.D. Bernal's " Science In History " ( on capitalist exploitation )
One perhaps long forgotten science scholar, J.D. Bernal writes , in his book " Science In History " :
" Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ".
.... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ".<br />
" The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . "
( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 )
" Marx thus demonstrated that capitalism ,far from being a system of natural justice as the classical economists maintained, was one of extortion imposed by arbitrary force. It was the central concept of EXPLOITATION ,which the economists had hidden from themselves , that was to give the explosive force to Marx's teaching ".
.... " It was not that workers and peasants had not felt exploited for centuries, it was rather that now they could understand the mechanism through which the exploitation was carried on ".<br />
" The implications of Marxism were so repugnant to the ruling bourgeoisie of the time that it is not surprising that for another fifty years all over the world , and until today in a large part of it , they were ignored and rejected by the official exponents of social science . "
( Bernal's book was first published in Great Britain 1954 )
Fwd: Why POLICE work is inherently corrupting
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 14:14
Subject: Why POLICE work is inherently corrupting
To: Letters <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 at 14:14
Subject: Why POLICE work is inherently corrupting
To: Letters <>
Under capitalism the very JOB of cop can corrupt . Police work does attract not a few incorrigible sadists, psychopaths , and sociopaths . And not a few just plain everyday opportunist crooks. On the job cops are fawned upon. I smile when I see them getting free cups of coffee and free newspapers. Even the better cops have an incurable SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT after a few years on the job.
Long ago Marxism explained what THE POLICE were all about in capitalist society: they are the pitbull guardians of corporate PRIVATE PROPERTY. Modestly , I guess, they just want their fair share of Robber Baron looting .
Of course ,it is impossible to defund the police as long as there is " hard earned " PRIVATE PROPERTY to protect. The American working class -and now the American middle class- can never hold on to or accumulate much private property- even after a life- time of really hard work. Lose a job and soon you lose your house, your car , your bank account - YOUR SELF-RESPECT . It is risky for the lower middle class to play the Stock Market where MONEY magically ( see Marx's DAS KAPITAL about that ) multiplies itself .
Prosperous " socialists " making a modest fortune in Stock Market investment prefer not to think much about Marx's LABOR THEORY OF VALUE . But even the greatest discovery of 19th century physical science - the Conservation of Energy - tells even the bourgeois economics professor : YOU CAN NOT GET SOMETHING FROM NOTHING !
How to measure HARD WORK -physical or intellectual ? SCIENCE has only one objective measure for WORK : UNITS OF ENERGY - " ergs " or calories . If you want to know exactly how hard a corporate executive , a scientist, a factory worker is working , you take his average body ( which includes THE BRAIN ) temperature and other data and determine the BASAL METABOLIC RATE . That is the essence of what Marx termed " labor power " . Did any corporate executive ever die of spontaneous combustion ? [ According to Marx the capitalists buy this LABOR POWER which alone ADDS a SURPLUS value to THEIR capital. When the market place accepts this value ( the product is sold ) the " trick " is performed ] . Is this labor theory of value that abstruse - or just scary and threatening to the " ideas of the ruling class " ?
Ron Ruggieri, 75 Mathewson St., Cranston, Rhode Island ( 401-580-7432 )
Wednesday, July 21, 2021
in 2021 WAR IS OBSOLETE ... Time to junk the military !
The American plutocracy NEEDS a foreign enemy list . At the top of the list: RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN, CUBA , VENEZUELA .
But working class Americans know that THEIR enemies are not OUR enemies. " American interests " usually means THEIR interests. THEY can hardly cope with PANDEMICS , earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, famines, dramatic climate change , INFLATION , but their leader carries around a sinister little black box with codes for launching nuclear weapons . How to WIN nuclear World War III ? So the Pentagon maniacs ponder while soldiers HIGH ON LSD at nuclear missile sites WAIT FOR THE SIGNAL.
In 2021 WAR IS OBSOLETE . Time to JUNK THE MILITARY ! OUR WAY OF LIFE is best now defended -where it is defensible -by a little common sense and a lot of humanity .
You can think about this now or on " The Day After ".]
To China, Trump Was Bad. Biden Seems Even Worse.
To China, Trump Was Bad. Biden Seems Even Worse.
From China’s perspective, the blows from the United States just kee
Did any corporate executive ever die of spontaneous combustion ?
Under capitalism the very JOB of cop can corrupt . Police work does attract not a few incorrigible sadists, psychopaths , and sociopaths . And not a few just plain everyday opportunist crooks. On the jobs cops are fawned upon. I smile when I see them getting free cups of coffee and free newspapers. Even the better cops have an incurable SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT after a few years on the job.
Long ago Marxism explained what THE POLICE were all about in capitalist society: they are the pitbull guardians of corporate PRIVATE PROPERTY. Modestly , I guess, they just want their fair share of Robber Barron looting .
Of course it is impossible to defund the police as long as there is " hard earned " PRIVATE PROPERTY to protect. The American working class -and now the American middle class- can never hold on to or accumulate much private property- even after a life time of really hard work. Lose a job and soon you lose your house, your car , your bank account - YOUR SELF-RESPECT . It is risky for the lower middle class to play the Stock Market where MONEY magically ( see Marx's DAS KAPITAL about that ) multiplies itself .
Prosperous " socialists " making a modest fortune in Stock Market investment prefer not to think much about Marx's LABOR THEORY OF VALUE . But even the greatest discovery of 19th century physical science - the Conservation of Energy - tells even the bourgeois economics professor : YOU CAN NOT GET SOMETHING FROM NOTHING !
How to measure HARD WORK -physical or intellectual ? SCIENCE has only one measure for WORK as UNITES OF ENERGY - " ergs " or calories . If you want to know exactly how hard a corporate executive , a scientist, a factory worker is working , you take his average body ( which included THE BRAIN ) temperature and other data and determine the BASAL METABOLIC RATE . That is the essence of what Marx termed " labor power " . Did any corporate executive ever die of spontaneous combustion ?]
Former New Bedford officer pleads guilty to stealing nearly $50K in union funds
Former New Bedford officer pleads guilty to stealing nearly $50K in union funds
Fwd: Gene Valicenti was right about " compassion " for Cranston mother
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 at 12:52
Subject: Gene Valicenti was right about " compassion " for Cranston mother
To: Gene <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 at 12:52
Subject: Gene Valicenti was right about " compassion " for Cranston mother
To: Gene <>
Must the often enough FAKE NEWS MEDIA always direct Old Testament wrath at these sad stories of HUMAN failure ? What mothers are never distracted from the loving care of infants and children. Is not the HURT child punishment enough for 99 percent of young mothers with a normal Christian ( or any other faith ) conscience ? So many mothers need a MOMENT OF RELIEF from the burden of motherhood. How many get significant HELP ? Who will cast the first stone ?] Cranston mom charged with child neglect after toddler nearly drowns in swimming pool; child recovering WPRI.COM Cranston mom charged with child neglect after toddler nearly drowns in swimming pool; child recovering
AND Rhode Island DCYF is the last place to put the nearly drowned in backyard pool infant.
