Saturday, April 29, 2017

" Greed is Good " Barack Obama takes in $ 400,000 Wall Street speaking fee

Bernie Sanders Chides Obama for Accepting a $400,000 Wall Street Speaking Fee

Ron Ruggieri

 [The mainstream news media has CIA censors. So much for FREE SPEECH and " democracy " in our plutocracy.]

This is the same phony " socialist " Democrat who endorsed " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " for president instead of telling his supporters to vote their conscience?

 Sanders supported Hillary even after the Wiki Leaks exposure of the Hillary controlled DNC sabotaging his milk toast " political revolution ".

There is no hope for corrupt souls -even if they insist on calling themselves " progressive " friends of labor, friends of the common people.

President Barack Obama is now intoxicated with capitalist make -your- fortune opportunities. He left behind 99% of the black community and indeed 99% of multi-cultural working class Americans.

The Democrats have degenerated into a neo-con War Party.

And BOTH " progressives " Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are beating the imperialist war drums.

WE need an American Labor Party in the United States - with more militancy and backbone than the British Labor Party.

  "[ Obama’s $400,000 speeches: Unabashed. Shameless. Provocative.

29 April 2017
The two speaking fees alone put the former candidate of “change” into the top one percent of income earners in the US—in fact, one of them would almost have done the trick.] "  World Socialist Web Site

We need a revival of the BAN THE BOMB movement !

  As a democratic socialist I am appalled by the New McCarthyism HATE RUSSIA campaign in the United States - LED by the Democrats !
 The USA nuclear arsenal and the Zionist Israel nuclear arsenal are crimes against humanity waiting to happen.
 Why should other threatened nations NOT want nuclear weapons ?
 We need a revived BAN THE BOMB movement with peace marches in every major city on the planet. I send my American " working class " affection to the Russian people.

Image result for Russia prepared for US nuclear attack

A sick " ownership " society responsible for sexual violence against females

Discussion on The Brown Daily Herald 

List alleging names of sexual assaulters appears in campus bathrooms

In this era of " Sexual McCarthyism " those names should be immediately erased. A person is INNOCENT until proven guilty.

This lack of respect for women in general, this treatment of women as sex objects, is rooted in a society of " ownership ". A sick sexual possessiveness inspires violence against females and not a few murders -even of spouses.

Not for nothing modern feminism had its roots in the socialist movement of the Debsian era. You could count on these pioneer feminists to protest any capitalist/ imperialist wars ( more stupid violence ! ) Forget about the Hillary " liberals " .
Image result for Names on walls of sex assaulters on Brown Campus
Similar vigilante " defense " at Columbia University

The quagmire of Afghanistan - the Russian experience there

The Pentagon Investigates Possible Friendly Fire Deaths In Afghanistan

Ron Ruggieri
After 15 years of a dirty New Colonialism war in Afghanistan the American Empire finds the country as much a Nemesis as it was for the former Soviet Union- which invaded Afghanistan in 1980 because it did not want a " reactionary " regime on its borders.

In 1991 the Stalinist Soviet Union collapsed- replaced by a pro-capitalist regime. Capitalism has failed miserably in Russia-just as in the USA : failed for all but the economic elite.

We have forgotten the lesson of Vietnam : " The Arrogance of Power ". You do not win hearts and minds with crimes against humanity. Again we are on " The Eve of Destruction "

There is no working class support in the United States for more war led by the Trump Junta-which is hardly on a higher moral level than Vladimir Putin's Russian oligarchy.

And yet the Democratic Party leaders are cheer leading for World War III !

Fabulous wealth from the Wall St. stock market will not be enjoyed in the nuclear ashes wasteland. I recall reading the book titled " Hiroshima " in 1968 . Who will get to read " Boston " in 2020 ?

Image result for soviet invasion of afghanistan
And now another Vietnam for the US !

Friday, April 28, 2017

My precious 21 year old " transgendered " niece was a victim of a surgeon with no conscience

Caitlyn Jenner: 'There Was Always This Woman That Lived Inside Of Me'

Ron Ruggieri

 I respect your efforts at intelligent, informed dialogue here. But how can modern feminism endorse this pseudo-scientific concept of what the pioneer feminist Betty Friedan called " THE FEMININE MYSTIQUE " ?

