Tuesday, April 4, 2017

On that impressive World War I monument in Providence

" During the 15-minute ceremony, Yarns read aloud a proclamation by Gov. Gina Raimondo declaring April 2017 World War I History Month. "

 Included in your public school course should be the classic anti-war novel by screen writer Dalton Trumbo of McCarthy era notoriety : " Johnny Got His Gun ". That " Wilsonian blather " that stupefies public opinion in our " democracy " is heard in the " fake news " of the mainstream news media today. Is US militarism preparing for a bloody New Crusade to " make the world safe for democracy " ?   

  [  Wilson preached the supreme value of self-determination, which he called the right of all people “to choose the sovereignty under which they shall live.” In office, though, he sent American troops to intervene in Cuba, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Russia. No other president invaded as many countries as this sworn promoter of self-determination. Like his predecessors—and successors—Wilson insisted that he was doing it for the good of the target countries. Americans would leave them alone, he promised, as soon as they learned “to elect good men.” That meant, of course, men who would place the interests of the United States above the interests of their own countries EXCERPT ).]

 A grisly mountain of bones remain behind at Verdun today -the scene of an idiotic Great War battle.

I just studied the inscriptions( on line) on this very impressive monument in Providence- dedicated in 1929 after the Great Stock Market Crash.

 The Lincoln and Emerson quotes seem out of place. But " on the Left " President Wilson has always been judged an arch hypocrite . Why these efforts to glorify the imperialist horror of the Great War ? To remake the image of Woodrow Wilson ?

 It would be easier for the image makers to reinvent our Governor Gina Raimondo -as another Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Do our Memorial Days really just honor war ?

Image result for Providence World War I memorial

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