Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The venerable Boy Scouts of America are bankrupt

As an old " Star Scout " myself this is sad news . I don't understand why any long standing , STILL RESPECTED, organization like the Boy Scouts of America. should be ruined by law suits based on the absurd idea that only MONEY - a lot of it - can heal the soul . My feeling here also applies to the Catholic Church . The Mystical Body of Christ should be " crucified " for the work of Satan corrupting relatively few priests who clearly had no CALLING at all on the Rock of Peter ? Are shyster lawyers the true moral pillars of " OUR democracy " ?
There is sane moral advice for young people in both the Boy Scout Handbook and the old Baltimore Catechism . The long TRADITION .
" A scout is trustworthy , loyal, helpful , cheerful, brave , clean , and REVERENT . From the Catholic Catechism : the virtues of FAITH , HOPE , and CHARITY . " Love thy neighbor as thyself ! " " Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor " . " Do this in remembrance of me " .

Still good advice for " liberal " Democrats in need of a moral compass seemingly guided by the obnoxious New Atheism .

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