Ron in Cranston
This news signifies that American capitalist WAY OF LIFE has peaked. It is truly GONE WITH THE WIND. Ask a working class kid in this country today : " And what do you want to be when you throw up? ". Apart from rotten exploiting, oppressing capitalism consider also the meaning today of " Malthus " and " Limits to Growth ". What good is your stock market bonanza if the HUMAN RACE has not a bright future ?]
Life Expectancy in U.S. Dropped 1.5 Years in 2020, Largely From the Pandemic
Life Expectancy in U.S. Dropped 1.5 Years in 2020, Largely From the Pandemic
Fwd: Why is the American ruling class promoting CRITICAL RACE THEORY ? ( correction )
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 at 12:01
Subject: Why is the American ruling class promoting CRITICAL RACE THEORY ? ( correction )
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2021 at 12:01
Subject: Why is the American ruling class promoting CRITICAL RACE THEORY ? ( correction )
To: <>
Karl Marx said way back in 1848 that the " ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". So why is the American capitalist class promoting CRITICAL RACE THEORY ? Do you think they want to sharpen the critical thinking skills of public school children on the nature of the society they live in ? Do THEY want to promote the idea that capitalism is not divine, not eternally in harmony with REASON ?
Ron in Cranston
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
What makes the criminal ? A hard choice : scientific materialism or Satanism ?
I often ask myself this question: who becomes a criminal and why ? Almost all prosecuted crimes seem profoundly anti-social. There must be an area of the human brain that specializes in SOCIAL conscience. In criminal this area never adequately developed or was allowed to deteriorate . You would think that ordinary EMPATHY would deter individuals from hurting -in any way - other people. In young men powerful sex urges hardly explain rape , for example. Here rational instruction helps: no human, no matter how much DESIRED, should be anybody's sex object . WANTING THIS OR THAT - with no internal brakes - can lead to crime against persons and property. To be sure the root of all EVIL is the self-contained human EGO . Pathologically self-centered people are perfect candidates for the jail cell. And various addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling , sex, set you up for criminal behavior.
No, the democratic socialist in me does not condone anti-social crimes. The injustice based on PRIVATE PROPERTY can be cured by political re-organization which has no need for a HATE list.
The bit of the pre-Vatican II Catholic in me will not sneer at rather ludicrous illustrations of hell in the old Baltimore Catechism. But I note that most good horror fiction tends to SCARE YOU STRAIGHT . For me even the atheist H.P. Lovecraft 's COSMIC HORROR inspired tales suggest at least an unconscious recognition of the SATANIC , of some metaphysical support for EVIL in everyday life. There are PLACES - " The Willows " - where EVIL is palpable .
It would not surprise me if even a professional psychiatrist - who imagined himself an unshakable materialist - ends up late in middle age consulting archaic books usually found only in the " Secret Archives of the Vatican ". Yes, perhaps that very disturbed young man sent to him by the school principal was really POSSESSED in the Dark Age sense of the word ? What was his name ? Norman . Yes, that Norman Bates boy . He managed that infamous motel , the newspaper said.
What Makes a Criminal?
News media directs Old Testament wrath at overwhelmed mothers ?
Must the often enough FAKE NEWS MEDIA always direct Old Testament wrath at these sad stories of HUMAN failure ? What mothers are never distracted from the loving care of infants and children. Is not the HURT child punishment enough for 99 percent of young mothers with a normal Christian ( or any other faith ) conscience ?
So many mothers need a MOMENT OF RELIEF from the burden of motherhood. How many get significant HELP ?
Who will cast the first stone ?]
Cranston mom charged with child neglect after toddler nearly drowns in swimming pool; child recovering
Cranston mom charged with child neglect after toddler nearly drowns in swimming pool; child recovering
[The American ruling class has not won a serious war since 1945 . American imperialism needs an ENEMY LIST . But it will never sell another major war -NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III - to the American people by stirring up atavistic " Yellow Peril " or " Evil Empire " hysteria. In these times it should be relatively easy even for the limited SOCIALIST press to spread the idea that WE THE PEOPLE should JUNK THE MILITARY, shut down the PENTAGON WAR CRIMES MACHINE , RETIRE the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the stupefied officer corps with social security pensions and a " THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE " dismissal form letter. Transform what is left of the military into a revised CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORP .]
Can America and China Avoid a Collision?
Can America and China Avoid a Collision?
Kishore Mahbubani, an expert on Asian and world affairs who spe
Is Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in touch with the HASBRO agenda ?
Is she in touch with HASBRO agenda ? Who teaches kids to hate in their infancy ? Teachers all by themselves can dismantle racism without saying one negative word about MAKE-A-BUCK capitalism ? Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism . In a letter to his wife in 1953 Martin Luther King described himself as moving toward some form of anti-capitalist Christian socialism.]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rails against CRT opposition: Teachers should be 'fluent in how to dismantle racism'
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rails against CRT opposition: Teachers should be 'fluent in how to dismantle racis
Why is the ruling class promoting Critical Race Theory ?
Who is Alan Hassenfeld of Hasbro . We democratic socialists would quickly describe Alan Hassenfeld as a chartered member of America's ruling class. As Karl Marx said " the ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class ". So why is the ruling class promoting Critical Race Theory ? Do they think they can abolish racism and leave intact their precious capitalist profit system ? A system where each is the enemy of all will abolish all ugly forms of HATE ? Even the HATE generated by centuries of exploitation and oppression ? Would they have us believe that economic justice is mostly a RACIAL matter ? Working class white people have nothing to whine about ? Check out the racial composition of the homeless in the USA .
[Alan Hassenfeld, a Brown trustee from 1990 to 1996, is chairman of Hassenfeld Family Initiatives, a philanthropic organization with the goals of globalizing safety and human rights within the area of children’s products; empowering women in developing countries; and improving the economy, education and business opportunities in Rhode Island. Additionally, he is a director and chairman of the executive committee of Hasbro Inc., a global toy, game and family entertainment company. He is an honorary advisor to the Toy Association and has served as co-chairman of the governing body of the International Council of Toy Industries CARE Process. Hassenfeld earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He is an advisory committee member of the Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute, founded at Brown in 2016 with support from the Hassenfeld family. He is co-chair of the board of advisors of Brandeis International Business School, a trustee of the University of Rhode Island Foundation and a director of Additionally, Hassenfeld is a trustee of the Miriam Hospital Foundation, chairman of the Jerusalem Foundation (USA), a director of the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy, honorary director of the Prostate Cancer Foundation, a member of the dean’s council of the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and honorary director of the Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island.]