The PHYSICAL distinction between male and female - so fundamental in NATURE - does not imply a FEMININE soul.

The mental state of a female who FEELS the inner MALE is a topic for psychiatrists - not biologists. My precious niece at the age of 21 became trans-gendered. My brother and I love her and respect her wish to be called by a more male name now.

 But we are sad to think that she is victim of venal quack American psychiatry and a surgeon with no conscience.
Image result for betty friedan feminine mystique

If my niece were REALLY a man, why prescribe MALE hormones for her ? Why mutilate her sexual organs ?

By the way, for centuries the CHRISTIAN gospel has instructed the faithful to love and care for DIFFERENT people, the " stranger " - and long before militant " identity politics."

What Radical Ron really hates is ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM

Some New England Jews, Wary Of U.S. Politics, Reclaim German Citizenship

Ron Ruggieri
I have been studying a little German lately. But not to familiarize myself with the complete speeches of Adolph Hitler. The devil , you say ?

What I really hate is ILLIBERAL LIBERALISM and phony pseudo-liberal Democrats. I love communist / socialist Jews , modest, polite gays and good Catholic women. I do not lose any sleep over what restrooms should be made available to the transgender people. Most American homes have NEUTRAL- WELCOME bathrooms.
I have a quarrel with Zionist Jews who have betrayed socialist internationalism. Read Irving Howe's book " World of Our Fathers ". Howe was a lifelong socialist with at least a CRITICAL attitude toward Zionism.

Image result for irving howe world of our fathers

Pseudo-Left hysteria toward the NRA

Trump To Be First Sitting President Since Reagan To Address NRA

An hysterical attitude toward the NRA and " gun madness " has been encouraged by the pseudo-Left. Hillary Clinton, who had no quarrel with a trillion dollar investment in upgrading the nuclear arsenal of US imperialism, was seen as the arch-enemy of the NRA.

In truth, law abiding " middle class " Americans want to " save the middle class " - threatened by the social chaos of decaying capitalism - by protecting what little- hard earned- property they possess with demonstrably effective personal weapons.

The neo-Democrat concept of gun control is to give the state and the police a monopoly on weapons.
In a SANE SOCIETY( socialist ) nobody will feel the need for the " protection " of murder weapons. Not even atomic bombs !

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thomas E. Witty , Ph.D defends Radical Ron's FREE SPEECH rights

Bertrand Russell's book [ " Bertrand Russell's America ] was all about the fraud that is " Democracy in America ". Lord Russell was a victim of FREE SPEECH enemies in the United States , especially after he established the " The International War Crimes Tribunal " investigating the dirty war in Vietnam.

          Show me a FREE THINKER at Harvard today ? The elite universities are routinely punishing non-conformity in ideology.

         And " identity politics "- ironically- violates a basic law of logic formulated by Aristotle more than 2500 years ago : A= A.

     A man = a man . A woman = a woman . The LAW OF IDENTITY.
The HE here is not a SHE !
    [ Yes, the liberals have interfered with free speech and it's sad to see that. There's no reason why Harvard can't let people with extreme views speak on campus. As long as they don't shout "fire!" in a crowded room then they should be allowed to speak. I don't know what's to blame for that attitude. Colleges usually have pretty liberal views and students know that so maybe that empowers them too much. Maybe it's social networks and going to Google University. Whatever the cause it's just wrong.]
      • I don't think the defense of the scientific method is an " extremist " position. The neo-liberal Democrats now personify illiberalism.
      • They have become the ideological bullies of " political correctness " that can only serve the capitalist ruling class and the social climbing petty bourgeoisie who benefit from the obsession on RACE, GENDER, and SEXUAL ORIENTATION.
      • They are playing the " more humane than thou ! " game. But they ALL support class oppression at home and imperialist war abroad.
      • They are now promoting the New McCarthyism in the United States- so evident in the arrogant and sanctimonious tone of this M-Townsend.

