Thursday, February 27, 2020

So the SEP in power would ostracize any working class people who " still believe in a higher power "?

@g miXail  What is  your name , smear artist ?   Ron Ruggieri is my real name . I was a presidential elector for the Socialist Workers Party here in Rhode Island ( now decayed and pro-Zionist ) way back in 1980 ( along with a Ms A. Gagne ) when a younger-and more radical - Bernie Sanders was a presidential elector for this same Socialist Workers Party in Vermont .
                      An old STALINST tactic is to attribute dissenting political views to mental illness.  So the SEP in power would ostracize any working class people who " still believe in a higher power "?  No wonder these cult Marxist parties always get an official ZERO PERCENT of the vote in any " bourgeois " election. How popular can making YOUR state " officially atheist " be ?
       Perhaps David North can use his private wealth to build a " Museum of Atheism " in the United States ?  And charge admission , of course. What would Engels do ?

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