Fwd: Just supplement Critical Race Theory , Matt
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 at 13:41
Subject: Just supplement Critical Race Theory , Matt
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2021 at 13:41
Subject: Just supplement Critical Race Theory , Matt
To: <>
Perhaps the zealots of Critical Race Theory would also introduce young children to Critical Economic Theory pioneered by Marx and Engels ?
Ron from Cranston
Monday, July 19, 2021
Did the Holy Spirit flee the Catholic Church after Vatican II ?
Did the Holy Spirit flee the Catholic Church after Vatican II ? A simple truth of human psychology : If you are not on fire yourself with THE FAITH , you can not inspire it in others. MODERNISM has stupefied two generations of Catholic clergy . Latin learning benefited both mind and soul . Rare to hear a Catholic Church Sunday sermon with a spark of inspiration and imagination. You would think that typical priest " preaching " in church is clueless about the meaning of his vocation. There is a deeper explanation for soporific flatness of most Sunday masses. They seem to have a tin ear even for hymns . It might help to include a little Bach , Mozart , or Beethoven in the liturgy . Something more for the SOUL than sadly stale Gospel stories. As if God Almighty has had a writers block since the vigorous Age of Faith when all those splendid cathedrals were being constructed. What passes for FAITH in the Catholic Church today cannot move molehills -forget about mountains !. But it can still serve the powers that be, the ruling classes of Western Civilization. DOMINUS VOBISCUM !]
How the New Pharisees Attack the Latin Mass
How the New Pharisees Attack the Latin Mass
A common criticism leveled against attendees of the Traditional Lati
Irving Howe's " World of Our Fathers " - fascinating reading about the Jewish immigration experience in the USA
Fascinating reading about Jewish immigrant experience in America more than one hundred years ago. ALL ethnic groups can learn from the Jewish immigration struggles . Intellectual Jews were the backbone of the early socialist movement in the United States associated with the Eugene V. Dens era. Howe explains how talented Jews naturally came to dominate Hollywood and the New York City entertainment industry. Surprise : the pioneers of now offensive " BLACKFACE " performance were mostly Jewish actors and actresses -like Al Jolson and Sophie Tucker. LIBERAL Democrats are so sanctimonious about this form of humor in recent decades .]
101 Great Jewish Books: World of Our Fathers, Irving Howe (1976)
101 Great Jewish Books: World of Our Fathers, Irving Howe (1976)
A socialist conundrum : How can an eternally Jewish State wither away ( the gospel according to Marx ) ?
Most of the socialist LEFT does not equate opposition to Zionism with " Jew hatred ". " Unconditional recognition of Israel " as a ZIONIST APARTHEID nation state contradicts the fundamental principle of socialist internationalism. The SOCIAL WORKERS PARTY was once a principled TROTSKYIST political organization. It has degenerated completely under cult leader Jack Barnes. What happened to the party of James P. Cannon and Peter Camejo ? The party that helped so much to build the anti-Vietnam War movement of the 60s and early 70s ?
Also, recall that any NATION STATE is not a final goal of socialism ! How can the eternally Jewish State wither away ?]
For unconditional recognition of Israel! Protest every time Jew-hatred raises its head! – The Militant
For unconditional recognition of Israel! Protest every time Jew-hatred raises its head! – The Militant
Vol. 85/No. 29 July 26, 2021 Message from Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor of New Jersey, to July 11 rally in Washington, D.C. The Socialist Workers Party calls for unconditional recognition of Israel as a homeland for Jews. We urge unions and all organizations of wo...
How did the " liberal " Democratic Party become so Stalinist ?
We hear from every hack Democrat that Trump is a would be American Hitler . But who shows more contempt for FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE tradition of Western Civilization than these " liberal " Democrats ? How did the party of FDR and JFK so quickly transform itself into a model of STALINIST political tactics ? The New Democrats act as if " OUR democracy " has nothing to do with its fundamental principle of MAJORITY RULE .]
Michael Goodwin: Biden's Big Tech blunder – here's how admin's actions threatening First Amendment
Michael Goodwin: Biden's Big Tech blunder – here's how admin's actions threatening First Amendment
Defend Edward Snowden AND FREE SPEECH rights for Russian dissidents
The USA " DEEP STATE " is oh-so-sympathetic with Russian dissidents but is just as malevolent toward its own heroes of FREE SPEECH. DEFEND EDWARD SNOWDEN !
Edward Snowden calls for spyware trade ban amid Pegasus revelations
Edward Snowden calls for spyware trade ban amid Pegasus revelations
You will never get any average worker to say : " I LOVE CAPITALISM !
Yes, every most discussed social " problem " in the mainstream news media points to a fundamentally ROTTEN capitalist system . The working class endures it , lives with it , adapts to it , but you will never get any average worker to say : " I LOVE CAPITALISM ! ". In contrast the " educated " ruling class thinks a world in which they are on top is just naturally the best of all possible worlds. What goes wrong with THEIR Ivy League education ?Harvard University mass produces professional enemies of the working class every year . If they were ever introduced to a smattering of CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY , you would never guess it.]
( article from the WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE )
The floods in Europe and the bankruptcy of capitalism
The floods in Europe and the bankruptcy of capitalism
The floods, which have claimed the lives of over 180 people in Ger
Hardly any Democratic or Republican politicians dare criticize APARTHEID Israel
Hardly any Democratic or Republican politicians dare criticize APARTHEID Israel and " OUR special relationship " to the Zionist state-once branded RACIST by the United Nations. No wonder BLACK LIVES MATTER groups are now waving Palestinian flags. " People of color " find it easier to identify with the dispossessed , oppressed Palestinians ( who " look like us " ) than with arrogant and affluent Zionists in the United States ( Senator Chuck Schumer says he is " Israel's guardian angel ") and in Israel ( Netanyahu wanted Trump to start nuclear World War III - by attacking Iran- in his last days in office ) .
More and more of the CHRISTIAN world will UNFRIEND Israel - ZIONIST, APARTHEID Israel . Oddly enough headline today is about CHINA hacking Microsoft!]
Microsoft points the finger at Israeli spyware seller for DevilsTongue attacks | ZDNet
Microsoft points the finger at Israeli spyware seller for DevilsTongue attacks | ZDNet
Saturday, July 17, 2021
I suspect Facebook executive Mark Zuckerberg has classic liberal instincts for FREE SPEECH
What any truly " democratic " president should do is encourage ALL social media executives - and all mainstream news media executives - to honor the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE tradition of Western Civilization. I suspect Zuckerberg's instincts here are indeed LIBERAL. Of course, I could be mistaken .]
