Sunday, June 6, 1999

Clarence Thomas is " heroic " himself

Good morning PROJO . As you know most graduations speeches are

worthy of oblivion.Headline : " Clarence Thomas tells grads: Be HEROES ".

Thomas said that his heroes " couldn't read or write " but got up

every day and went to work and " believed in all that was right and just ".

But it defies the definition of the word HERO to proclaim ordinary

decent citizens " heroic ".

For me Clarence Thomas -U.S. Supreme Court Judge - rises to the

level of " hero " not just for his achievement but for his CHARACTER.

It takes courage to be an individual not dominated by the self-limiting

group think of too many Afro -Americans.

I say this even while I disagree with many of his conservative


As for the hero in general it does help to be able to read and

write.In a morally challenged environment reading will give the individual

the opportunity to at least KNOW right from wrong . And skill at writing

the opportunity to influences the benighted masses .

The Force be with you - Clarence Thomas !

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