Inspired from youth by Albert Camus' sense of the Absurd, I try to be a voice for REASON in the growing darkness and moral insanity of global capitalism .
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
North Korean maniac president can't have nuclear weapons.... But maniac Trump can ?
What suddenly brought on the era of strategic recklessness ? Armed to
the teeth with nuclear weapons - horrendous weapons of mass
destruction, an international WAR CRIME waiting to happen - with no plan
ever to deconstruct the superstructure of nuclear war , US imperialism
arrogantly demands that threatened countries like North Korea and Iran
not even TEST long range missiles.
"But the North Korean president is a
maniac ? " you say. And President Donald Trump is not ? The Trump Junta
is on a higher moral and intellectual level than other authoritarian,
bully regimes ?
Are working class American soldiers
dedicated- in their hearts- to making the world safe for plutocracy ?
How obvious that the Democratic Party has quickly degenerated into a
neo-con War Party utterly alienated from the American working class.
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