Facebook issues harsh response to Biden accusation the platform is 'killing people'
Facebook issues harsh response to Biden accusation the platform is 'killing people'
SOCIALISM always means tyranny ?
I suppose honest people in Cuba and in the United States perceive a lack of " democracy " in Cuba. But I also think that so called " counter-revolutionary " Cubans and their allies in the United States also fear and loathe ANY socialist country -failed or successful. As a democratic socialist I am sure that any " Yankee-imperialist " led invasion of Cuba will suffer the same fate as the Bay of Pigs fiasco early in the Kennedy years. Today in 2021 it is very difficult to sell " OUR democracy " even to what is left of the FREE WORLD . Despite its flaws Cuba has inspired the Left for decades now.
Fair Play for Cuba !
Marco Rubio gives passionate speech in support of Cuban protesters, rails against Cuban government
Marco Rubio gives passionate speech in support of Cuban protesters, rails against Cuban government
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) delivered a passionate speech on the Senate
Is SOCIALISM what went wrong in South Africa ?
Is SOCIALISM what went wrong in South Africa presently a country of riot and ruin and mass misery ? Are any social problems in any country solved by making the rich richer and the poor poorer ? We hear conservative thinkers say again and agaIn : " Socialism can't work ". The idea of a real government of the people, by the people , and for the people is just pernicious nonsense ? But for the vast majority of working class people of all nations CAPITALISM DOES NOT WORK . The system as explained by Marx and Engels way back in 1848 is a system of EXPLOITATION and OPPRESSION . And black people in the United States went from Southern plantation slavery to the Industrial Revolution inspired WAGE slavery along with millions of " dispossessed " white people.]
Marco Rubio gives passionate speech in support of Cuban protesters, rails against Cuban government
Marco Rubio gives passionate speech in support of Cuban protesters, rails against Cuban government
Friday, July 16, 2021
Picture MILLIONS of once MIDDLE CLASS Americans homeless ? What does that say about " OUR democracy " ?
Picture MILLIONS of once MIDDLE CLASS Americans homeless ? What does that say about " OUR democracy " ? How many newly homeless Americans will profess a loathing for any political agenda that smacks of " socialism " ? Naturally, the always secure and comfortable ruling class thinks that the world in which THEY are on top is the best of all possible worlds . How can PRIVATE PROPERTY rights be so dear to the vast majority of human beings on this planet who own virtually nothing ? How can SOCIALISM as an idea be anathema to most working class people ?]
Millions risk losing homes when eviction moratorium ends
Millions risk losing homes when eviction moratorium ends
Families across the U.S. are at risk of losing their homes when a fe
Fwd: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 11:10
Subject: Fwd: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2021 at 11:10
Subject: Fwd: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
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From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 16:55
Subject: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 16:55
Subject: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
A disturbing 1995 prediction by Carl Sagan accurately describes America of today.
This quote from a 1995 book [Demon Haunted World] by astronomer Carl Sagan describes a world many find disturbingly similar to ours.
"Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness
Fwd: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
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From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 16:55
Subject: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
From: Steve Ruggieri <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 16:55
Subject: Carl Sagan predicted 2021 in 1995
To: Ron Ruggieri <>
A disturbing 1995 prediction by Carl Sagan accurately describes America of today.
This quote from a 1995 book [Demon Haunted World] by astronomer Carl Sagan describes a world many find disturbingly similar to ours.
"Science is more than a body of knowledge; it is a way of thinking. I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time—when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the key manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness
Thursday, July 15, 2021
The RIPTA robot voice on Bus 21 said that my just received change card is not valid. I have had this NOT VALID change card for several days now. Not being the shamelessly dishonest type I did not want to keep presenting it to the RIPTA bus driver for a year . One of them said " go to the office ". Back and forth on the CARD NOT VALID ? I wondered. So this morning instead of catching the RIPTA 30 outbound on Cranston Street near Solitro's Bakery I took RIPTA 30 inbound to Kennedy Plaza . Always cheerful Kennedy Plaza .I quickly found out that the RIPTA office there was OPEN FOR REST ROOMS ONLY .
Should not the bus driver be able to quickly correct the glitch ? How many other RIPTA passengers were given a defective change card . The last bus driver asked me if I had a five dollar bill ? No, I just had a 20 dollar bill. Yes , give me another change card for that ? NO THANK YOU !
Does lack of COMMON SENSE qualify you as a RIPTA official ?
Why would BLACK LIVES MATTER fly the Palestinian Flag ?
@JR S what on gods green earth are you going on about?
@Rachel Berry the glee queen. Ask that " guardian angel of Israel, Democrat leader Senator Chuck Schumer, what I mean . Did you not observer how quickly BLACK LIVES MATTER groups began to fly Palestinian flags? People of color in the United States can more easily identify with the dispossessed and oppressed Palestinians than with wealthy and arrogant Zionists in Israel and in the United States. My favorite Malcolm X quote : " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ". Way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism. Years ago the United Nations condemned Zionism as a form of racism . So I ask why not connect CRITICAL RACE THEORY - flawed as it is - with CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY ? Way back in 1848 Karl Marx analyzed capitalist WAGE slavery . Since 1865 both black people in the United States and white working class people have been subjugated under capitalist wage slavery. WORKING CLASS people in our country are not honestly represented by the " liberal " , " progressive ", WOKE Democratic Party nor by right wing populist Donald Trump. WE THE PEOPLE need an American Labor Party - like the British Labor Party- but more CLASS conscious.
By the way , in a letter to his wife in 1953 Martin Luther King said that he was leaning away from rotten capitalism toward some form of Christian socialism .
Rachel Berry , you can understand this . You are NOT ignorant. Ignorant people do ASK questions. They do not shut you up - like You Tube of Face book would -if you are not WOKE enough .
Teachers Who Support Critical Race Theory
Perhaps GUILT not hell fire is eternal ?
[How can any human soul ever atone for afflicting such hell-fire pain on another human being ? If we think that SHE deserves an eternity in hell fire, we might be less forgiving that God Almighty . In fact the STATE with its cruel ritual executions is not being guided by New Testament morality .
NOTE : that sugar and boiling water combination could have served as a cheap napalm substitute in the Vietnam War .]
Authorities: Woman killed husband by dousing him in boiling sugar water as he slept
Authorities: Woman killed husband by dousing him in boiling sugar water as he slept
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
James Carville warns WOKE Democrats
Astute comic character James Carville is wisely warning WOKE Democrats that they will soon fall off the steep political cliff if they defy COMMON PEOPLE common sense .