      Pseudo- Left has become an enemy of free speech and free thought in the USA

      Caitlyn Jenner: 'There Was Always This Woman That Lived Inside Of Me'

      Ron Ruggieri
      As an old democratic socialist I am quite immune to this abuse which has its roots in ruling class fear of the stability of their decaying capitalist social order. The pseudo-Left has become very much an enemy of free speech and free thought in this country. Even at elitist Harvard ! But it goes way back. Presently I am reading " Bertrand Russell's America ".

      Image result for " Bertrand Russell's America "

      Ordinary Jews have been bullied by militant Zionists

      Some New England Jews, Wary Of U.S. Politics, Reclaim German Citizenship

      Despite phony " liberal " Democrat lawyer Alan Dershowitz's book American Jews are hardly " second class citizens " in this country.
       The famous scientist Oliver Sacks made the point in his book " Uncle Tungsten " that Jews have been bullied by militant Zionists. To be sure, they are far more influential than Vladimir Putin in American politics, especially foreign policy.

      For most of the last century the best and the brightest Jewish intellectuals were radical or moderate socialists. Zionism is incompatible with socialist internationalism.

      In this new century they must rediscover their older True Faith -not state worship.

      Image result for Alan Dershowitz, Jews second class citizens ?

      Wednesday, April 26, 2017

      Even kind pious Catholics are HATERS , think the pseudo-Left ?

      The anti-working class pseudo-Left in the USA has become as intolerant of the FREE SPEECH tradition as the far right. They brand anyone who disagrees with them on any " identity politics " issue a HATER . Really even pious, devout, kindly Catholics ?
      Imagine " intellectuals " with closed minds who fear IDEAS ?

      Who meddles in our American politics more than the Israel lobby ?

      Noam Chomsky on Republicans: Has anyone ever been this committed to ending human life on Earth? 

      You must bless every war crime and unspeakable atrocity of Zionist Apartheid Israel in order that you not be judged anti-Semitic by whom ? Ordinary good natured, reasonable Jews ? Or by the notorious Israel lobby- more than Putin always meddling in our foreign policy ?

      Was Karl Marx , Leon Trotsky, Irving Howe, Howard Zinn, and Noam Chomsky himself - all anti-Zionists - also anti-Semitic , " self-hating Jews " ?

      So you declare yourself to be a CLASS enemy of the American working people ?

      Slander the Christian working class duped into supporting " Make America Great Again " crypto- fascist Donald Trump ? It seems to this democratic socialist that his Junta is directed by pro-Hillary Zionists and pro-Trump Zionists. They just made peace.

      The American nuclear arsenal and the Zionist Israel nuclear arsenal are war crimes waiting to happen
      Image result for Young Hitler in Vienna
      Well " nothing human is alien to me ".



      Ralph Nader quote of the month : " never been easier to challenge abuse of power... "

       " It has never been easier to challenge abuses of power than now, using modern technology and communication, with a pittance of available discretionary wealth on behalf of the great and crucial common good. "

      Image result for Ralph Nader quotes
      I still love Ralph Nader

      Caitlyn Jenner singing " I Feel Pretty " ?

      Caitlyn Jenner: 'There Was Always This Woman That Lived Inside Of Me'

      Champions of SCIENCE are making the news this week . Above all SCIENCE is based on objective reality , on facts and truth which exists independent of any MIND, which can be verified by tests, experiments, or at least the logic of pure mathematics. There are DNA tests for gender.

      Human society- and the science of psychology- is not obliged to take FANTASY seriously . You can sing " I feel pretty " ( West Side Story ) but that does not make you Natalie Wood.

      This is " The Culture of Narcissism " now obsessing on gender " identity " .

      My niece was just " trans-gendered " . So I know the heartbreak involved in this.

      Maria (Natalie Wood) sings at the bridal shop. FILM DESCRIPTION: Romeo and Juliet is updated to the ...

      Did not the MOAB monster bomb achieve its goal in Afghanistan ?

      US imperialism can drop all pretense of a " war on terrorism " in Afghanistan after 15 years of endless war there and war all over the Middle East.

       Can Trump inspire the American people with a Wilsonian call to make the world safe for plutocracy ?
       Did not the MOAB explosion achieve its goal in poor ruined Afghanistan : terrorizing the " terrorists " ?
       What kind of regime would even approve such a reckless war crime in its own country ?

