Sunday, May 3, 1998

Professorial rubbish from Ken Starr!

 On Law Day a professorial Kenneth Starr ominously -and fatuously -

    reminds us that nobody is above the law. Remember Nixon ?

        I wonder what side of the fence Starr was on when " Watergate " was

    a burning issue. The comparison between Clinton and Nixon can only be

    taken seriously by very professorial cretins, operating with barren

    legal abstractions. In any democracy in the final analysis- democracy

    itself must be ABOVE THE LAW !

       Nixon seemed more odious to the  American public because his illegal

    acts undermined our " democracy ". All legal gibberish we read involving

    Clinton's conduct fail to strike a cord with most of us. Why ? Because

    quite simply we ask : " Where's the beef ? "

        " Whitewater " in contrast to Watergate is an utterly soporific

    " scandal ". Where are the aggrieved VICTIMS ? And what is the significance

    of a 20 year old  petty " crime " for the nation, a " crime " that would

    bore the most assiduous Certified Public Accountant ?

       Behind Mr. Starr's professorial drivel is  political animosity. He too

    is not above the law. But he is,it seems,above COMMON SENSE !

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