James Carville blames 'noisy' Democrats for not winning elections: Too interested in people's 'pronouns'
James Carville blames 'noisy' Democrats for not winning elections: Too interested in people's 'pronouns'
Magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral could only have been constructed in an inspired AGE OF FAITH
[Such a magnificent cathedral could only have been inspired in a great Age of Faith . Try building such a building over the " God particle " . Has not worshipped SCIENCE been a god-that-failed- in the past century ? Way back in 1917 there was a mystical warning from Fatima - a " dance of the Sun " with a sober and pious crowd of witnesses . The ultimate meaning of human life is not reduced to glorified MATTER-IN-MOTION . Do the arrogant and obnoxious New Atheists show greater wisdom than the early Church fathers , Catholic theologians Augustine and Aquinas ? Nothing incredible about a " Universe from NOTHING " ? From PURE nothing of quantum foam ?]
In 360: Notre-Dame cathedral before the fire - BBC News
In 360: Notre-Dame cathedral before the fire - BBC News
Notre-Dame cathedral in the months before the fire filmed in 360. F
Fwd: While Gene Valicenti 630WPRO played " Gone With The Wind Theme " I recalled ...
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From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 12:51
Subject: While Gene Valicenti 630WPRO played " Gone With The Wind Theme " I recalled ...
To: <>
From: Ron Ruggieri <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 12:51
Subject: While Gene Valicenti 630WPRO played " Gone With The Wind Theme " I recalled ...
To: <>
Ironic- Scarlett O'Hara in " Gone With The Wind " inspires BLACK LIVES MATTER zealots - and ALL hungry and oppressed in the USA . But " Gone With The Wind " is RACIST ? Scarlett O'Hara: ["As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're are not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when its all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill, as God is my witness I'll never be hungry again.]
Ron in Cranston
Scarlett O'Hara quote inspires BLACK LIVES MATTER zealots -and ALL hungry and oppressed Americans
Ironic- Scarlett O'Hara in " Gone With The Wind " inspires BLACK LIVES MATTER zealots - and ALL hungry and oppressed in the USA . But " Gone With The Wind " is RACIST ?
Scarlett O'Hara: ["As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're are not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when its all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat, or kill, as God is my witness I'll never be hungry again."]
Image: Scarlett O'Hara If God is my Witness – FlixChatter Film Blog
Image: Scarlett O'Hara If God is my Witness – FlixChatter Film Blog
Black Lives Matter zealots inspired by Scarlett O' Hara quote ?
Ironic- Scarlett O'Hara in " Gone With The Wind " inspires BLACK LIVES MATTER zealots - and ALL hungry and oppressed in the USA . But " Gone With The Wind " is RACIST ?
Image: Scarlett O'Hara If God is my Witness – FlixChatter Film Blog
Image: Scarlett O'Hara If God is my Witness – FlixChatter Film Blog
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Stream of consciousness lucubrations
An interesting seemingly ABSTRACT economics question : how do blind market forces assure some rational equilibrium in the DIVISION OF LABOR infrastructure of global capitalism ? Why can you be sure that SOMEBODY wants to be a corn farmer or a CNA or a CPA ? How would a functional DIVISION OF LABOR be achieved in a SOCIALIST society without a virtual caste system of employment ? [ " Your Daddy was a plumber, so you will be one too ". But with SOCIALIST equality ? ] Question put to mere kids : " And what do YOU want to be when YOU grow up ? " . All a matter of FREE WILL and making the RIGHT CHOICES ? BLIND Nature can create marvelous creatures AS IF BY DESIGN . And intricate organic structures . Mother Nature can create a brain of genius . But it hardly knows how to repair a broken brain or a senile brain. Modern medical science supplements DUMB nature . Yet the human species SURVIVED 100,000 years without any scientific knowledge of the human body or LIFE ON EARTH. Think about it : CIVILIZATION goes back some 10,000 years. But the telescope and the microscope and the GERM THEORY OF DISEASE are happenings of only the last few centuries. After the Great Plague of the 14th century .[ stream of consciousness rambling here ] .
Corn Prices Climb Nearly 50% in 2021, as U.S. Food Makers Contend with Labor and Ingredient Shortages • Farm Policy News
Corn Prices Climb Nearly 50% in 2021, as U.S. Food Makers Contend with Labor and Ingredient Shortages • Farm Policy News
Wall Street Journal writers Ryan Dezember and Kirk Maltais reported on Monday that, "America’s biggest cash crop has rarely been more expensive. Corn prices have risen roughly 50% in 2021 and a bushel costs more than twice what it did a year ago."
Contrary to Trump there are no " Marxist maniacs " in the Democratic Party
[It is amusing to see all these hack Democratic Party politicians pursue " voting rights " . What does this amount to in " OUR democracy " ? The right of working class American voters to be trapped in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM of the capitalist ruling class. It is beginning to seem that the Democrats ( and DEEP STATE ) would prefer a one party system . Here they resemble STALINISTS more than democratic socialists. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party think real SOCIALISM and the world socialist movement for the past 100 years anathema . Contrary to Trump there are no " Marxist maniacs" in the Democratic Party. Only the most dubious " progressives ". The ones branded " socialists " in the mainstream news media -like Bernie Sanders - rarely talk SOCIALISM or explain its ABCs to their constituents. PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT and the capitalist SYSTEM is still sacrosanct or taken for granted in " OUR democracy " USA . I read that Bernie Sanders has a poster of Eugene V. Debs in Senate office ( still ? ) : it is sort of " Dorian Gray " in reverse.]
Biden to raise stakes on voting rights as his party pushes for more
Biden to raise stakes on voting rights as his party pushes for more
The president plans to blast GOP-backed voting law changes as "the
Monday, July 12, 2021
What can U.S. boycott do to make the Cuban people less miserable ?
[ What truly liberal Democrat hypocrisy ! What can a boycott do to make the Cuban people less miserable ? To be sure Cuban " socialism " is as odious to the Democratic Party and " DEEP STATE " as it is to Ayn Rand Republicans or Donald Trump groupies . " OUR democracy " has nothing to offer a world longing to be FREE from global capitalism and not so benevolent or " exceptional " American imperialism .]