      It is the American nuclear arsenal and the Israel nuclear arsenal that are crimes against humanity waiting to happen. Recall the chemical warfare atrocities in the Vietnam War ?

      " Agent Orange " is still killing people more than 50 years later. A completely bribed and dishonest mainstream news media -subservient to the ruling class -not the interests of the common people - hides the truth .

      " Democracy " is dead in America !

      Monday, April 24, 2017

      Only the United States has a right to nuclear weapons of mass destruction ?

      The American ruling class and its mainstream news media continue the " Hate Russia " war mongering campaign. Working class America- which has no interest in World War III or the New Colonialism - will listen with contempt to CIA lies and the " suggestions " of the Trump Junta.
       America's foolish wars always begin with the BIG LIE and Wilsonian blather ( even before Wilson... " Remember the Maine ! " ) . Nor does the FBI have much credibility in defending " democracy "at home.

               Let's make the world safe for Trump's plutocracy and THEIR " way of life " ? How are THEY on a higher moral level than Putin's Russian CAPITALIST oligarchy ?

               Only the United States has the right to nuclear weapons of mass destruction ? And recall our own chemical warfare atrocities in Vietnam ?

      Orwell's " !984 " ... " If there is hope , it lies in the proles "

      The left wing political activists have to learn to SEE and HEAR the voices of working class people - who are immune to stupefying pseudo-left deceit and CONTEMPTUOUS of their craven cowardice before the " master class ".

           George Orwell got it right in " 1984 " when he has Winton Smith scribble in his diary : " If there is hope , it lies in the proles ".

           But Winston also observed : " They lack general ideas ".
      Image result for 1984 if there is hope it lies in the proles

        French presidential candidate Melenchon belongs to the PSEUDO-LEFT

        •             "  Next time will be for Mélenchon! "
          • " The Times of Israel " describes this 65 year old Melenchon as a former Trotskyist, but the " Trotskyist " World Socialist Web Site places Melenchon- with no flattery- among the numerous " pseudo -left " in France and Europe.

            Like our own " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders they see clearly the evils of capitalism but just can't seem to break with the ruling class establishment.

            The mainstream news media in all capitalist countries view real socialists with fear and trembling.

             A hundred years ago a real militant socialist, Vladimir Lenin, led the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution as reported in American journalist John Reed's book " Ten Days That Shook the World ".

            Is there a French Lenin ready and waiting in the wings with his own " April Theses " ?

            Image result for France's Melenchon

        Like 1968 all over again presidential election puts France on the brink

        Sunday, April 23, 2017

        A 60s memory of the Brown University campus

        Letter: Printed publications empower students

        The writer is correct about the social " electricity " of PRINTED communications. I recall visiting the Brown campus circa 1970 with my very working class Washington Park neighborhood friend . He handed me pamphlets and the socialist newspaper " The Militant " back then being distributed by the Brown University Young Socialist Alliance ( YSA )

              There was also some right wing competition in hand outs : from YAF , Young Americans for Freedom ".

           My 17 year old friend, Ron Marshall, listened to a fascinating lecture ( for him a Providence factory worker) on the labor theory of value-given by a young " Trot " who afterwards drove off in a cool jaguar. Later Ron lectured me at my California Ave. home on the " History of American Trotskyism ", a book by James P. Cannon. A teaspoon of whiskey in a glass of cold water loosened his tongue.

                  CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS is very precarious at elite universities. But there should be a ferment of challenging IDEAS .

        Image result for Young Socialist Alliance , 1970
        The YSA " educated " my young friend Ron Marshall

        Real SCIENCE applied to human society would doom capitalism

        Nice to see this public support for the inherently " progressive " institution of Science. The capitalist class fears application of the scientific method to human society and to human history. This rational way of thinking would condemn our ballyhooed " way of life " which means nothing more than oppression and exploitation-and endless war- for the vast majority of human beings on the planet Earth.

