[ Yes, the liberals have interfered with free speech and it's sad to see that. There's no reason why Harvard can't let people with extreme views speak on campus. As long as they don't shout "fire!" in a crowded room then they should be allowed to speak. I don't know what's to blame for that attitude. Colleges usually have pretty liberal views and students know that so maybe that empowers them too much. Maybe it's social networks and going to Google University. Whatever the cause it's just wrong.]
    • I don't think the defense of the scientific method is an " extremist " position. The neo-liberal Democrats now personify illiberalism.
    • They have become the ideological bullies of " political correctness " that can only serve the capitalist ruling class and the social climbing petty bourgeoisie who benefit from the obsession on RACE, GENDER, and SEXUAL ORIENTATION.
    • They are playing the " more humane than thou ! " game. But they ALL support class oppression at home and imperialist war abroad.
    • They are now promoting the New McCarthyism in the United States- so evident in the arrogant and sanctimonious tone of this M-Townsend.