Biden backs Cuban protests as island's president blames 'imperialist' provocations
Biden backs Cuban protests as island's president blames 'imperialist' provocations
The Tumultuous 60s and earl 70s - old friends still around and long gone
[Why did great psychological insights- available back in the " Tumultuous Sixties " end up in OBLIVION for nearly 50 years ? A dear friend of mine , Ed Maguire , way back in 1973 did foresee " a long period of rot ". Ed passed away just before his 40th birthday circa 1990 . Another close friend of mine one Donald Plante - the original Washington Park hippie - passed away in 1997 at age 50 . Ed daydreamed about getting married one day and " having one child ". Don had six of them when he left this world . I remember very well his family and extended family . Ed 's brother Tommy might still be living on this earth. ALL my old friends were various types of REBEL . Ron Marshall they say he is still out there ( last seen in North Conway , New Hampshire ). " Professor " Bill Briden is still very much alive and near by . Old Dave Gold still challenges me with his minute by minute " problems " and stimulating friendship.]
The Courage to Create book by Rollo May
The Courage to Create book by Rollo May
Buy a cheap copy of The Courage to Create book by Rollo May. What if imagination and art are not, as many of us might think, the frosting on life but the fountainhead of human experience? What if our logic and science derive... Free Shipping on all orders over $10.
" Journal of Solitude " - gems of wisdom by May Sarton.
[I bought this book by May Sarton at a used book store in Providence ( Cellar Stories downtown ) . The poet in May has a lot to say about flowers but you will warm up to her . Many gems of wisdom here in her journal.]
Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton (1973) | LiteraryLadiesGuide
Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton (1973) | LiteraryLadiesGuide
Journal of a Solitude by May Sarton (1973) is a follow-up to Plant Dreaming Deep, an honest look at the emotions, fears, and unresolved angers as she ages.
Of course, there is some truth to CRITICAL RACE THEORY
[It is good to see a prominent black man attacking CRITICAL RACE THEORY . Like all theories there is some truth here . But this should be supplemented by Marxian CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY -where Marx and Engels brilliantly explain capitalist WAGE SLAVERY. THAT would be anathema to ALL conservative Republicans and to many " progressive " Democrats .]
Dr. Carson: I'm glad the left is pushing critical race theory because 'people are waking up'
Dr. Carson: I'm glad the left is pushing critical race theory because 'people are waking up'
Contrary to Trump there are no " Marxist maniacs " in the Democratic Party
[In truth there are no serious " democratic socialists " in the Democratic Party . The ones branded as " socialists " rarely talk SOCIALISM or explain the ABCs of socialism. Sad to say in the contempt shown by " progressive " Democrats for the FREE SPEECH , FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE , FREEDOM OF RELIGION tradition of Western Civilization they come closer to dreary totalitarian STALINISM. Trump may call them " Marxist maniacs " but that is just as false as any untruth in the FAKE NEWS MEDIA .]
Democratic socialists ignore Cuban protesters railing against communist dictatorship
Democratic socialists ignore Cuban protesters railing against communist dictatorship
Send in the BLACK LIVES MATTER BRIGADE into Cuba and into Haiti !
[The demonstrations came as Cuba is experiencing its toughest phase yet of the coronavirus crisis, and the same day it reported a new daily record of infections and deaths.
Social anger has been driven by long food lines and a critical shortage of medicines since the start of the COVID-19 epidemic, with Cuba under United States sanctions.
Diaz-Canel late on Sunday afternoon addressed the nation, accusing the US of being responsible for the unrest.]
How much misery has U.S. imperialism caused in Latin America ? Imagine calling in the fox to protect the chickens ! The solution to the crisis : send American troops to overthrow what still passes for " socialism " in Cuba ? By the way, the RIGHT WING elements in Haiti are now calling for American imperialist intervention . Yes, " OUR democracy " always had so much to offer Haiti and Cuba , and Guatemala and Venezuela and Chile and Grenada . In the past we have offered such oppressed countries nothing but loving democracy !
How many young " people of color "- bribed into the U.S. military ( " free college ! " are eager to make the world safe for " OUR democracy " ? Send in the BLACK LIVES MATTER brigade to Cuba and Haiti !
How safe would occupying American troops in any Third World country be from raging epidemics ?
Thousands join rare anti-government protests in Cuba
Saturday, July 10, 2021
[It would make more sense if CRITICAL RACE THEORY were supplemented by Marxian CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY : its analysis of two centuries of capitalist WAGE slavery . Supplement Malcolm X with Karl Marx .]
Critical Race Theory
Critical Race Theory
This video-essay explores the intellectual history of critical race th
IGNORANCE-IN-ACTION to attack historic monuments no matter how individually obnoxious
Karl Marx observed way back in 1848 the patterns in History : since the beginning of civilization HISTORY has been made by ruling classes. They supervised the art and culture in ancient Egypt and in the Golden Age of Greece , in Imperial Rome . Then you have centuries of the Holy Roman Empire when Popes were virtual emperors, more centuries of British, French, Spanish imperialism. You have had an American Century dominated by an American -mostly WASP - plutocracy. Nowhere did ordinary slaves or working class people get to decide what art forms would prevail, what statues and monuments would be erected , and to WHOM ".
All these monuments and statues still standing today reflect the culture of ruling classes past and present . It is IGNORANCE -IN -ACTION to attack these relics of history . This will not correct the evil of plantation slavery or modern wage slavery .]
Statues of Confederate generals come down in Charlottesville, Virginia
Statues of Confederate generals come down in Charlottesville, Virginia
What is still called " the Left " today is becoming alarmingly STALINIST
[As a democratic socialist I can only agree with faithful Christians that the New Atheists are an arrogant and obnoxious bunch. And like Christopher Hitchens they betray whatever " socialist " ideals they ever had in order to serve global capitalism, American imperialism and Zionist Apartheid Israel. What is still called " The Left " today has become a malignant force for STALINISM , contemptuous of the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM of CONSCIENCE tradition of Western Civilization. How ironic and pathetic : ex-Trotskyist, now PROFESSIONAL ROAD SHOW ATHEIST, Christopher Hitchens defending the criminal invasion and occupation of Iraq ( indeed a Bush groupie ! ) and promoting toxic Islamophobia . The biggest mistake of the old Soviet Union was to declare itself OFFICIALLY ATHEIST and to persecute faithful Christians and orthodox Jews. The religious instincts of the masses will never be satisfied by glorifying MATTER -IN -MOTION . And it is foolish to make the abstract study of PATTERNS in History a new secular religion : " HISTORY WILL ABSOLVE ME ! " Better to talk that over with God .]
The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza
Does it make sense to even appoint a disciple of Ayn Rand to head the Social Security system ?
[Does it make sense to even appoint a disciple of Ayn Rand to head the Social Security system ? Way back in March from my blog :
"How can Joe Biden keep this Zionist Jew Ayn Rand disciple on as head of the Social Security Administration? By the way no Jew has to be a Zionist Jew any more than any Italian has to belong to the Mafia. " NOTE : Ayn Rand's most popular work : " The Virtue of Selfishness. " A militant atheist she did not quote the Old Testament to justify APARTHEID Israel. She just knew that the settler Jews there were superior to the native Palestinians. Not for nothing BLACK LIVES MATTER groups fly Palestinian flags.