        Image result for march for science boston
        March for Science in Boston

          The people need to break with BOTH the Democratic and Republican Parties ( MARCH FOR SCIENCE )

           " Please don't let these marches become "Occupy Wall Street" 2.0. Have a plan, a single goal, and single purpose. Have a demand and work toward it. Don't just say: I support Science."

            • The people need to break with BOTH the Democratic and Republican parties- which serve one ruling capitalist class agenda with minor tactical disagreements.
              War Fever - promoted by the neo-liberal Democrats - is hazardous to scientific objectivity.
              Indeed their " identity politics " arrogantly rejects objective reality - even elementary logic : A = A .
              Hint : this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution.
            • Image result for occupy wall street violence
              "Occupy Wall St. " got that right !

            The shadow government of the USA , the CIA , is planning nuclear World War III

               The Providence Journal and the mainstream news media will tone down their hostility to President Trump to the degree that he shows increasing belligerence to Russia. The shadow government of the USA, the CIA, is planning nuclear World War III .

                    Notice that none of the leading Democrats -including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren - care to focus on the issue of economic inequality lately. They are all beating the war drums.

             One hundred years after the Great War once again the world must be made safe for plutocracy - to the tune of Wilsonian blather. 

            Image result for Bertrand Russell on America

            Saturday, April 22, 2017

            Jewish intellectual Professor Howard Zinn thought Zionist Israel was a tragic big mistake

            Israeli historian talks Palestinian refugee crisis

            How many intellectual Jews embraced Marxism ? Many were persecuted in the notorious McCarthy Era in the United States. David Horowitz knows all about this . I cannot believe that they all now embrace arrogant Zionism. If ALL the honest socialists in the world cannot be " friends of Israel " - as it now exists - then Israel has a bigger public relations problem than Nazi Germany.

            I am not a " loner " here. Check out the World Socialist Web Site for a perspective on Zionism that is hardly anti-Semitic.

            Are you familiar with the work of Professor Howard Zinn ? He thought Zionist Israel was a tragic big mistake. He was also very much opposed to US imperialism as we presently see on display in Syria and in the Islamic Middle East.

            Image result for David Horowitz on Israel
            David Horowitz - former Stalinist now a rabid Zionist

            A anti-capitalist mass movement as peaceful as a herd of elephants in Africa : just don't get in way !

            I agree that the phony Hillary Democrats gave the American voters the wrong reasons to " hate " Trump. And the mainstream news media continued to smear him as a KKK type racist, a woman hater, an all round hateful bigot.

             From the perspective of working class Americans BOTH the Democrats and the Republicans are offering the nation neo-con, war mongering leadership. 

            The American ruling class has only one game plan in this era of decaying capitalism : DIVIDE AND CONQUER ! 

            By the way HATE and VIOLENCE have no place in the politics of democratic socialism . Only self-defense should justify any violence. A MASS MOVEMENT could be as peaceful as a herd of elephants in Africa- just don't get in the way !

            Image result for A charging herd of elephants
            A metaphor for a popular uprising

            Christian Zionists only disgrace the gospel of Jesus Christ

            Israeli historian talks Palestinian refugee crisis

            Arafat :
            You sound like a highly motivated INFOMERCIAL-as sincere and honest as most infomercials- for Zionist Apartheid Israel. Your numerous comments are replete with gratuitous insults at critical " liberals ".

            You must be a pro-Trump Zionist in contrast with the more popular Hillary Zionists ?

            I am something any Zionist cannot ever be : a DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST who believes in " socialist internationalism ".

            There are Christian Zionists, of course, who only disgrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are also Christian socialists- who get it.

            Friday, April 21, 2017

            World War III will truly be " war to end all wars "

            A BIG LIE is the beginning of every foolish American war ( " Remember the Maine ! " ; " weapons of mass destruction in Iraq " ) . 

            With events in Syria going his way why would Assad personally plan such a cruel and stupid war crime : a poison gas attack killing innocent people ? 

             Where is the PROOF that he and Putin collaborated in this horror show ? The CIA has no credibility with anybody on the working class Left.

            Shame on our Democratic leaders. Their party has quickly degenerated into a neo-con War Party, the kind anti-imperialist American author Mark Twain ridiculed more than a century ago.