Also ZIONIST Jews who advocate CRITICAL RACE THEORY are at least annoying as teacher union leaders or as influential persons in the public school bureaucracy. And pernicious in the Ivy League universities. They will not , of course, apply CRITICAL RACE THEORY to APARTHEID Israel.]
Biden fires Social Security boss, a Trump appointee who refused to resign
Biden fires Social Security boss, a Trump appointee who refused to resign
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Catholicism and Camus and " The Absurd "
[" THE ABSURD " is sort of an epiphany you have as a sensitive Catholic Youth . Later you discover Viktor Frankl's " Man's Search for Meaning " . You may or may not recover METAPHYSICAL certainty . But like a Camus character you can not laugh at the absurd idea of being " a saint without God ". Don't let SCIENCE smother your spiritual quest . A UNIVERSE FROM NOTHING is even more absurd than reported Miracle of Fatima . DOMINUS VOBISCUM !]
Life is Absurd. How to Live it? [The Philosophy of Albert Camus]
Life is Absurd. How to Live it? [The Philosophy of Albert Camus]
Wise to show RESPECT for sacrosanct national, ethnic, patriotic, religious symbols
Speaking as a democratic socialist I think it only wise to show respect for sanctified national , ethnic , patriotic , and RELIGIOUS symbols everywhere . We of the baby boomer generation grew up pledging allegiance to the flag . Whatever its influence it never turned us into " haters ". There is much more to a country than its ON and OFF government . There is the whole goodness and talent and collective wisdom of THE PEOPLE. There is the beauty of the land and the richness of its resources . The magnificence and buzzing vitality of its big cities that " never sleep ". There is the art and the culture and the athletic and sports spectacles. For most people THEIR country is just an emotional extension of FAMILY .
So RESPECT THE FLAG and every other nation's flag ! [ And making the Catholic Sign of the Cross does not signify winking at the persecution of Jews as Jews. Attending Saint Michael's School in Providence for the 7th and 8th grades I never encountered any malicious anti-Semitism . ]
Black Lives Matter Utah chapter calls American flag 'symbol of hatred'
The Christian population will not tolerate secular Zionist Jews preaching CRITICAL RACE THEORY to their children
[The percentage of white working class Christians will not tolerate secular ( non-religious ) Zionist Jews dictating pernicious CRITICAL RACE THEORY to their children. And do not ZIONIST Jews have their very own race problem in Palestine ? Some years ago the United Nations -speaking as the conscience of the world - condemned Zionism as a form of racism. And everywhere in recent months BLACK LIVES MATTER groups are waving Palestinian flags.
Some diligent research will reveal that the very pillars of CRITICAL RACE THEORY in colleges and public schools are secular Zionist Jews in alliance with the New Atheists. How could THEY ever become a DEMOCRATIC mass movement ?]
The Proportion Of White Christians In The U.S. Has Stopped Shrinking, New Study Finds
The Proportion Of White Christians In The U.S. Has Stopped Shrinking, New Study Finds
For years, religion in America was changing rapidly: The proport
Where can you look for this PSEUDO LEFT ?
Where can you look for this PSEUDO-LEFT ? Above all they want a place in the corrupt PRO-CAPITALIST Democratic Party . I guess they hope to exploit and oppress the working class THEIR way .
It is ominous that " progressive " Democratic Party hacks act and think like old Stalinists. And they have no respect at all for the Western tradition of FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT , FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE . They would use capitalist state power to transform themselves into a New Aristocracy. " Look at the new boss , same as the old boss !
[ What the growing class struggle in the US reveals about the pseudo-left
What the growing class struggle in the US reveals about the pseudo-left
The development of the class struggle is putting to the test politic
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
CRITICAL RACE THEORY vs. Free Speech , Free Thought , Freedom of Conscience in the public schools
[I comment here as a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST not as a right wing Trump groupie . The issue is FREEDOM of SPEECH , FREEDOM of THOUGHT , and FREEDOM of CONSCIENCE.
WOKE race theory is both stupid and illiterate . But why not supplement it with CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY ? Way back in 1848 Karl Marx analyzed CAPITALISM as a system of exploitation and oppression.
And I can see how WOKE race theory , CRITICAL RACE THEORY, will backfire on its Zionist Jew advocates . Some years ago the United Nations condemned ZIONISM as a form of racism. And presently BLACK LIVES MATTER groups are waving the Palestinian flag.
Way back in 1965 Black Muslim leader Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism , between racism and imperialism . And in a letter to his wife in 1953 Martin Luther King said that he was leaning toward some form of Christian socialism.
Perhaps Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer - who describes himself as APARTHEID Israel's " guardian angel " can work out a compromise between CRITICAL RACE THEORY and CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY which is bound to resonate with those pernicious " socialists " in his WOKE party .
Can you imagine racism being abolished-as if by magic- in the USA but capitalism and imperialism remain unchanged ?]
Ohio moms speak out after private school expels their children over critical race theory pushback
Presently re=reading John Updike classic " Rabbit Run "
Presently re-reading this Updike classic. Running away to get SELF-IN- SAFE PLACE can create moral chaos in your life and ruin innocent people around you.
" Look Jane , see Rabbit run. Run , run , run Rabbit ! " ... Look , look , look no more , Jane ! "
[ " During this time[ the 1950s ] Updike underwent a profound spiritual crisis. Suffering from a loss of religious faith, he began reading Søren Kierkegaard and the theologian Karl Barth. Both deeply influenced his own religious beliefs, which in turn figured prominently in his fiction.[8] Updike remained a believing Christian for the rest of his life." ]
Image: Rabbit, Run: Updike, John: 9780449911655: Books
Image: Rabbit, Run: Updike, John: 9780449911655: Books
Found on Google from
The best protection against perceived FASCISM is giving some reality to " OUR democracy ".
[ As a democratic socialist I see the more basic issue here is the FREE SPEECH, FREE THOUGHT tradition of Western Civilization. Should social media giants act like God Almighty in judging TRUTH from LIES ? RIGHT from WRONG ? Who is NAUGHTY and who is NICE ? The best protection against perceived FASCISM is giving some reality to " OUR democracy ".]