             This silly Wilsonian blather will mark the beginning of World War III - truly " the war to end all wars."

            Image result for the war to end all wars quote
            Wilsonian blather won't go away !

            In our 2016 presidential election Tel Aviv had far more influence than Moscow

            I find it hard to believe that Russia's over-demonized Vladimir Putin had more influence in our 2016 presidential election than the Israel lobby.

             To be sure, there were pro-Trump Zionists and pro-Hillary Zionists. So THEY had no intention of being the losers .

            Hillary Clinton was THEIR favorite and the favorite of the Establishment USA: the CIA, the Pentagon, the FBI, corrupt labor unions, Wall St., the New York Times.

            Tel Aviv had more influence than Moscow !

            Death penalty is a political weapon of the ruling class

            Court Rulings Block 2 Scheduled Executions Today In Arkansas

            As a presidential candidate Hillary Clinton pretended to be oozing " more love and compassion " in contrast to the wicked KKK fan and all- round -bigot Donald Trump.

             But " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary " never raised her voice against the state death penalty. Nor ever did libertine liberal Bill Clinton.

            Why this open support of neo-liberal Democrats for the death penalty ? They need a more and more oppressive state to intimidate the working class masses. All that decaying capitalism has to offer them is reactionary attacks at home and imperialist wars abroad.

            The death penalty is a political weapon of the ruling class. But their best weapons is the mainstream news media and the BIG LIE.

            What if President Trump declared the United States a CHRISTIAN country ?

            The conscience of the world - which cannot be corrupted by the Israel lobby- knows what Zionist, apartheid Israel is all about.

            No fervent Zionist can even pretend to be a democratic socialist or a " socialist internationalist ".
            By the way, I find Saudi Arabia a far more unacceptable regime than present day Israel -which might evolve into a secular state with a Jewish majority.

            What if President Trump were to insist that the United States is a CHRISTIAN country ? ACLU would go berserk !

            And yes, there are many atheist Zionists - like the odious Ayn Rand- who despised the Palestinians as " inferior " to the Jewish settlers.

            Working class Americans do not think we have " a special relationship with Israel ". They would cut off all funds for the Zionist trouble-making state.

            The Hillary Democrats have no quarrel with the arrogant " settlements "in Palestine. Neither do the Trump Republicans.

            Thursday, April 20, 2017

            Atheist Zionists still practice vulgar state worship

            Israeli historian talks Palestinian refugee crisis

            The Old Testament insists on this: " Do not suffer a witch to live ! ". Sad to see so many well educated Jews no longer believing in God but worshiping Zionist, apartheid Israel. Is there the legal equivalent of ACLU for those oppressed and often smeared Palestinians ?

            Did working class Americans ever vote on this business of having " a special relationship with Israel " ? Why is it OK for Israel to have a Doomsday nuclear arsenal -but not Iran or North Korea ?

            Why not just organize a BAN THE BOMB movement ?

            Nasty FOX NEWS Bill O ' Reilly a victim of even nastier bourgeois feminism ?

            Bill O'Reilly Is Out At Fox News 


            Ron Ruggieri
            The Hillary Democrats are equally crafty at " duping the masses " and preparing " public opinion " for both fascism and World War III .

            Could you say this about " liberal " Bill Clinton ? [ he is a " pig "  ?  ]

            I am far to the left of Bill O' Reilly but I do note how vicious " identity politics " has become, here rising to the level of " Sexual McCarthyism ".

            In the past " not being a gentleman " could give your public reputation a definite stench. But nowadays the New Feminism demands the " career death penalty " for every petty offense.

             These same women support front line combat duty for females ? Bourgeois feminism is nasty !

            Image result for Nasty Bill O'Reilly
            Is Bill really a sex maniac ?

            Let Ann Coulter speak at UC Berkeley

            Ann Coulter Vows To Speak At UC Berkeley Despite Planned Speech Cancellation

            It is only too wise for individuals on the often powerless " far left " ( the working class left as opposed to the pseudo-left ) to respect whatever is left of the FREE SPEECH TRADITION in American " democracy ".

             To be sure, the mainstream news media is no friend of TRUTH.