Trump says he is suing Twitter, Facebook, Google and CEOs Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Pichai
Trump says he is suing Twitter, Facebook, Google and CEOs Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Pichai
FOR PROFIT capitalist enterprise is becoming the enemy of the human race . Public school children will be instructed in foolish CRITICAL RACE THEORY but nothing will be taught about CRITICAL ECONOMIC THEORY where Karl Marx analyzed the nature of capitalist exploitation and oppression in his scientific study " DAS KAPITAL ". BLACK LIVES MATTER should know that way back in 1965 Malcolm X made a connection between racism and capitalism, between racism and imperialism . In a letter to his wife circa 1953 Martin Luther King said he was moving toward some form of Christian socialism .]
Building collapse shows town's rich, middle-class division
Building collapse shows town's rich, middle-class division
The condo tower collapse in Surfside could exacerbate the division t
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Groveling apologies preferable to being " vaporized " by the Orwellian Thought Police
[ The woman is certainly no closet KKK white supremacist . The root of seeming racial hostility is rat race competitive CAPITALISM: If THEY take our jobs or put us in the shadows , then THEY are ruining our chances for the coveted GOOD LIFE , the PLACE IN THE SUN. In a democratic socialist society no IDENTITY group would have any rational reason to hate and fear other IDENTITY groups .]
Groveling apologies are getting more and more Orwellian . I guess they are preferable to being " vaporized " by the " Thought Police ".
Rachel Nichols apologizes to Maria Taylor on ESPN after video
Rachel Nichols apologizes to Maria Taylor on ESPN after video
USA- now a miserable country of daydreaming wretches
We must not think that we have nothing in common with these bad eggs who shoot people in a moment of rage . The rat race capitalist culture puts all of us on the edge of respectable sanity. Everywhere the FOR PROFIT economic system poisons even personal relations between human beings . Indeed it ruins Marriage & Family for half the population. It turns youthful ambitions into mere daydreams. Nothing so sad as an innocent working class kid of any race or ethnicity being asked : " What do YOU want to be when you grow up ? " He wants to be an unemployed father of five children ? Or or homeless and hopeless ex-convict ? A nursing home wage slave ? But help fine, idealistic Democratic Party leaders -like Senator Chuck Schumer - perfect " OUR democracy " !]
Bloody July Fourth weekend leaves 150 fatally shot in more than 400 shootings nationwide
Bloody July Fourth weekend leaves 150 fatally shot in more than 400 shootings nationwide
Vacuous radio and TV personalities just annoy in the Bristol Fourth of July Parade
[The Bristol parade is always delightful . But egocentric radio and TV personalities are invariably annoying. On live TV or radio they compete with one another for making the most vacuous " patriotic " comments, the most stale platitudes. To be sure , one must not fail to seem NICE . But being REAL also counts for something. It cannot do without a sharp edge. Anyway " BE KIND ! " . If you are upper middle class in income, you can afford to be NICE -even to your " deplorable " working class neighbors or your drudging employees. But anyway I recommend an old essay by British philosopher Bertrand Russell : " Nice People ". It does seem that Russell's NICE People generate much nastiness in every day life.]
Historic 4th of July parade returns to Bristol
Historic 4th of July parade returns to Bristol
The cornerstone of America's longest-running Independence Day cele
Always vacuous TV-Radio celebrities hosting Bristol Fourth of July Parade
The radio and TV celebrity hosts of the Bristol Fourth of July Parade compete with one another for making the most VACUOUS comments and platitudes and empty " patriotic" blather .Less boring more ridiculous are the TV commercials .If there TRUE self is showing I could not enjoy a minute at a bar with them.
Capitalism breeds moral insanity
[Where the spirit of CAPITALISM rules you find much moral insanity and aggressive sociopathy . The sense of being one of the human community breaks down. A made in hell egotism posseses the individual soul .Then again there is the capitalist norm in more normal times: My favorite Malcolm X quote: " Show me a capitalist and I will show you a blood sucker ".]
Thousands in India given fake COVID-19 vaccines in sick scam
Thousands in India given fake COVID-19 vaccines in sick scam
Plantation slavery BAD , WAGE slavery GOOD ?
[ Republican politicians claim that the Democratic Party is promoting some sly SOCIALIST agenda. But what type of socialists have forgotten the ABCs of CLASS analysis of political conflicts? How did FREEDOM for black slaves culminate in what Karl Marx brilliantly described as capitalist WAGE slavery? Has the white working class in the USA been liberated from WAGE slavery? Freedom for WHITE men or freedom for RULING CLASS white men? Can racism disappear and exploiting, oppressive capitalism remain? WOKE politics is rapidly becoming idiotic precisely because it is NOT socialist.]
Waters cites 'voter suppression laws,' SCOTUS, George Floyd in July 4th post about equality: 'Equal to what?'
Waters cites 'voter suppression laws,' SCOTUS, George Floyd in July 4th post about equality: 'Equal to what?'
The California Democrat was highly critical of the U,S, in a Fourth of July
Saturday, July 3, 2021
World Socialist Web Site sees justice of Bill Cosby's release
[I can agree with the World Socialist Web Site where it perceives outrageous " sexual McCarthyism ". And violations of traditional democratic rights.]
The democratic issues in Bill Cosby’s release
The democratic issues in Bill Cosby’s release
On Thursday, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned the April
Yes, a FASCIST solution to the homeless epidemic in the USA
[In one sense there can only be an immediate FASCIST solution to end the homeless epidemic in the USA . By " fascist " I don't mean lurid visions of Mussolini or Hitler. I mean the existing state must rise above the plutocracy and tell it that THEY no longer have anything resembling absolute PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHT . The homeless will be told that they have no absurd civil right to be a homeless - a health risk to themselves and a HEALTH HAZARD for the public. The homeless must be rescued by the BIG BAD GOVERNMENT . If the government can not shelter them, then PRIVATE REAL ESTATE will -and THE RENT STAYS THE SAME for homeless Americans : NOTHING !
A STATE that is not " communist " or " socialist " but above the plutocracy will be an interesting PRAGMATIC experiment .]
Venice Beach violence reaches boiling point in L.A. as new viral video emerges
Venice Beach violence reaches boiling point in L.A. as new viral video emerges
A sexually liberated American prison system ?
[What is really " depraved " in the American Gulag prison system that does not recognize the HUMAN needs of prisoners. They have as much right to normal ( or DIVERSE ) sexual relations as they do to a non-toxic prison environment , fresh air , sunshine , healthy food, and outdoor exercise. And the intellectual stimulation provided by a good library and the Internet. If you want to make people KIND, help make them HAPPY!]
California correctional officer sentenced for 'depraved' sex with inmate in view of other prisoners: reports
California correctional officer sentenced for 'depraved' sex with inmate in view of other prisoners: reports
A California correctional officer has been sentenced to jail time after having sex with an inmate while she was on the job – and in front of other prisoners, according to local reports.
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