            Are these antagonists of the right wing Ann Coulter so insecure in their own knowledge and convictions ?

            Image result for berkeley free speech movement
            An iconic moment of the 60s at Berkeley

            The class struggle does not advance by personal hatred !

            To be sure, class struggle politics is quite simply " collective ". It is not a matter of liking or disliking people as individuals.

             Nor does it demand any talk of violence. Organizing the working class is hard enough without inviting the chaos of uncivilized behavior.

             Of course, self defense needs no apology. Yes, " Black Lives Matter ", women must always be respected, gay people are not really that " different ".

             Not all Jews are uncritical Zionists. Many are still " international socialists " and " socialist internationalists ".

             But this embrace of common humanity needs the rational leadership that only honest socialists can provide.

            Wednesday, April 19, 2017

            Senator Elizabeth Warren still wants to " save the middle class "

            Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Call To Action: 'This Fight' Will Take Everybody

            " Progressive " voice Senator Elizabeth Warren -who endorsed with some passion " Wall St. Hillary ", " Hawk Hillary" - has no quarrel with President Trump's reckless war mongering with
            nuclear powers China and Russia, with US imperialism enforcing " The Arrogance of Power " in the Middle East .

               She does not challenge the Big Lie about Vladimir Putin sabotaging " democracy " in America. She does not challenge the Big Lie about Assad using poison gas on Syrians ( Where is the proof ? ) .

            Can Senator Warren distinguish between " saving " the American middle class , protecting their relative privilege , and being a true " friend of labor ", of organized labor ?

                      Being supported by corrupt union leaders tied to the Democratic Party does not mean that she is " saving the middle class ". This neo-con, War Party is just making the world safe for the plutocracy.

                        The Democratic Party has betrayed the American working class. It is a long way from FDR and the spirit of the New Deal. It is long way even from JFK and LBJ. They are all Hillary Democrats now -even that " socialist " Democrat Bernie Sanders.

                 And Vladimir Putin was right about " Hawk Hillary " - being the face of World War III. She lost the 2016 presidential election because WORKING CLASS voters in those critical Rust Belt states loathed the Clintons.

                      Like Hillary Clinton Senator Elizabeth Warren cannot escape from vacuous and increasingly vicious " identity politics ". The CLASS STRUGGLE cannot be racialized . Empowered women -devoted to the capitalist profit system - are useless to working class women.

            Image result for Senator Elizabeth Warren' book , Save the Middle Class

            Tuesday, April 18, 2017

            My beloved woman companion Dorene Rousseau has passed away

            My beloved friend and woman companion Dorene Rousseau of Cranston, Rhode Island, age 75, passed away on Easter weekend, Saturday, at the Hope Hospice Center on North Maine St. in Providence.
            I hope her beloved " Dottie " and " Mindy " are happy with their new home. I told Dorene then in rapidly failing health that she gave " our girls " the gift of life ".
            Dorene was a devout old fashioned Polish Roman Catholic . She will be buried in nearby St. Ann's Cemetery.
            REST IN PEACE, angel ! Funeral Mass, at St. Mary Church at 10:AM Wednesday.

            Dorene lived at the Randal Manor at 75 Mathewson, St., Cranston, Rhode Island.

            Image result for dorene rousseau
            Dorene in my apartment

            Facebook killer Stephens somehow reminded me of Albert Camus' " Absurd " play " Caligula "

            Cleveland Homicide Suspect On The Loose After Broadcasting Killing On Facebook Live: Police

            If this deranged human being , Steve Stephens-the number of his numerous " problems " include gambling losses- would try to explain himself he would probably remind some literature scholars of Albert Camus' " Caligula "-the mad Roman emperor full of existential angst after a terrible encounter with " The Absurd " : the creepy feeling that the world is " illogical and RANDOM ":

            " At any street corner the feeling of the absurd can strike any man in the face ".

            " But what is intolerable is to see one's life drained of meaning ".

            Being evicted too frequently from your home can disturb the soul. And what are LOSERS other than the victims of random CASINO JUSTICE in capitalist society.

            Image result for Steve Stephens and The Absurd
            Worthy of  a Camus play on " The Absurd "